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Passed out forever?

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Hi all

Not sure if this is a bug or just something I'm not aware of. Last night as I was approaching Zub (I think) castle and I all of a sudden passed out. As per the image the debug monitor is showing 'any' in place of numbers. before this happened it looked normal and showed something like 10 zombies, a few head shots and no murders or bandit kills.

There weren't any zombies around, I didn't hear any shots and I didn't lose any blood. My blood is 7650 so not low enough to pass out (as far as I know). I waited for a few minutes then logged out.

I logged back in just now and its still the same. The timer doesn't seem to move at all so it doesn't seem like I'll ever wake up.

And I missing something or am I bugged out? Either way how do I solve it?



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Your fooddisplay is "black" ... i never starved to death, but maybe it happens in your case... if you give me cords i could tell you if i am near your position. Epipen is in my backpack

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Yea I thought it might be food related, I was a little low and perhaps thought I didn't notice it running out. But that shot was before logging out, upon login my food level orange so not food. Also the debug monitor is back to normal.

I don't know my exact coordinates but I just double checked and I am just south (within sight) of Rog Castle.

What server are you on Rudson?

Edited by MoNo_MaN

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I stayed logged in for about half an hour no change, however now my food icon is blinking :(

Enough for tonight, hopefully someone has an idea.

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damn your situation is quite fucked up! I am on the other side of the map, but if noone can help you i´ll do my best. I play on DE112. PM me, we could try some nightrescue. I should see you with my thermalsight and it wouldn´t be to dangerous. So send me a PM and i do what i can.

so long Rudson.

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Thanks for the offer, we'll see if we can work something out. I have a tent in my backpack that I don't want so your welcome to that if you want it. Don't think I have any thing else useful.

So have some beans!

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I had some friends try find me, they couldn't so perhaps I was bugged out and underground or something I'm not sure. Either way I starved to death and bled out :(

Thanks for all the offers of help.

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This happened to my brother. It took roughly 2 hours for it took finish.

I laughed my ass off when he finally got to the end of the timer, got up walked out of the door of the pub in elektro and got shot.

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I had some friends try find me, they couldn't so perhaps I was bugged out and underground or something I'm not sure. Either way I starved to death and bled out :(

Thanks for all the offers of help.

I think i know how to solve this (too late, oops). You need a buddy and an epi-pen. Your buddy finds your body, and selects the "drag body" button with the mouse wheel. Move over a bit and select the "drop body" button with the mouse wheel. This seems to un-glitch it and give you the option to use an epi-pen.

Not sure if that'll help anyone, but meh.

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This happened to my brother. It took roughly 2 hours for it took finish.

I laughed my ass off when he finally got to the end of the timer, got up walked out of the door of the pub in elektro and got shot.

I must've been in game for at least 2 hours, if not more and the timer didn't budge at all, it seemed absolutely stuck.

I think i know how to solve this (too late, oops). You need a buddy and an epi-pen. Your buddy finds your body, and selects the "drag body" button with the mouse wheel. Move over a bit and select the "drop body" button with the mouse wheel. This seems to un-glitch it and give you the option to use an epi-pen.

Not sure if that'll help anyone, but meh.

Our plan was an epi-pen but they couldn't manage to see me on the ground, and 2 of them were running all over the place. Unfortunately my view (of the sky) didn't help narrow down my exact location :(

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I had the same issue today, I had to get a friend to come and kill me, epipen may also work, dragging me did not.

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