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Auto Repair Krew Recruitment

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Current home is a private hive server with a legit admin along with whatever public hive servers we jump on from time to time. This may change but for now it's what we are doing to combat the battle-loggers. Our group is small and tight. We remove inactive (without reason) and casual players to keep it this way.


  • Age 21 +
  • Teamspeak Client (it's free)
  • Mic and headset
  • Ability to listen to instruction and work as a unit.
  • Take the game seriously. This is how we have "fun".
  • Regular player - 20 + hours per week.

Pm me if interested.

Edited by nacrom
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Hey folks. We could still use one or two good people.

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Nacrom, I tired PMing you, but apparently your inbox was full so I couldn't get it sent through, so I'll just post here to show my interest if thats cool? :)

Hey, just read your post on the forums, I'm looking for a good group to join :) I'm just about to nip afk for about an hour, but then I'll be good to DayZ for most of the day.

Not sure I can muster 20+ hours a week due to my job, but I can definitely get on at least once a day :)

I'm 27 and UK based.

Cheers, Rem!

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Dear Narcrom,

My name is Obvious and I'm interested in joining your group.

I may be only 17 years old, but I'm also a very silent and serious player.

I'm not the typical 17 year old who tries to draw attention, I just want to play the game in a fun but serious way.

I hope that you'll consider allowing me into your group even though I do not meet the age requirement.

Kind regards,


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Sorry about that. I cleared it out and will pm you guys back.

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