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noise correction.

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I noticed that when you fire a gun the zombies lock on you individually, not on the general location of the shot. It should be change so they'll be attracted to the location of the shot, not to the player who shot the gun.

This mean that when a one player in a group fires, the zombies that heard the shot will run to the location and lock on players at sight. It can't be true that a zombie has superman's hearing capabilities and lock on me from 100-150m when I fire a Lee Enfield. For a creature with no brains they are mighty capable and smart.

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apparently you've not seen the end of the second to last episode in season 2 of the walking dead. that was what... a single pistol shot? :)

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I think this is maybe more of a limitation of the arma 2 engine? if not, then yeah that would be nice to be able to make it an area effect noise!

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I like the idea but I would say that it should depend if the zombies are in line of site or not, basically zombies that can see you when you fire will attack and zombies behind things will just run in that general direction.

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I like the idea but I would say that it should depend if the zombies are in line of site or not, basically zombies that can see you when you fire will attack and zombies behind things will just run in that general direction.

They can hear you, but they should lock on you only when they see you, not when they hear you 100m away.

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I agree, when you fire your weapons the game should leave footprints of where you fired your weapons, so if i fired my lee enfield in cherno zombies would be running to where i fired it and not where my current location is, which could be ages away from where i fired it.

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I am the only one who thinks the footstep sound is just plain weird ? It's like your a centipede or something.

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I am the only one who thinks the footstep sound is just plain weird ? It's like your a centipede or something.

It's a bug in arma, which as we all know is buggy since day 1, can't expect a mod to fix it. About the noise you make, zombies don't hear your footsteps the same as you do, you can relay to the noise indicator for that, though it's buggy as hell.

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