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Looking for UK groups to suvive with.

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I'm looking for a group of players to survive with. I'm not looking for KoS groups. Someone with a plan/ideal would be perfect. I've got my own servers UK #500 ....[vet][gmt+1] Frag-em.co.uk :: Devgaming.net and mumble for comms.

Please post here with any clan / group details. This doesn't have to be a group with flashy websites and such (although that would be welcome too), but I am looking for a mature (20+) group. People that can tell a joke, but be serious when needed, people that are somewhat reliable too (as far as real life will allow!).

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As another note : I enjoy being based up north, if anyone would like i'd be happy to ride south to pickup (I can only carry one on the Bike tho).

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I'm quite new to DayZ, but am looking for someone to team up with.

Just a little info about me, to see if you wanna team up.

Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/LordDaem/

In game name - Lord Daem

Age - 21

Location - London, UK

Currently at - Cherno

Equipment - Revolver, Lee Enfield, Compass, Food and Drinks

Aim in Game:

In Real Life, I'm a Scout Leader and enjoy going on Survival Camps and hunting. In game, I'm looking for a bit of the same thing. Obviously survival, but I enjoy hunting animals in game.

I'm wanting to get a tent and set up camp with someone, preferably somewhere safe. I also want to get my hands on a vehicle, maybe the Toyota Hilux.

I do not KoS.

I always go into Direct chat and say "I'm friendly" and see how the player responds. I normally do this from behind them though, I don't want to say "friendly" then get shot in the face.

Add me on steam if you want, just let me know if you want to join up!

Edited by Lord Daem

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my squad of about 23 players mite b looking for a new server to call home. reading what u are after it sounds perfect. my team are not bandits and can av a laugh. our target at the mo is getting a chopper up and running we call our selfs [ESQD] Elite squad. we are also 95% english wiv 2 dutch and 1 german. so add my skype dekz09 for a chat m8

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Yea you should join us on ESQD itll be a laugh & with the team we have we could control the vehicle pop n cruise around in a helo. Sounds like bliss

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Sounds worth discussing guys... but your welcome on my server anytime regardless! I don't kick people for making the effort to get vehicles up and running. I don't actually use Skype... My options here are Mumble (preffered), Steam chat (2nd), Teamspeak or Vent.

Add http://steamcommunity.com/id/Darth269 if you use it. I may/may not be online a lot this evening, but should be on tomorrow daytime/evening also Saturday.

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Hey Darth269,

I am mature player in Surrey and play most nights. I am not in a clan right now, but I have been part of organised teams before and played on gamebattle. I am currently hiding out in the woods up north, but I have GPS so I could come out to you or meet you half way.

I will log into your server tonight too.



Edited by shinshady

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Hey Luke!

I won't be online tonight, but I'm based up north too. It'd be awesome to meet up. I'll give you a shout tomorrow night if you're about. feel free to add me on steam if you use it.

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Hey Darth269,

I am mature player in Surrey and play most nights. I am not in a clan right now, but I have been part of organised teams before and played on gamebattle. I am currently hiding out in the woods up north, but I have GPS so I could come out to you or meet you half way.

I will log into your server tonight too.



Hi Luke.

Just to let you know, after my earlier post, Darth is genuine.

He came all the way down from the north when I was in Cherno to give me a lift on his bike. Although, it took some damage, so he had to hike. We both hiked to Mogilevka where we met up and I think we were hiking for about 2 hours back towards his camp, where I needed to log off.

He's a great player, really serious about DayZ, which is what I was looking for in a partner. For example, whenever he see's a zombie, he'll "spot" it (call out over the mic where it is).

Finally...he is really good to talk too, we had a laugh today and I must say, it improved my DayZ experience a LOT having such a lovely chap to play with!

EDIT: Is it you who added me on Steam recently! If it is, I look forward to seeing you soon!

Edited by Lord Daem
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I added you on steam. Pretty new to the game can hold my own so far. Equipment is not bad, if i survive the night hehe. Look forward to gaming with you.

23 from Newcastle.

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Hey Luke!

I won't be online tonight, but I'm based up north too. It'd be awesome to meet up. I'll give you a shout tomorrow night if you're about. feel free to add me on steam if you use it.

Hi Mate,

I was on the server last night and met up with Lord Daem last night and we had a bit of adventure. I will be online again tonight, so will catch you then.



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Well same here looking for some active players to be with.. not the KOS bullshit thats goin on everywhere just survival and maybe helping survivors on the way.. Steam evilgreen (Xardorian) or my skype: Ascalonsregret (Xardorian) Am from the netherlands yet speak english ;) so anyone intrested in making a team with a few people. U can count me in :P

Edit: Age:23

Edited by Xardorian

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Hi Mate,

I was on the server last night and met up with Lord Daem last night and we had a bit of adventure. I will be online again tonight, so will catch you then.



Yeah, it was quite good fun! I got killed by zombies after falling down a cliff, but managed to get an airlift from someone to the NW airfield and find a winchester as well.

If I remember correctly, I left Luke in Solnichiniy, I'm gonna try and find a chopper and then go get him, although I may have to settle for a car...or foot!

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Darth, join us! http://tnrclan.com/

We have a mumble, obviously a website, and our own DayZ server.

Thank you UGG, but i'm looking for people/CLANS that would like to use MY server. I honestly appreciate the invite! and should anything change with my own server I'd be honored to give you a shout...

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I'm glad to see that I've gotten a couple of people in touch by my thread.

I know it's tough trying to decide whether or not someone is trustworthy based off a short piece of text on a forum.

Here's my philosophy (and I know nobody asked... but it's my thread... shoot me. Well, don't actually shoot me.. but... oh crap you know what i mean)..

If you play DayZ, your gonna die.

If you wanna meet up with other people, you MAY die.

So whats different? You may die at the next town you try to solo. Or the next barn you go into, or the the next field you run over.

This doesn't mean you just blindly go forth shouting "HEY HERE I AM!" but hell, with a little common sense, take a risk now and then, the whole game is a risk, so you're actually not doing anything different.

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Ahhhh, yeah.... so i'm pretty banged up, no blood, got a blood pack, i'm near Pustoshka if anyone can help, I actually need a bandage and a transfusion, but i'm so low on blood I can't walk to far for fear of passing out...., CAN YOU BELIEVE I DON'T HAVE A BANDAGE!

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All sorted now. Hooked up with Lord Daem and Jimde1, good guys. Looking forward to speaking with xX Dekz xX

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