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It was nice knowing you - I think we cannot stop you. Curiosity wins.

Rest in Peace. Green Mountain will never let you go. :o

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That Mountain

It is said that anyone who is so foolish as to speak of That Mountain by name should be immediately shot in the leg by his comrades, insuring that he/she will no longer be able to follow them. Such reckless defiance of the powers of That Mountain makes you a marked man (or woman) - you will die from it's curse, the only question is...when. I too was once so bold as to address that heaven forsaken mound of dirt by its proper name, had i known at the time what kind of demonic nightmare that it would bring upon myself and my travelling partner however, I would have immediately humbled myself and never dared to speak of...that mountain.

I had just logged in after reading on these very forums about a strange and mysterious place where the inexplicable becomes the norm.... that mountain. Fortune seemed to be with me this night (or so I thought), upon logging in I was greeted by the well-lit nightscape of Chernarus - perfect travel conditions. I do a quick supply check before embarking on my ill-advised journey. I've got food and water to spare, a bloodbag, painkillers, but sadly I've run out of morphine (Apparently most of Chernarus's citizens were masters of karate before their infection, being able to snap my bones with a single strike...). I check my map to see which direction I needed to travel. Someone had been so kind as to place a marker exactly on top of my destination, reading "Abandon hope all ye who enter here". Naturally, this just fueled my desire for exploration.

My lack of morphine was a pressing concern though, so i make a stop in Starry, hoping to raid the military tents for weapons and meds. I was lucky enough to replace my dinner bell (Lee Enfield) with an M4 CCO, and also acquired a G17 to replace my not-so-trusty revolver. On top of that, there was a Coyote Backpack in the final tent, the Gods were truly smiling on me this night I began to think. Little did I know however, that it was that mountain simply toying with me, setting me up for my inevitable fall. I had spoken its name and had to be punished, such is the way of the world.

Just before I departed Starry's supermarket (still no morphine, sigh) one of my squad members logs in. I tell him of my grand plan to defy fate and set foot in forbidden territory. It just so happens that he (We'll call him "Hairy" to make the story-telling easier) was relatively close to me and decided to take part in this journey. After about 10 minutes of waiting we finally link up and set off towards our objective.The only solid piece of information we can find on the area is that upon arrival, a very large amount of military zombies will be guarding the complex. We've been travelling for quite some time when Hairy queues up on voice coms and asks, "Hey, is that it? Is it..." That Mountain. Little did he know, Hairy had just commited the same unforgivable sin that had already sealed my fate not even one hour ago. So there we stood, two marked men, fates now intertwined, staring at the top of that infernal tower. It stared back, taunting us to brave our way into the forest...into its domain.

When we arrived, we were not disappointed by the information we had read on the zombie presence. Pouring out of the gate was a stream of 15-20 zombies, a pretty disproportionate amount considering the relatively small size of the complex.Luckily, we had come prepared. Using the last of my smoke grenades, i gathered up the the unit of military zombies - they were drawn to it like moths to a flame. The bait had been placed, the trap was set, and it was time for some fireworks. Using an M67 frag grenade that i had...borrowed from a dead survivor earlier in the day, I turned what was once a mosh-pit of shambling horrors, into a spectacular display of flying body parts. The explosion was so powerful that it knocked my character's sights upward.

We triumphantly passed through the gates, remarking to eachother that "It's too late to go back now", unaware that our fates had been decided long ago. Since I was the one that began this ill-fated journey, I was the one to scale the tower while Hairy stood guard inside the base. Reaching the top of the ladder I'm greeted by a pair of zombies - strange that they're up on the tower, but whatever, I dispatch them with ease. I take a good long look around the external catwalk of the tower, but I fail to see anything mind-shattering. "Great, I've just been trolled" I thought as I was looking over the edge of the tower. A bit disappointed I start making my way back to the door to leave the tower. Then I hear something unexpected, a sort of moaning - but not the kind you hear from the shambling dead that you'd encounter below...in normal places. This sounded more like an injured survivor, you know, like the sounds that an incapacitated player occasionally makes. This concerns me, so i ask "Hairy, is everything alright down there? You haven't passed out or something have you?". He replies that he's perfectly fine, although a bit bored. I can still hear the moaning, but it sound like it's getting closer. I find myself switching my M4 to automatic just out of what I assume was a slight sense of fear. "Can't you hear this moaning dude? Do you have SFX off?". This time he sounds a bit irritated, replying "No, I honestly don't hear anything, can we please leave now? This was a bust"

That was one thing we could agree on, other than this inexplicable moaning (Alpha is Alpha, it was probably an audio bug...right?) I make my way around the catwalk and enter the doorway....and stop dead in my tracks. Directly in front of me, between myself and the ladder, is a semi-transparent figure that's slowly walking in my direction. Pointing my sights at the figure returns a tag, "Unknown - " is all i get to read before the quiet moan erupts into the screams of agony (Like the ones you get when a player is being eaten alive by zombies). Two things happened in the next 2 seconds.

1. I treaded the dangerous line between a clean pair of underwear, and completely shatting my pants

2. I emptied my M4 clip into (or more likely, around and all over the hallway) the strange figure

My rounds have seemingly no effect on this mysterious apparition, it continues its advance towards me, A now frantic Hairy comes onto voice-chat asking "Dude wtf is going on up there? Did someone ghost up there and log on you????" All I'm able to muster up is "No, it's a real F#$%ing ghost!". I retreat out of the hall and back onto the cat-walk. I contemplate trying to jump and ending this experience right now, or waiting it out to fight round two with what I can only assume is an angry spirit. I spend the next ten seconds, an eternity at the time, staring at the doorway and waiting for my assailant to show himself. Hairy breaks the silence, "Cmon dude stop screwing with me, you're just mad that you dragged us both out here for nothing. Stop trying to pull a fast one on me and let's get out of here". I'm a little bit offended at this point, but still a great deal more scared so I reply with, "F$%^ you dude, I know what i saw, watch the ladder it could be headed for you". "Yea yea whatever, get down here and let's move on, I'm almost starving and I didn't bring food" is his response. Another eternity passes (5 seconds) and I decide against my better judgement to brave another look down the hall.

Using third person (because I'm a pussy, deal with it) I take a look around the corner. I can clearly see bullet holes on the sides of the walls, no doubt left by my M4.... but no mysterious figure, I slowly creep down the hallway to the ladder, and notice that there's only bullet markings on the sides of the walls, but none at the end. Maybe I'm just a terrible shot, whatever. The moaning has stopped and that's good enough for me, I double time it down the ladder and we both leave the complex's walls. I still don't know what to think about what just happened, did I really see something, or did I just see what I WANTED to see? Hairy still doesn't believe me, but whatever, what matters is we escaped with our lives right?...


My leg snaps, just like that, "Hairy, give me some morphine. I must have been running down the hill too fast". "You're the medic, not me genius, I'm still holding Sneaky's (another squad member's) 870, I didn't have room for meds" is all he says to me. Screw it, I just don't want to be here anymore - I start crawling, "Wait wait wait, I'll go back and check the military zombies and see if they dropped any, just sit tight. Despite my pleading to stay and continue down the mountain, he went back. I'm now all alone in the dark woods of that mountain, the radio tower is still visible through the trees...laughing at me. "Dude please just come back and I'll crawl down the mountain, I don't mind", another plea falls on deaf ears. There's not much I can really do at this point, so i walk over to the kitchen and make a Captain and Coke while I wait on Hairy.

I return to the screen, greeted by an hourglass - I had passed out. I thought I had had a high enough blood level, but apparently not. Anyway Alpha is Alpha so I just go with it. This is a longer than normal hourglass though, it's taking quiet a while. Maybe I had de-sync'd and the server put me into the infamous five-minute alt-F4 coma. I patiently sit and sip my drink while I wait.Hairy reports that there's no morphine on any of the bodies and that he's headed back. The brightly lit night sky that greeted me on login was long gone, it's now 2:45 server time and almost pitch dark. "I'll pop a flare when I wake up so you can find me better Hairy". "Na, that's OK I think I see you" he replies.

Shortly after that my body starts to be dragged, I assume hairy has found me and is bringing me down the mountain. "So it looks like you can drag people in DayZ like you can in base Arma II, huh?". No response. Whatever, I just enjoy the ride. After about two or three minutes of being dragged like a useless sack of potatoes, my hourglass has almost expired and we come to a stop. "So where are we at now? Maybe there's a town close by with some residential to raid for meds?" Still no reply.

"Dude are you there?" Silence. Suddenly a bright green light ignites the night sky - an M203 flare round illuminates the surrounding area with an eerie green glow, like a cosmic candle descending from the heavens. I can now see a bit of my surroundings, there's a building with a few dead soldier bodies laying around. What is this place? How far did we travel? My hourglass is empty, I should be regaining control over my character in the next few seconds. All of a sudden a nameplate appears...Unknown.

I hear the sound of footsteps, and the ohh-too-familiar sound of a downed survivor moaning. There's no color left in my hourglass, the time is now - I begin to move. The flare has almost hit the ground now, I've got to do something and I've got to do it now, I spin around and look for a tree-line to crawl into. Then I see it, and I'll never forget it either. It's the radio tower...not 10 meters away from me. I haven't been brought to safety at all... I've been brought right back to the summit of....that mountain. The sound of footsteps is getting closer, my heart is racing. The moaning is getting louder...louder...closer... I don't want to be here anymore. The moaning stops for a second, and is then replaced by a loud agonizing scream. This is it, I'm done for, I turn and fire a few shots in the direction of the sound, but nothing connects. Then the sound of a shotgun blast erupts next to me, my blood is reduced to 1,200. I turn and face my attacker....

It's the transparent figure, standing over my body and staring.I empty my clip of M4 into his chest, but it doesn't even phase him. Soon my attempts to fire my weapon are met with the tell-tale CLICK CLICK CLICK sound that every survivor should rightfully fear - I'm out of ammo. The figure just laughs at me, and then in a demonic and raspy voice shouts, "MY CHILDREN, FEAST!!!"


A smoke grenade appears next to me, and the figure vanishes into thin air, the green flare is finally extinguished, and all I can hear is the sound of a horde of angry zombies headed right to me, Using my G17 I back myself up to a wall and attempt to fend off the slew of zombies that are now intent on ending my life. Zombies begin to fall before me, my shots are hitting their mark. I might just make it out of this one after all.


The zombies proceed to slowly end my existence, the last thing I manage to see is a red flare pierce the night sky. This story doesn't end here though. As I'm staring at my death screen, over voice chat I hear "Sorry, I'm back, did I miss anything?" Hairy had been AFK the whole time. As calm as I possibly can, I tell him "Dude, I'm dead, PLEASE just leave and don't come back".

"Alright, I'll meet you in Elektro then, I've still got to grab some food since I can't get any from you apparently... Wait, wtf is this?


Hairy dies, broken and alone on the side of that mountain from starvation, because his leg was also inexplicably broken while he tried to escape his fate.

This is why we don't go to that mountain, in fact I'm pretty sure just from telling this story I've put my new character's life in mortal danger. In that place, the unexplained becomes the normal, the unthinkable becomes a reality. We don't go to that mountain, we don't talk about that mountain, and if you dare speak the name of that mountain, may God have mercy on you and those unfortunate enough to call you a companion.

Edited by The Sad Panda
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First trip to Green Mountain. Found and drank a can of Mountain Dew on the way. I didn't know it at the time, but I was damned twice. Made it in, witnessed what needed to be witnessed, and was leaving through the gate, across the road and into the trees ..... when I died. Never heard a shot.

Second trip to Green Mountain. 3 of us found and were repairing the jeep. There were only 5 people on the server. Encountered my first invisible, teleporting, script kiddie. All 3 of us died.

Another friend was near Green Mountain ... spotted a chopper flying around the radio tower, it lost control for no visible reason and flew straight into the tower. 2 players died.

Not a nice place.

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This is why we don't go to that mountain, in fact I'm pretty sure just from telling this story I've put my new character's life in mortal danger. In that place, the unexplained becomes the normal, the unthinkable becomes a reality. We don't go to that mountain, we don't talk about that mountain, and if you dare speak the name of that mountain, may God have mercy on you and those unfortunate enough to call you a companion.

Did anybody else think of House of Leaves when they read this?

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You have a picture of one of those... things?! My god, burn it! Burn it with fire! Before they find you!

They seem to leave me be, after all they know my time is coming to an end, since I went to the Dark Tower.

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There can spawn a ATV and a UAZ, also there is a military lootspawn in the military building. Nothing else really. The big radio tower has one industrial lootspawn.

Where is that military loot spawn? How does one enter the military building? I can't enter it but zombies seem to come out of that building. (Atleast at daylight, from what I've experienced.)

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Where is that military loot spawn? How does one enter the military building? I can't enter it but zombies seem to come out of that building. (Atleast at daylight, from what I've experienced.)

Beans and i'll tell you :D

Edited by Flexho
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There's your beans. Where is it? :P

There is a bugged/glitched spawn place in the "shed/garage/outhouse" on the side of the military building. Go in there and *Shift* crouch around the wall, looking down and then just hit scroll a few times, then you will see that there is actualy loot down undet the earth/ground around there. It maybe be some shitty loot, it may also contain a GPS.. who knows. The thing is, not many now that spawn due to it's hidden.

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There is a bugged/glitched spawn place in the "shed/garage/outhouse" on the side of the military building. Go in there and *Shift* crouch around the wall, looking down and then just hit scroll a few times, then you will see that there is actualy loot down undet the earth/ground around there. It maybe be some shitty loot, it may also contain a GPS.. who knows. The thing is, not many now that spawn due to it's hidden.

Thanks i'll check it out soon.

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Also I have been to Neerg Mountain just now on a night server, 7 minutes before midnight. I've stayed there until just past midnight and nothing remarkable happened despite the fact of hordes of zombies appearing out of nowhere. When I just killed them they just reappeared as if they just left the building. They walk in a line and leave the compound and seem to get aggro'd easily.

But besides that there's nothing remarkable there. Am I doing something wrong or am I missing something? Haven't I been there for long enough or haven't I been looking good enough? Someone please tell me!

[/url[/media Edited by The Alphabeat.

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This isn't a horror game. It's a zombie game with a shit engine :D The only thing that might be creepy in this game, is the ingame music if you turn it up.

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This isn't a horror game. It's a zombie game with a shit engine :D The only thing that might be creepy in this game, is the ingame music if you turn it up.

Yet it is a very interesting subject.

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Honestly, most people never find anything when they go there. That's partially why people like me keep going on about it, because it's funny.

But sometimes strange things DO happen there. Usually because of a hacker or just other players knowing about the place and deliberately setting things up. Who knows though, maybe there really is something more sinister about that place though.... ;)

Edited by Professional N00b

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Honestly, most people never find anything when they go there. That's partially why people like me keep going on about it, because it's funny.

But sometimes strange things DO happen there. Usually because of a hacker or just other players knowing about the place and deliberately setting things up. Who knows though, maybe there really is something more sinister about that place though.... ;)

Yet how come so many people are talking about it like it's real? Just because of the fun?

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Yet how come so many people are talking about it like it's real? Just because of the fun?

To appease the angry spirits of ... that place, and lure more reckless explorers there to serve as sacrifices. That's the only logical explanation

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Yet how come so many people are talking about it like it's real? Just because of the fun?

Because this game is like no other, and when you play in the sandbox, you have fun your way. :)

Call the real reason this stuff happens a hackers paradise, glitchy audio files, game bugs...whatever...It's more fun to use your imagination in a game like this and make your own stories out of what happens to you. IMO, it makes this game 100x better.

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Because this game is like no other, and when you play in the sandbox, you have fun your way. :)

Call the real reason this stuff happens a hackers paradise, glitchy audio files, game bugs...whatever...It's more fun to use your imagination in a game like this and make your own stories out of what happens to you. IMO, it makes this game 100x better.

Yeah definitely!

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No, I've been there. The Mountain tried to warn me. I didn't listen. The horde of Military Zombies had my AK ammo decimated. I couldn't even make it in to the tower. The horde kept me away. After they broke my leg and knocked me out I woke up to the zombies being gone. I took it as a sign and left. Only to be randomly killed in a field by nothing. Just dead. You can't escape once there. The Mountain will always have you by then.

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The myth is if you bring a Mountain Dew for sacrifice you'll obtain 3 items of your choice. Even if the items aren't in DayZ, but in Arma II/Arrowhead.

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There's multiple different rumors out there right now, some of them mostly true too.

Such as the "ghost gunner" or the.. "man" who sings with a little girls voice and hunts you with an axe, even across multiple servers.

And some things...... some things are just too horrible to speak of.

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