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Dropping low ammo crossbow for noisemaker.

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So I've had this dilemma in the past and I wanted to get other opinions...

There's been a couple times where I've come across the compound crossbow with 1-2 bolts. Despite it being as silent as you can get, I only fire them unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. But there have been times where I've come across another primary weapon with more ammo (a Winchester, say) and decided to keep the crossbow under the hopes I'll find more ammo.

What would you guys do? Dump the silent weapon for the one with more ammo or keep the silent weapon in hopes that you'll get more ammo for it?

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Unless you team up with somebody, I would advise against having the crossbow as your primary. You can deal with zombies easily with a pistol but when it comes to a bandit or an aggressive survivor, you might be in trouble.

Now if you team up with someone and one of you guys main a crossbow, it works wonders.

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I had this problem. Had 4 bolts for a crossbow and came across an enfield with 4 mags.

I miss that crossbow.

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I had this problem. Had 4 bolts for a crossbow and came across an enfield with 4 mags.

I miss that crossbow.

With the lee, i'm not surprised.

Fire one shot and every zombie within a click of you comes for dinner.

Fire one in cherno, go on. Try it. Its hilarious.

I ended up using the xbow for a bit when between rifles, liked what it represented, disliked how much space for ammo it needed.

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Guest ragequitalready


Edited by ragequitalready

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Unless I have three other friends raiding a town together, I use crossbow with 6 arrows when I am raiding a town alone. Most of the time I fire crossbow when a zombie coming too close or staying at the doorway. Until I found M9SD or MP5SD, I stop using crossbow.


Did you know that you can reuse the arrow after killing a zombie? Simply move close to the dead zombie(Wait, they are dead already...) and aim at the arrow. You will see the action "Take Steel bolt". Perform the action and done!

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I pick up a xbow when I'm running with my group. Typically we carry AKM, CZ an M16/M4 or if military isn't available a winnie and myself with the bow. I find it very useful especially for taking out players or zombies in cities when firing a proper gun is simply not an option. Typically I'll keep lookout at a nearby building or tower and watch over our loot raids and hospital raids.

If I'm by myself I'll take a winnie or cz over it anyday, mostly because of ammo conservation. It's retarded that my backpack can only theoretically carry 12 bolts. My pocket can fit 12 bolts. -.-

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Really no use for the crossbow, due to the ammo taking up space. It's barely better than nothing.

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The benefit of the crossbow is that it never puts fellow players on alert, and there's no consequence for shooting zombies. Once you get good at the crossbow, you only need about 3 bolts to loot a town, and you'll probably recover 2 of those. You don't need medical equipment, steaks, or extra secondary ammo because zombies will never spawn in the quantities that will ever become a threat, so of course you'll always have enough space in your pack for everything you don't need. You're more likely to spot bandits before they spot you, since you'll be deep in the middle of town with a bunch of non-aggroed zombies, and they'll have to shoot some just to clear the way to a spot where they can actually have a chance of seeing you. You don't know how much you rely on sound to be aware of people until they stop making it.

The crossbow shows just how flawed the zombie threat is right now and how much more intricate the zombie aggression system needs to be for it not to be gamed to high heaven.

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I've sniped a guy with the crossbow from about 500m but in general it's not a very good weapon. The Makarov and 1911 are both quiet enough to not attract an entire town of zombies.

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The crossbow is a true stealth masters weapon.. I engaged two bandits with my crossbow and neither of them knew what was happening as they paniced, went prone, rolled around, then got up and ran.. and then died after alerting zeds and bleeding out.

Some will say it sucks, they don't have patience.

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