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Oh you can ban me if you really want, I won't be returning unless I see another thread on here that peaks my interest about your server, I usually just skim read this forum looking for targets, I don't just go for servers where the complainant has posted up the coords of the camp, I look for threads that peak my interest, I prefer to go for servers whose admins ban people for finding camps. Which is how I choose yours, regardless of whether or not you thought the ban was justified, if the ban kindof happens about the same time of a camp discovery thats when I choose to go

Well they weren't banned for finding our camp. They were banned because three of their clan members appeared to teleport several grids to attack our camp.

Neither was the last guy who outed one of our camps....he was banned for combat logging, his two friends were not banned. And they also weren't on this forum whining about his ban either.

Two people found the camp last night, before all this crap went down. They weren't banned for finding the camp. They were shot at as they were taking shots at people in the camp. They got flanked and out positioned by several of us that rushed back to help out the over watch group, and they logged in combat after we started throwing bullets at them from two directions. Then they were banned.

A guy earlier that day found the camp, he came in, took some shots at the people there, died...he didn't get banned....why? Cause he played it straight.

We broke a guys leg last night, for taking a shot at us, and carted him around as a prisoner for an hour before he finally logged out....we didn't ban him cause least he tried to play it straight, he even tried to barter for his freedom and escape a few times. It was kinda cool.

I'm not going to ban you, cause you didn't break the rules. People who don't break the rules don't get banned. Simple as that.

I notice Shaun of the Bread has had nothing to say now since posting this post, his purpose has been served and him and his clan can go do whatever they want to do somewhere else. They ruined our clans server, and you decided to be their instrument. And they don't give a fuck about true "justice" or even trying to work out the dispute...they got what they wanted.

And since they have nothing to say and have shown no interest in mature mediation of the situation, I consider the issue resolved. The bans will stand based on our assessment of the logs. And everyone can get on with their lives.

Have a nice day.

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Look for yourself. Its all right there. We restart twice a day, once in the morning, once in the evening. This is hardly out of the ordinary.

There are a few restarts that show in the record that are close together, these are generally when we're bringing down the server due to a massive hack, then bringing it back up about an hour later after the dust clears and the logs have been analyzed.

You're looking at a bunch of sandbags and barbed wire and calling us outright cheaters in every way dude. This is hardly the case. Duping happens without even attempting to dupe things. And as the list shows there, we do NOT restart the server over and over to dupe tent contents.

Sorry to butt in like this but I have to ask, did you not examine the Monitor logs yourself before posting the above? Because, holy shit are you kidding? Most of the restarts happen only a few minutes away from eachother. Is it really your contention that you do NOT restart the server over and over to dupe? Because, again, holy shit are you kidding?

That monitor log shows blatant restarting of the server for dupe purposes. And you have the audacity to accuse others of cheating?

Edited by Ped

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If you're just looking at 8/13, someone used the script to get our RCon password and after a mass rabbiting and a nuke on Cherno, they restarted the server several times.

<21:27:30> "Corpse": mass rabiting at at around 10:22pm est, there was someone logged as admin and banned him Grant was name

<21:27:39> "Corpse": need to change password again

We changed the RCon pass since then but thats only good til the next guy does it.

Again, I appreciate your assessment of the matter but look at the normal average of the list, its two restarts a day, three max, unless situations are out of our control RE: script hackers. Then there will be a day with multiple server drops and stops.

Apparently after we restarted the server after changing the RCon password, the server did not fully come back up and no one could connect, so...we restarted it one more time.

Simple advice is, a restart log doesn't tell the entire story of why the restarts were necessary. The restarts back in early July hardly say "Hive data load failure", the restarts from 8/13 hardly say "Illegitimate Restart from Server Control interface by unauthorized party."

But I get it, Server admins are guilty, there is no proving our innocence whatsoever and all I can try to do is explain whats going on, and you can choose if you feel its a reasonable explanation or choose to completely reject it and feel however you want. If you feel we're "restarting the server" for the purposes of duping and you feel that is a violation of the rules (its not, btw, but we still don't do it, there is no rule that says we can't restart our server at any time), I appreciate your feelings on the matter. I just wish you were more willing to examine the logs from the perspective of a server admin that may have completely legitimate reasons, or illegtimate situations forcing multiple restarts in a day.

The burden of proof is all on me and my co-admins here, and people can just spin whatever story they want to spin...which is somewhat unfortunate, as I've had several of our regulars that read the forums PM me about what a travesty this situation is and that they hope we don't shut the server down over it.

Also I'd like to ask that if we're restarting the server to mass dupe crap, why am I scrounging around a major city right now trying to find compasses and maps for some of our distributed camps so people coming off the beach can get a few critical tools of survival on their way deeper into Chernarus. Oh and those camps that I'm trying to find stock for? Plenty of our regulars that aren't in our clan have found them...used them, and we continue to restock them, regardless.

I mean I have a compass and a map in my inventory right now. If duping was our thing....why bother going to search for shit? Why do we have a bus in a major city raiding a medical facility for supplies right now? Why would we bother doing any of this stuff if we were just like, F-it we have one item, lets dupe it a million times by restarting the server over and over.

Sartre could not have been more correct when he said "Hell is other people." Today has demonstrated that beyond any believable doubt.

Edited by semipr0

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Seems in the restart process some of the vehicles that were destroyed today were repopulated by the Hive to their locations.

We have requested an instance ID wipe for US 401. I don't want those vehicles...they were destroyed.

I don't want all the crap on our server (not all of it is ours).

We're wiping the whole thing clean and starting over, Sorry to any of our regulars with camps. If you have anything you want to save I suggest you get it out of your tents now, I assume it will take around 24 to 72 hours for our instance ID wipe request to be granted.

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Just a quick check :)

2012-08-01 01:51:43 Restarted

2012-08-01 01:49:21 Restarted

2012-08-01 01:45:23 Restarted

2012-08-01 01:41:23 Restarted

2012-08-01 01:31:56 Restarted

2012-08-01 01:30:19 Restarted

2012-08-01 01:20:37 Restarted

2012-08-13 04:38:28 Restarted

2012-08-13 04:31:41 Restarted

2012-08-13 04:22:59 Restarted

2012-08-13 04:21:23 Restarted

2012-08-13 04:18:48 Restarted

2012-08-13 04:16:25 Restarted

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Just a quick check :)

2012-08-01 01:51:43 Restarted

2012-08-01 01:49:21 Restarted

2012-08-01 01:45:23 Restarted

2012-08-01 01:41:23 Restarted

2012-08-01 01:31:56 Restarted

2012-08-01 01:30:19 Restarted

2012-08-01 01:20:37 Restarted

2012-08-13 04:38:28 Restarted

2012-08-13 04:31:41 Restarted

2012-08-13 04:22:59 Restarted

2012-08-13 04:21:23 Restarted

2012-08-13 04:18:48 Restarted

2012-08-13 04:16:25 Restarted

Gee what about all the days between the 13th and the 1st where we only restarted twice a day? What about the three or four explanations I've put forward that specifically state we do have days where we restart the server more than twice a day due to hack attacks?

2012-08-12 11:19:59 Restarted

2012-08-12 01:54:42 Restarted

2012-08-11 04:20:44 Name changed


DayZ - US 401 (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95417) [REGULAR][] dayzmod.com - Hosted By Nonospot | dayzhosting.com


DayZ - US 401 (v1.7.2.5/Beta 95417) [REGULAR][] dayzmod.com - Hosted By Nonospot | dayzhosting.com

2012-08-11 04:20:44 Restarted

2012-08-10 23:46:10 Restarted

2012-08-10 22:08:16 Restarted

2012-08-10 07:11:18 Restarted

Just a "quick check" of a few of the days you decided to ignore. Guess we weren't duping shit those days eh?

Who cares right? Who cares what the truth is. Lets try to divert the attention from the fact that we caught a clan using teleport hacks by pointing at a bunch of unrelated bullshit to make the server admins look like they're potentially criminal for having restarted their server.

If you think we're restarting to dupe. Well you have no idea what administering a server requires at times. And...whats more, if we're restarting to dupe...why are we requesting to have everything on the server deleted?

Your assumptions don't play well along with the obvious reality of what we're doing. So kindly go fuck yourself okay? I've been just about as courteous and reasonable as I can be over the last couple days, and I'm getting close to the end of my capability to tolerate 4chan idiocy from people that just registered the other day and seem to be experts on server corruption.

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I'm not a "4channer" and my forum account is more than a day old.

I just thought it was funny you say "server only restarts twice a day" and going back only a couple days shows multiple restarts a day.

Also requesting that a server be wiped doesn't really prove any innocents in duping. I'm not saying you dupe, or do I really care since I personally don't care about item inflation on the mod.

I'm just here because the thread is interesting.

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Well they weren't banned for finding our camp. They were banned because three of their clan members appeared to teleport several grids to attack our camp.

Neither was the last guy who outed one of our camps....he was banned for combat logging, his two friends were not banned. And they also weren't on this forum whining about his ban either.

Two people found the camp last night, before all this crap went down. They weren't banned for finding the camp. They were shot at as they were taking shots at people in the camp. They got flanked and out positioned by several of us that rushed back to help out the over watch group, and they logged in combat after we started throwing bullets at them from two directions. Then they were banned.

A guy earlier that day found the camp, he came in, took some shots at the people there, died...he didn't get banned....why? Cause he played it straight.

We broke a guys leg last night, for taking a shot at us, and carted him around as a prisoner for an hour before he finally logged out....we didn't ban him cause least he tried to play it straight, he even tried to barter for his freedom and escape a few times. It was kinda cool.

I'm not going to ban you, cause you didn't break the rules. People who don't break the rules don't get banned. Simple as that.

I notice Shaun of the Bread has had nothing to say now since posting this post, his purpose has been served and him and his clan can go do whatever they want to do somewhere else. They ruined our clans server, and you decided to be their instrument. And they don't give a fuck about true "justice" or even trying to work out the dispute...they got what they wanted.

And since they have nothing to say and have shown no interest in mature mediation of the situation, I consider the issue resolved. The bans will stand based on our assessment of the logs. And everyone can get on with their lives.

Have a nice day.

I didn't respond because I have been relatively busy for the past few days (2-day bible study retreat). I did not nor did anyone else in my guild combat log. I don't know about the teleporting, since we make it very clear before a person joins that hackers are not welcome in the guild whatsoever, but I will begin a formal investigation as soon as possible because I don't want to tarnish our guild with hackers and cheaters.

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I didn't respond because I have been relatively busy for the past few days (2-day bible study retreat). I did not nor did anyone else in my guild combat log. I don't know about the teleporting, since we make it very clear before a person joins that hackers are not welcome in the guild whatsoever, but I will begin a formal investigation as soon as possible because I don't want to tarnish our guild with hackers and cheaters.

Just as an aside - You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs

Ghosting is a term this community uses to describe a player who logs to another server to move or bypass safely on this other server, then relog into the original server and do whatever it is you originally couldn't do without server hoping. It is an exploit of the game. Also, you clearly used it to be a disruptive. All of this you freely admit to.

I would argue the Admin is in the right to ban you. By removing yourself from the server and ghosting into a better position, you very obviously exploited game mechanics to your advantage. This shouldn't be acceptable.

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I assume you read the rules where it states that meta-gaming is not a ban offense. That's the first time we logged into the server and nobody ever ghosted afterwards. Banning to protect your camps is against server hosting rules.

God bless.

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Just as an aside - You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs

I assume you read the rules where it states that meta-gaming is not a ban offense. That's the first time we logged into the server and nobody ever ghosted afterwards. Banning to protect your camps is against server hosting rules.

God bless.

I assume you didn't read the first sentence of my post? It comes from -> http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62195-server-hosting-rules/. Could you please tell me where in this linked post it states "meta gaming" is not a ban offense?

Because you seem ignorant, let me help enlighten you. A godmode hack prevents a player from taking damage, yes? This is clearly illegal. An invisibility hack prevents players from seeing you, yes? This is clearly illegal. By hopping to another server (IE: Ghosting) you are, in effect, using both an invisibility hack and a godmode hack, because you have removed yourself from a dangerous situation whereby you cannot be harmed nor seen in order to move your position to better engage people.

I'm afraid this is common sense. But I suspect you've convinced yourself it isn't an exploit. Because you don't like cheaters. Even though you, yourself, are a cheater.

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I assume you didn't read the first sentence of my post? It comes from -> http://dayzmod.com/f...-hosting-rules/. Could you please tell me where in this linked post it states "meta gaming" is not a ban offense?

Because you seem ignorant, let me help enlighten you. A godmode hack prevents a player from taking damage, yes? This is clearly illegal. An invisibility hack prevents players from seeing you, yes? This is clearly illegal. By hopping to another server (IE: Ghosting) you are, in effect, using both an invisibility hack and a godmode hack, because you have removed yourself from a dangerous situation whereby you cannot be harmed nor seen in order to move your position to better engage people.

I'm afraid this is common sense. But I suspect you've convinced yourself it isn't an exploit. Because you don't like cheaters. Even though you, yourself, are a cheater.

You seem pretty ignorant to the rules your self. Server hopping is not an invisibility hack nor it is a godmode hack, because right after we joined their server nobody ghosted.


IMPORTANT: There are RULES that you need to follow as a server administrator. They are as follows:
  • The server MAY NOT be passworded
  • You MAY NOT run any other mods, or keys.
  • You CANNOT kick other players for your friends and clanmates
  • You CANNOT lock the server for ANY reason at ANY time
  • You CANNOT edit the DayZ Mod mission files
  • Battleye MUST be installed and running at ALL TIMES
  • Minimum slot count of 40 (30 for countries where bandwidth is expensive i.e. developing countries)
  • You may only ban players for two reasons: Malicious talk, and racism.
  • You may only kick for disruptive behavior (such as continued VOIP over side channel).

Kicking for extremely excessive ping or desync is permitted, but if abused is grounds for blacklisting

Edited by Shaun of the Bread

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You seem pretty ignorant to the rules your self. Server hopping is not an invisibility hack nor it is a godmode hack, because right after we joined their server nobody ghosted.


I cannot wrap my head around your level of ignorance.

Your link, not a post from a DayZ Staff Member -> http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/55657-start-here-a-beginners-guide-to-dayz-servers-and-administration/

My link, from a Dayz Staff Member -> http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62195-server-hosting-rules/

I firmly believe DayZ Staff Member posted rules trumps your user posted rules.

As far as you not using hacks, that is correct. I likened your actions to using hacks in an attempt to better explain what it is you do by ghosting.

Either way, I won't argue with you anymore as you clearly refuse to accept what you're doing is both against the rules and an exploit.

But ask yourself this; what would Jesus say?

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If it was legitimate ruling, then it would not be a sticky (was stickied by a staff member of DayZ) in a forum dedicated to servers. And please don't troll me because of my beliefs.

Edited by Shaun of the Bread

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Ped you're either trolling or not to bright.

11. As a server admin you must not:

You are not permitted to ban players for killing yourself or clan members.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when your killed.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when you lose a vehicle.

You are not permitted to kick or ban for smacktalk.

You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs.

See that last line there? It states that you can NOT be banned for ghosting (which isn't what you think it is, ghosting is using third party voice chat to gain an unfair advantage, check it:

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Ped you're either trolling or not to bright.

See that last line there? It states that you can NOT be banned for ghosting (which isn't what you think it is, ghosting is using third party voice chat to gain an unfair advantage, check it:

The reference you link to is a form of cheating called Ghosting on many FPS games where after you die you can spectate a player and using third party voice chat tell other players where the player you are spectating is at. The referenced link has no bearing on DayZ in any way shape or form. Your implying using third party voice applications (which are often bundled with server hosting) is against the rules...is ridiculous.

As I said, in this community, Ghosting is a reference to players server hopping for their advantage. Search the forums and enlighten yourself.

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Ped you're either trolling or not to bright.

See that last line there? It states that you can NOT be banned for ghosting (which isn't what you think it is, ghosting is using third party voice chat to gain an unfair advantage, check it:

Ghosting is switching servers to get into position of advantage on someone, then logging back into the server. That is what ghosting is in this game.

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I assume you didn't read the first sentence of my post? It comes from -> http://dayzmod.com/f...-hosting-rules/. Could you please tell me where in this linked post it states "meta gaming" is not a ban offense?

Rocket has stated many times that he encourages Meta-gaming, thus it is not a bannable offense.

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Can this thread get locked already? Its bbeen out of hand for awhile

Why close it. On one hand you have somebody who has no clue what ghosting is, and another person (Ped) who thinks that Meta Gaming is not allowed. People need to understand what is going on, and what the rules are. Closing the thread does no good.

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its been offtopic for 2 pages almost..... close plox? stupid people failing to troll other stupid people

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Wow. I feel sorry for you guys @401. How much shit do you have to put up with from some asshole on a mission to bring you down for allowing him to play on your server. Not to mention destroy your shit and publicly announce its location. All while having the arrogance to try to report you because of some seemingly jealous envy that he has for your camp. Sure your base look suspect...Sure shit gets duped just cause it gets duped. If this dude had a server, he would know that it happens whether you want it to or not. Like he would take the high road and say "no I cannot ethically use that equipment again, because I have moral fortitude". Its people like this that read the server hosting rules and get all wah wah when they feel like they have been wronged.

BTW, its a pretty shitty move to use another server to gain position on another. Not that its against these "Rules". Its just shitty. Its kind of like saying. Hey, your an admin. You have to follow rules and stuff, I am a player...this means you have to kiss my granite ass because I am the DayZ police and if my experience on your server isn't anything but stellar, I am Telling!

Edit: If I was on your server I would have just took as much crap as I wanted from your tents and left. Would not waste my time even blowing it up or reporting it. In fact I would keep it a secret and when I died, I would come to your server and restock on the good crap you got instead of blowing it up and then making a mess of it on the forums. Do people even use their brain anymore?

Edited by ArchAngel-7-

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Why close it. On one hand you have somebody who has no clue what ghosting is, and another person (Ped) who thinks that Meta Gaming is not allowed. People need to understand what is going on, and what the rules are. Closing the thread does no good.

Regardless of rules or not. I can DC/Server-Hop/Dupe all I want. Guess what. Its not hacking. The game allows it. This is like saying hey this server has "Highlander rules" so no shooting in churches. LOL the game(software) allows it, so its going to happen. Until they figure out a way to prevent these things from happening. Everything goes on this game except Scripting/Hacking or Racism/Malign behavior. Not to mention Ping Limiting, which is at the admins discretion. People do not need to know any rules. People just play the game and will use any advantage they can. As long as it is not Scripting/Hacking or Racism/Malign behavior, thou shalt do what thou will shall be the whole of the law.

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I don't believe TheMadBomba was part of the initial group said by Shaun of the Bread, ArchAngel-7-, so his merit of blowing everything up in this fortified position has really nothing to do with the initial server complaint. I don't think so anyways. Though I do agree that it was a bit of a punk move to set up into position on one server then jump over, I don't really see a big issue. If this WAS as fortified as it said it was, then it was asking to be attacked, as the group of players were playing to defend it. It was a known risk in this game that this may have happened. My camps have been thrashed many times, but banning everyone involved is a bit heavy handed. I can understand the extreme frustration the admin was put through by this, I would have probably done the same thing in his position, but after confirming only a few of the people had used a teleporting script, or had been teleported themselves, only they were known to have actually cheated by evidence gathered.

I will agree this topic has gone off the rails, but instead of closing it, why not try to set it back on track so something productive can be concluded out of this? Keep those that cheated banned, and unban those that didn't. As Sempir said himself, grief play isn't against the rules, and I don't think he restarted the server that much just to dupe items, that's just plain overkill just to duplicate fortifications. It was probably done, but that person isn't known, and really isn't important. It just doesn't sit well with me that he stated that he banned someone for combat logging, but not the person's two friends, which really sounds like the same should have been done with the three who had teleported, while the rest should have been spared. I apologize if I am wrong in the views of others, but that is just how I feel, and I had been following this and a few others for awhile.

Don't give up hope Semipr, fight on.

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Meta-Gaming is not the same thing as Ghosting.

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