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I don't believe TheMadBomba was part of the initial group said by Shaun of the Bread, ArchAngel-7-, so his merit of blowing everything up in this fortified position has really nothing to do with the initial server complaint.

Correct I am in no way related to Shaun of the Bread or ArchAngel, I've blown up multiple servers camps so far, including the one at 1917 which if you go find it (it's locked) the admin Brett ended up threatening to ring up some other guys place of work to report him for something.

I'm completely impartial, I just use these forums to find targets to blow up, if Shaun of the Bread had a server i'd probably try to blow his up aswell as I HATE people who ALT F4/Move around on other servers to get a better attack position on another server.

Regardless i'm sure they've reset the server now as it's been a few days, if someone else wants to go and check out the camp and see how many fortifications there are then thats completely up to them, Not much point tbh as theres nothing actually inside the tents that the fortifications are guarding, there were more starting backpacks than anything else

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I'm completely impartial, I just use these forums to find targets to blow up

lol, real pro tactic there bro. try actually going camp hunting like the rest of us sometime. using these forums to find camps to raid that the mad kids post up is pretty pathetic as far as im concerned and puts you on par with the combat ghosters and server hoppers.


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lol, real pro tactic there bro. try actually going camp hunting like the rest of us sometime. using these forums to find camps to raid that the mad kids post up is pretty pathetic as far as im concerned and puts you on par with the combat ghosters and server hoppers.


I only blow up camps of servers who've been reported for admin abuse/whatnot. I'm so sorry i'm not a cunt by targeting innocent players who just want to play the game and haven't done anything to warrant having their camp blown to high heaven.

Just my $0.02

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I'm having to respond on a newly registered account, my other account is screwed up after the 8/13 forum maintenance and can't log in, the DayZ Support team is trying to fix that at this time.

Anyways far as Shaun of the Bread goes, I'm going to lift the bans on the members of your clan that did not show any evidence of major world position coordinate change. At the time of the bans it was a case of guilt by association. I have the logs of the individuals that teleported to your location. I will be forwarding them to the DayZ team.

Now, far as everything else goes, simple facts are plenty of people have found that base and their corpses are there as proof of it. Including this guy here, who killed someone at the base and then was shot down trying to steal a vehicle. I didn't ban him initially, we called it fair play...turns out he wasn't quite as clean as he seemed, after parsing createvehicle.log, this came up. (X's are to protect IP/GUID privacy but will be reported).

15.08.2012 08:04:18: Xy (XX.XX.XX.XXX:2304) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - #0 "AmmoBoxBig" 192:21 [6534,13097,213]

So heres a guy that came into the base completely legitimately, seemed completely legit...but wasn't legit. Simple facts are we don't ban anyone without looking at our logs. Xy here was banned well after we dropped him while trying to steal a motorcycle. We thought he was a legit bandit.....he wasn't as our createvehicle.log shows.

Shaun, we have a public teamspeak, the URL is right there in our MOTD, and this entire situation could have been mediated quite easily by you getting in contact with us to find out why we did what we did. All this drama and off topic argument has been completely unnecessary, in the future, perhaps not assume immediately that you're dealing with "admin abuse". Your entire clan was shotgunned because the log review showed teleports in use in regards to several of them. When it comes to clans we tend to look at the situation in regards to guilt by association...but had we spoken about the issue at all before this thread, I'd have been more than willing to concede that you might have no idea if some of your clan mates are using illegitimate programs or not. Its not like they'll tell you, any more than they'll tell anyone else.

In the end, we're still holding that base and we're still shooting down anyone that comes at it, but we're definitely dealing with a lot more crap than we used to.

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I was part of the raid mentioned in the original post but have neglected to post until now because I thought Sean covered everything nicely in the OP. I'm happy we have most of the this sorted out now aside from the mention of teleporting. Where you mention we all didn't start on the same hill is true and the RPT should reflect that. A few of us logged in on a hill north of the factory to provide overwatch, one or two around 50/100 metres from the outer walls and another providing sniper support around 500m away. We were all confused and a little bewildered that we were accused of teleporting and made sure to investigate within our group.

We drove our members to the factory on another server and took up our "tactical" (I use this term lightly) positions before logging out. We could have very easily spawned inside the factory but that would be disgustingly cheap and very little fun - we wanted an exciting battle that could go either way (which we got, I personally died along with one or two others). If this is indeed what looked like the "teleporting" I hope this helped because I concede that the OP (which was frustrated and rushed) makes it sound like we were all together when we attacked.

Thanks & Bless.

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I was part of the raid mentioned in the original post but have neglected to post until now because I thought Sean covered everything nicely in the OP. I'm happy we have most of the this sorted out now aside from the mention of teleporting. Where you mention we all didn't start on the same hill is true and the RPT should reflect that. A few of us logged in on a hill north of the factory to provide overwatch, one or two around 50/100 metres from the outer walls and another providing sniper support around 500m away. We were all confused and a little bewildered that we were accused of teleporting and made sure to investigate within our group.

We drove our members to the factory on another server and took up our "tactical" (I use this term lightly) positions before logging out. We could have very easily spawned inside the factory but that would be disgustingly cheap and very little fun - we wanted an exciting battle that could go either way (which we got, I personally died along with one or two others). If this is indeed what looked like the "teleporting" I hope this helped because I concede that the OP (which was frustrated and rushed) makes it sound like we were all together when we attacked.

Thanks & Bless.

I appreciate your clarification on matters and it is entirely possible that I could have read a false positive in the logs due to what you are describing.

Currently US 401 is down because our host says we haven't paid our bill...but we have, and it'll take them like 8 hours to even figure that out....so its entirely possible that we'll be dumping 401 entirely either today or in the very near future.

I do have your clan bans backed up locally though and will review the RPT one more time and remove the bans based on the information supplied.

What a lot of grief and negativity for something that could easily be dealt with between reasonable individuals eh?

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I only blow up camps of servers who've been reported for admin abuse/whatnot. I'm so sorry i'm not a cunt by targeting innocent players who just want to play the game and haven't done anything to warrant having their camp blown to high heaven.

Just my $0.02

yeah, im sure ghosters, hoppers, combat loggers, and scripters all have their actions perfectly justified within their own minds too...

(as a side note i was not involved in the OP of this thread and was not affected in the least by your white-knighting, just comical watching you try to justify this garbage)

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just a thing about tents, if you dont want the tents to restock itemsafter a server restart then you should start saving them a few times after items are taken out/put in. i do this when i see hacked weapons in tents,

  1. take out the hacked weapon
  2. hug a tree, a conifer/pine tree ones, then drop it (i use conifer ones coz you cant see it when dropped, gets despawned anyways after a little while)
  3. save the tent
  4. wait 5-10 mins some times 15 mins (depends on what mood i am in)
  5. save when de-sync icon is not showing then move on

90% of the time the hacked weapon will not respwan after restart, if not i will repeat the process. if you do this every time you remove/add items to your tents (minus step 2 :P) then you should find that tents do infact save properly. i have mentioned this on another thread, and test at your will, i did read that you upgraded to, due to the issue of that version tents/vehicals will not save properly so this may not work for you, however works fine on :)

just thought you should know

Edited by Lightvision

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I love how no matter how reasonable you try to be...all server admins are criminals for simply trying to defend their servers to their best ability. Doesn't matter much to me any more. Host Altitude sucks more ass than a Atlantic City male prostitute. They shut 401 down for non-payment 24 hours ago and have yet to even respond to our ticket which links them to their own account statements showing we'd paid for two months service and were credited for a third due to poor service.

Overall, if server admins are criminals, the hosts are the damned mafia. Don't much care about the cash though. Just hate trusting it with people that don't give a damn about their clients.

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I love how no matter how reasonable you try to be...all server admins are criminals for simply trying to defend their servers to their best ability. Doesn't matter much to me any more. Host Altitude sucks more ass than a Atlantic City male prostitute. They shut 401 down for non-payment 24 hours ago and have yet to even respond to our ticket which links them to their own account statements showing we'd paid for two months service and were credited for a third due to poor service.

Overall, if server admins are criminals, the hosts are the damned mafia. Don't much care about the cash though. Just hate trusting it with people that don't give a damn about their clients.

yeah they have horrible ticket support. seems like it only works when you have just rented a server from them...after you have had it for a while, they just ignore you hoping the problem fixes itself.

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Well they weren't banned for finding our camp. They were banned because three of their clan members appeared to teleport several grids to attack our camp.

How did you "see" them teleport? U using ESP?

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Well, that escalated quickly.

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Seems in the restart process some of the vehicles that were destroyed today were repopulated by the Hive to their locations.

We have requested an instance ID wipe for US 401. I don't want those vehicles...they were destroyed.

I don't want all the crap on our server (not all of it is ours).

We're wiping the whole thing clean and starting over, Sorry to any of our regulars with camps. If you have anything you want to save I suggest you get it out of your tents now, I assume it will take around 24 to 72 hours for our instance ID wipe request to be granted.

I did loot a shit ton of sandbags from you guys, took me almost an hour to spell out "I pewp magic" on the hill. I do like you attitude towards the game, I didnt blow any of your shit up, I only took what I needed and left your camp in peace.

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I use commander to track Alt-F4ing jackasses, And once you have their name it relatively easy to track. I use it to track ghosters as well If they iimediately log upon getting fired on. Then i give them a good old fashioned teabagging. I check my player list every 2-3 min so i can memorize the names and know who battlelogged. Then I move to the same sever and fire at will.

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