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Should I just shoot everyone?

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I just had a M16A2 with like 15 mags of ammo, Coyote 24-slot backpack, G17 with 7 mags, bandages, painkillers, 8 cooked meat, couple of drinks, at Stary Sobor when this dude from the bushes just mows me down with his Mk48 (i think). Bam, 178 zombie kills later, i meet one guy and i just get shot like that.

It's been like this for the past 50 guys i made, i try n be helpfull or just leave them alone when i see someone, not alerting them or anything, then they show up in the same house where i am in and BAM instant death.

My word of advice, shoot EVERYONE on sight, even a dude with a Hatchet, or you're dead. Plain and simple. It's the cruel community this game has become as it's so easy to kill someone without any (seriously, ANY) consequences.

Hope they fix something in the standalone game for this.

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I am always super careful of approaching pairs of two or greater. They are more likely to turn on you as they have the bravado of being with their buddies. They are of course exception to the rules, but generally they already have someone for companionship and to watch their back, that results in you getting killed without to much thought and they can joke and laugh it off afterwards.

So if I do approach it tends to be to individuals and I prefer to initiate contact without them seeing me at first. That way I can chat to them and find out a little about them, what country / city do they live in, how long have they been playing the game. This way it makes it a lot more personal and they are less likely to kill you (unless they are an autistic or psychopath). I then approach them, let things get to ease and then let my guard down a bit.

If its an unexpected counter out of nowhere, to be honest, I will likely kill them, or at least have my sights settled right into the middle of their head.

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I could repeat this type of story for the other 5 times I have met people, should I just quit being nice and shoot everyone on site?


If you do you'll cross over to the *dark side* and people will call you a 'murderer'. There is no need for needless killing, nobody is forcing you.

Just make the right choice, it's up to you.

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I just had a M16A2 with like 15 mags of ammo, Coyote 24-slot backpack, G17 with 7 mags, bandages, painkillers, 8 cooked meat, couple of drinks, at Stary Sobor when this dude from the bushes just mows me down with his Mk48 (i think). Bam, 178 zombie kills later, i meet one guy and i just get shot like that.

It's been like this for the past 50 guys i made, i try n be helpfull or just leave them alone when i see someone, not alerting them or anything, then they show up in the same house where i am in and BAM instant death.

My word of advice, shoot EVERYONE on sight, even a dude with a Hatchet, or you're dead. Plain and simple. It's the cruel community this game has become as it's so easy to kill someone without any (seriously, ANY) consequences.

Hope they fix something in the standalone game for this.

Why would they? What consequences are there for killing someone in RL? Prison? Death Sentence? Morality? (The last one is irrelevant considering most humans have no morals to begin with, or ones that differ greatly to yours). These things do not exist in a Post apocalyptic environment, and as such, the people that are going to survive longest are the ones that actively avoid everywhere where people are, or the ones that kill on sight. Shooting someone with a hatchet that isn't causing you a threat is just pathetic, and the exact behaviour that you seem to disapprove of.

Just because it has been done to you, does not mean you have to do it to others, that is a completely hypocritical approach, and won't necessarily get you very far. If I can avoid a situation, I will. If I can't, I will fight till there is not a drop of blood left in my veins, why?

BECAUSE I'M BATMAN.... No sorry, because I'm a survivor.

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you dont "Have" to shoot everyone on sight, you could just avoid other players if you dont want to join the KoS train. Basic rule of thumb is trust no one

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I just had a M16A2 with like 15 mags of ammo, Coyote 24-slot backpack, G17 with 7 mags, bandages, painkillers, 8 cooked meat, couple of drinks, at Stary Sobor when this dude from the bushes just mows me down with his Mk48 (i think). Bam, 178 zombie kills later, i meet one guy and i just get shot like that.

It's been like this for the past 50 guys i made, i try n be helpfull or just leave them alone when i see someone, not alerting them or anything, then they show up in the same house where i am in and BAM instant death.

My word of advice, shoot EVERYONE on sight, even a dude with a Hatchet, or you're dead. Plain and simple. It's the cruel community this game has become as it's so easy to kill someone without any (seriously, ANY) consequences.

Hope they fix something in the standalone game for this.

Stay away from Stary bud... its a pvp area...

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Vengeance makes you blind.

If you are going to shoot people, because other people are shooting you, you end up being shot by a calm focused sniper simply waiting out on a hill for hours and hours until they finally see someone.

The only ones you can trust are newly spawned players who are unarmed. They might backstab you once they find a weapon, but as long as they don't have any, they couldn't kill you even if they wanted.

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It depends on the situation they're in and the situation I'm in. I never shoot unarmed players or players who are running around with like only a side-arm in towns like Cherno and Elektro. We all know the frustration of having to start over again and again because of being shot by overgeared players in the starting area. Karma doesn't really work in this game though hehe.

So I usually shoot on sight, depending on the weapons people are carrying. If I see them first (and they carry big guns) I use Direct Communication to talk to them. If they don't respond or start searching for me or anything I usually shoot them. Happend to me so many times so this kinda is the way I roll lately.

Sorry for that hehe ^^ =P..

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I started of nice and got taken advantage of too many times... so now... if I see you armed... you're dead.

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Stay away from Stary bud... its a pvp area...

This is true but the whole game is a pvp area.

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Well, it's an experiment. Do what you want to do and expect being shot all the time. You can start shooting everyone on sight, if you don't like it anymore you can start being the helpful medic. I would definitely reccomend everyone to try being the evil sniper at some point of his DayZ career (preferred after finding a sniper rifle) to see how hard it is to snipe someone and to learn how to avoid being sniped. After several weeks in this game I can tell you that the most fun part is when you are freshly spawned and have nothing to lose.

My next step is going to be the insane axe murderer, It looks like fun :D

Edited by Treehead

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To be honest i have only be killed by people i didnt see damn snipers :P . While only being fired by one other seen bandit so its up to personal choice.

Meeting and teaming up with fellow friendly survivors have helped me many time clearing places or just more guns are better than one at times.But dont just walk up to someone straight away keep an eye on them first see what they are doing is normally a good indicator if your looking at a bandit.

Then the first 10 to 15 mins talk to them get to know them and never let your guard down.

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Step 1: Be friendly and get shot

Step 2: Kill on sight

Step 3: Be friendly and ensure not to get shot.

I am at step 3 yeaaah!

We try to communicate with other players we come accross. But I guess you need at least a small group

to do this successfully in many cases. Approach in cover / have someone ready to knock them.

If they respond in a friendly way, have a talk, a small trade perhaps. Much more long-lasting interaction than just to shoot them.

That's a different thing if i get surprised by someone and have no control over the situation.

That would be partly their own fault and/ or bad luck.

E.g. yesterday we have filled up our heli at a fuel station. Suddenly a red car heads right towards us.

We reacted quickly and pumped the car full of lead. Was it the right thing to do?

I don't think so. I can justify it as we have been surprised by their sudden appearance, yes.

But it was not necessary. 4 guns pointed at their direction, not including the mounted heavy MG on our chopper.

They would habe been just plainly stupid to try something.

Once the situation has calmed down I have approached the wrecked car carefully [ensuring my own safety].

Said that we are sorry etc. and offered our help if. Hm the girl was dead and the other DCed.

Not proud of that story, we could have done better.


Now compare this experience to your KOS attitude. KOS is just plainly effective, but not

that exciting and difficult than a more realistic / friendly behavior. Just my 2 cents.

Edited by GodOfGrain

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Well, I have a short story. When I was heading to Krasnostav, to rally with my friends, there was a powersurge. So I start my computer back up, and I spawn at Kamenka. I'm thinking: I SPAWNED 13km AWAY!??

But, I thought this can be a good time to loot the airfield, and army base. I come accross the army base with the 4 deerstands, and see a person. I say to him:

"I won't shoot if you don't, and we will move on after this."

He responded:


So, after he aggroed a few zombies, and found a Remmington, he started shooting me. He hit me 3 times, but from far away. I got ontop of the diaganal deer stand from him, bandaged myself, and found an AKM with 1 mag. I took it, and killed him. It goes to show, that everyone does basically backfire on you. But the story isn't done. I was at the Balota Airfield, when I came accross a player in a Ghillie Suit, prone on the floor of the ACT. I just went down the stairs, and let him be. The next 15km were a nightmare to get back, but it gave me some experience.

I believe that all other players, besides your clan, should be avoided, or shot down. Never, EVER, underestimate another player, always think he has the best gun in the game, until he fires, or shows himself.

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It's the zombie apocalypse. What do you do?

  1. Trust a stranger?
  2. Kill everyone you come across?
  3. Open up skype and call your best friend to be airdropped into the quarantine zone?

Welcome to DayZ

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No definitely not, there are good guys out there. I've been helped twice and killed once and shot at once as I ran for the hills. Act how you would in real life, just trust no one and rob the odd corpse you come across. Lol

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How about we switch from words to action! Anyone wants to team up and be friendly and kill those bastards?

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There's a whole big difference between saving your own ass by killing whoever is trying to kill you, and actively hunting people for no good reason.

There should be a slight difference there.

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After reading and watching how people play, yeah I expect hostility first. BUT, one month playing, I still warn them in some way to back off or I shoot. Often they still want to chance it, and more often they circle around to try and kill me(yay! pvp). I'm still alive, and still giving one warning. Team up with people you know, or Steam players(they can only trick you once, per arma 2 purchase).

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Yesterday I've been playing for about 4 hours, died many times.. On two occations I was walking in the forest and got sniped/shot without warning (ok maybe I should be more carefull)

But on several occations when I saw someone scavenging (in Cherno i.e.), I tried to make contact by communicating but by staying out of sight, asking if he's friendly and assuring that I won't shoot if they won't shoot. But I never get any replies other than they open fire and try to kill me (if they find me).

After being killed 100 times or more this way I'm starting to get tired of being friendly and trying to cooperate so I'm forced to KOS. Is it just bad luck/wrong tactic with running into the wrong people or are there others with the same experience?

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