azliana 0 Posted August 9, 2012 Okay so after a VERY sucessful few days alive and after hours of playing(maybe 40) i had equppied myself with a very nice set of L85,AS50,M9S, And a Ghillie suit. I spent the next few days gearing friends, tonight we are playing and grouping up, when i joined game I had respawned on an island. To my understanding you lose items swimmming. im not doing that. I also know that there are servers with this disabled? does anyone know of them? i really need help here please!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
azliana 0 Posted August 9, 2012 thank you.... for the advice.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SupaFly1983 52 Posted August 9, 2012 You don't always lose items from swimming. It is a roll of the dice as to what and how much you will lose (if anything).Only solution I can think of is to find a "nice" hacker who would be willing to teleport you back to the mainland. And that is most likely not going to happen, because 99% of the hackers are cunts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
symptom 185 Posted August 9, 2012 You do not lose your gear when you swim now. There are quite a few posts that explain it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
azliana 0 Posted August 9, 2012 You do not lose your gear when you swim now. There are quite a few posts that explain it.I saw that its server determined if you lose items... and that i should test it, im now out my food supplies cuz my server has it enabled... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SupaFly1983 52 Posted August 9, 2012 It could be beta patch. I had a look at the change log for 95777. And noticed this. [93958] New: Dropping items while swimming can be disabled with "enableItemsDropping = 0;" in description.extHere is the whole change list if you wish to read(current patch candidate) [95691] Changed: buildRequired is now limited by the server version, server can never require a higher version than its own. [95654] Improved: VoN now uses the same port as the game traffic, should make VoN more reliable (less NAT issues). [95406] Improved: Servers can set vonCodecQuality 11..20 for improved quality (wideband). Ultrawideband 21..30 will be possible in 1.63. The new setting requires a recent client on the talking side, server and listening clients can be any version. [95309] Changed: MP: Dayz servers are now visible if and only if the Dayz mod is active. [95308] Improved: MP: Custom game types no longer displayed as Unknown in the server browser. [95307] Changed: Default matchmaking filter now shows only servers with ping < 100. [95285] Fixed: Possible crashes after closing the game in MP (Alt+F4) [94918] New: command unit addMagazine[name, ammoCount] [94912] Fixed: Video memory detection on W7/x64 sometimes wrong because of bug in IDirect3DDevice9::GetAvailableTextureMem. [94886] Fixed: Possible gear item duplication (private [url=""][/url]) [94761] TBB 4.0 update 5, (tbb40_20120613oss, [url=""][/url]) [94699] Tweak Reinhard tonemapping pars [94629] Fixed: Wrong magazines are removed with weapon in briefing gear. [94206] Fixed: Disabled channels can be bypassed in briefing screen ([url=""][/url]) [94049] New: terrainIntersectASL command [94049] Fixed: terrainIntersect reverted to ATL [94002] Fixed: PlayerId changed for users using Reinforcements or Arma X Anniversary edition to prevent PlayerId conflicts. [94001] Fixed: "enableItemsDropping = 0;" now even for MP clients [94001] New: moonIntensity command [94001] New: sunOrMoon command [93989] Changed: When dropping weapon unrelated magazine will not be dropped [93958] New: Dropping items while swimming can be disabled with "enableItemsDropping = 0;" in description.ext [93945] New: In gear added bars with ammo count [93945] New: setGearSlotAmmoCount, setIDCAmmoCount, gearIDCAmmoCount, gearSlotAmmoCount gear commands [93897] New: AToC & PPAA added into UI video options [93841] Fixed: AI using NVGs as binoculars after dropping their primary weapon ([url=""][/url]) [93821] Changed: Authentication Timeout is distinguished from bad CD key [93812] Fixed: Restrict gamma value set by profile [93809] Fixed: Restrict brightness value set by profile [93722] Fixed: Effects of setDamage to buildings different on clients and server ([url=""][/url]) [93701] Fixed: Changing gear in briefing screen is not working reliable in MP ([url=""][/url]) [93680] Optimized: MP: attachTo no longer sends a message when the attachment does not change. [93672] Fixed: Unable to access AI soldier's gear in map [93670] Fixed: Prone units stop engaging ([url=""][/url]) [93664] Fixed: Damage of buildings synchronization in MP after JIP ([url=""][/url], [url=""][/url], [url=""][/url]) [93657] Fixed: Target is no longer stored in the long-term target list when forgotten for the second time ([url=""][/url]) [93654] Improved: Tone mapping [93652] New: Scripting functions visiblePositionASL and nearestBuilding position [93648] New: Scripting functions ASLToATL and ATLToASL to convert between coordinate systems. [93624] Changed: Scripting function weaponDirection returns a primary weapon direction when empty string is used as a weapon name. [93622] New: Scripting function eyeDirection. [93598] New: Scripting functions eyePos object and aimPos object [93583] Fixed: Player-created markers not synchronised with JIP clients (see [url=""][/url]) [93575] Fixed: StringLoad command reads unicode [93570] Fixed: Player-made map markers disappearing in MP under certain circumstances ([url=""][/url]) [93542] New: MP Statistics screen (key I) contains the Server hostname [93528] Fixed: Max distance for DirectChat raised from 20m to 40m [93415] Fixed: empty weaponHolder is not deleted when used by remote player [93398] New: System chat like player connected/disconnected switched to CCSystem=6 channel. New configuration opportunity disableChannels[]={chan1,chan2,...}; in mission description.ext file possible. [93294] Fixed: Multiple Object not found problems such as Server: Object 6:4 not found (message 124) [93276] New: terrainIntersect command [93273] New: lineIntersects, lineIntersectsWith commands [93156] Changed: increased gear MP messages priority [93146] Fixed: LOD blending [93120] Fixed: JIP connecting players less affect other players network bandwith [93117] Fix: Crash: [url=""][/url] - caused by fix: "LOD blending not working reliably (rev. 93017) [93017] Fixed: LOD blending not working reliably [92956] Fixed: Sound: Music often stop playing after window focus is lost and regained [92925] Fixed: switching backpack with dead unit in MP [92821] Fixed: Joining unit in the vehicle to a different side group did not change the perceived side of the unit. [92781] Fixed: SelectPlayer makes direct communication unreliable (see [url=""][/url]) [92754] Fixed: scaling icons with grenade cursor [92706] TBB 4.0 update 4, (tbb40_20120408oss, [url=""][/url]) [92705] Fixed: Possible crash when in out of VRAM conditions because of a race condition. [92679] Fixed: A Javelin missile often did not lock a target when playing with a Veteran or harder difficulty ([url=""][/url]) [92612] Fixed: SelectPlayer in MP can break the Direct Chat or cause other MP issues. [92582] Fixed: AI detection after load [92463] Fixed: AToC ATi 77xx [92071] Changed: Observer RPT messages now once per 60 sec, [url=""][/url] [92061] Fixed: AtoC on nVidia for CSAA [92059] PPAA pars tweak & SMAA use color edge detection method [91173] New: Registry driven mod can contain list of required mods in its REQUIRE string value (the same syntax as for LOADAFTER). Moreover, the reg.value CANDISABLE="0" can be used to make the Disable button disabled. [91055] Fixed: Respawn with backpack [90909] Fixed: crash of Linux server when player with custom face connects [90901] New: setUnitRecoilCoefficient command [89964] Fixed: Linux servers were never green in server list. [89899] Fixed: Helicopter is more accurate with unguided rockets [89898] Fixed: Secondary gunner tracks enemies [89603] Fixed: A possible crash when textures were loading too slow from the disk. [89523] Fixed: Crash during engine termination from multiplayer game. [89361] Fixed: Linux server slow startup [89205] New: Player can look up/down using a mouse while driving land/water vehicles. [89201] New: SMAA antialiasing introduced, use PPAA=3, PPAALevel=0..3 in Arma2OA.cfg. [89104] New: Implemented automatic looking intro turns when driving a car with a mouse. [89086] Experimental: A different way to handle mouse steering is implemented for cars, tanks, boats and bikes. [89079] Fixed: Multiple reload sounds in mp (see [url=""][/url]) [89011] New: A cursor is shown to provide a visual feedback when steering a car. [88975] Fixed: Multiple reload sounds in MP (see [url=""][/url]) [88948] Improved: Airplane thrust and brakes can now be applied at the same time. [88947] New: Full joystick axis can be mapped by mapping both positive and negative part of the same axis (map negative first to use the axis inverted) ([url=""][/url]) [88918] Improved: AI scanning for the target more when a visual contact is lost. [88890] Improved: AI vehicles scanning area with their weapons when target position is not known exactly. [88870] Fixed: AI vehicles sometimes see player outside their field of view ([url=""][/url]) [88850] Fixed: AI was sometimes able to reveal a unit which has detonated a satchel ([url=""][/url]) [88726] Fixed: Frequent client/server crashes in MP (when merging multipacket messages) [88269] Changed: Application name changed to "ArmA 2 OA" for "ArmA 2 Reinforcements". [88195] Improved: -beta mods now always loaded first ([url=""][/url]) [88147] Add: Optional FXAA sharp filter, *.cfg "FXAASharp" [88119] Improved: AI spotting reducing in high speed moving vehicles more accurate now (movement direction is considered). [88111] Fixed: Unguided rockets no longer explode when passed by the target ([url=""][/url]) [88110] Fixed: AI gunner hits the ground with manually guided missile when "Auto guided AT" is disabled ([url=""][/url]) [88015] Fixed: Aircraft gunner firing even when manual fire was selected by a pilot ([url=""][/url]) [87963] Optimized: Reduced memory footprint in complex missions. [87840] New: Added scripting command productVersion ([url=""][/url]) [87837] Changed: Addons config value requiredVersion ignored for easier addon sharing between various products (A2, TOH). [87824] Changed: Removed support for config parameter nightVision ([url=""][/url]) [87768] Fixed: AI vehicles crews seeing targets badly ([url=""][/url]) [87755] Fixed: Player automatically reveals targets which AI would never see ([url=""][/url]) [87746] Fixed: Looking around no longer possible when combat mode changes in vehicle ([url=""][/url]) [87745] New: Cheat Shift+Minus+FPS to allow artificially limit FPS for testing to 40,20,10,5. [87740] Improved: Targeting and firing always commanded by observer. ([url=""][/url]) [87706] Improved: AI laser target detection at large distances improved. [87692] Fixed: Manual guidance not working for a helicopter gunner ([url=""][/url], [url=""][/url]) [87659] Fixed: AI was unable to engage invisible laser targets used for SSM ([url=""][/url]) [87658] Fixed: Command doTarget on friendly unit did not work ([url=""][/url]) [87655] Fixed: Text parameter file parsing not reliable ([url=""][/url]) [87654] Improved: A behaviour of the leader player is now assumed to be the most restrictive behaviour of his subordinates ([url=""][/url]) [87652] Fixed: AI always turned out when player is effective commander in cargo ([url=""][/url]) [87646] Fixed: MP: Bullet hits of remote units not visible over large distance ([url=""][/url]) [87645] Changed: Default memory allocator is now tbb4malloc_bi instead of tbb3malloc_bi [87643] Fixed: Manually guided missiles lost control when reaching 1500 m distance ([url=""][/url]) [87640] New: RVExtension dll interface implemented ([url=""][/url]) [87640] Improved: AI sometimes did not start firing at enemy which passed quickly just in front of it. Fixed: AI unable to target crew in vehicles other than tracked ones ([url=""][/url]) Improved: AI units now give more preference to close targets ([url=""][/url]) [87497] Changed: Default maxPacketSize reduced from 1490 to 1400 to improve compatibility with exotic MTU settings ([url=""][/url]) [87496] Fixed: Player state transferred corrently even for distant players ([url=""][/url]) [87495] New: -malloc=system can be used to force using Windows allocator even when allocator dlls are present. [87410] Fixed: Missing reloading sound while reloading animation from another player in Multiplayer ([url=""][/url]) [87357] Fixed: Failed to load TextureHeaderManager from file on Linux servers [87274] Improved: Airborne airplanes now rendered in larger distances. [87273] Changed: AI airplane always using lights during landing, taxiing and takeoff. [87270] Fixed: Lens flares positioned badly when 3D resolution different from 2D resolution. [87077] New: Ground effect computed for airplanes (0-10% depending on height) [87075] New: Ground effect computed for helicopters (based on [url=""][/url]) [87073] Fixed: Helicopter autohover was wobbling a lot ([url=""][/url]) [87067] New: Commandline -checkSignatures to provide thorough test of all signatures of all loaded banks at the start game. Output is in rpt file. [86971] New: -beta=xxxx as alternative to -mod=xxxx to allow using beta files without affecting mod handling. [86965] Changed: Mod list configured by ModLauncher is saved inside game config instead of user profile. [86944] Added: HitPart event now contains Ammo type name [86925] Fixed: CWR2 Camel was unable to takeoff (flew close to stall after take off, never recovering). [86916] New: Player name validation when editing a profile name. [86882] New: Scripting command visiblePosition to obtain object position as visible on screen ([url=""][/url]) [86880] Fixed: Helicopter slow after GET OUT waypoint when CYCLE was used as well. [86876] New: Editor: Visual indication of the selected target for CYCLE waypoint. [86851] Fixed: Vehicles attached on ships attached to objects sometimes destroyed ([url=""][/url]) [86839] Fixed: Cannot manipulate doors after game was aborted with doors in transit. ([url=""][/url]) [86737] New: Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA), [url=""][/url] [86704] Fixed: "Direct" chat sometimes not working ([url=""][/url]) [86702] Fixed: Dead body temperature was not saved ([url=""][/url]) [86647] MP: Fixed: When a player was JIP-ing, traffic for all other players was significantly reduced ([url=""][/url]) [86643] Fixed: Massive network traffic optimization during Join in Progress ([url=""][/url]) [86620] Fixed: Searchlight turning itself off for non-server clients ([url=""][/url]) [86566] Fixed: Action taking magazine from a backback has sometimes failed ([url=""][/url]) [86520] Fixed: Gamespy Server signature list contains often twice "bi" ([url=""][/url]) [86491] Improved: MP: Diary statistics not available in MP when NetStats is disabled ([url=""][/url]) [86484] Improved: Dedicated server console now supporting Unicode and long output (using Rich Edit Control). [86431] Fixed: Issues with v2 signatures - causing random check to fail ([url=""][/url]) [86296] Changed: AI gunner is no longer firing at friendly units when ordered to target them. [86271] Fixed: Locked MP role slots after BattlEye kick. [86257] Fixed: MP: Countermeasures released automatically for a player commanded tank ([url=""][/url]) Fixed: MP: Countermeasures released by AI were multipled by the number of other connected players. [86233] Fixed: MP: Loosing gear due to water no longer multiplied for each player ([url=""][/url]) [86217] Improved: Thermal imaging for models with no TI data ([url=""][/url]) [86159] Fixed: Server response unreliable with long keys (e.g. mod lists) ([url=""][/url]) [86128] Fixed: Soldier running instead of crawling through holes ([url=""][/url]) [86122] Fixed: AI without weapon stuck when crouched ([url=""][/url]) [86114] Prevent crouched AI from sprinting ([url=""][/url]) [86060] New: A command line argument -par=filename can be specified to provide a parameter file ([url=""][/url]) [86059] New: Window title includes player name when running windowed to make testing with multiple instances easier. [86035] Fixed: Tanks were not damaged under water when fps was very high ([url=""][/url]) [85998] Improved: Improved AI/autopilot landing abilities ([url=""][/url]) [85882] Fixed: Trigger "Detected by" sometimes did not fire when unit was only known about indirectly, e.g. because of a kill ([url=""][/url]) [85881] Fixed: AI sometimes has forgotten a recently seen kill ([url=""][/url]) (result of [url=""][/url]) [85871] New: Custom memory allocator support ([url=""][/url]) [85823] Fixed: Shadows were not cast on on-surface objects, like helipads. [85747] Changed: attachTo with the same object no longer resets attached object orientation ([url=""][/url]) [85746] Fixed: There was no debriefing after MP game ends after saving the game. [85741] Fixed: MP: Bullet tracers of remote vehicles not reliable ([url=""][/url]). [85737] Fixed: SaveVar did not work in MP Campaign. [85653] New: Scripting command reveal has a new variant, group reveal [target, accuracy]. To reveal target side use 1.5 (default reveal used accuracy=1). [85595] Fixed: Crash or game corruption when loading a game with clients already connected ([url=""][/url]) [85594] New: Server admin can check build numbers of clients using #userlist. [85588] Fixed: magazinesTurret [-1] sometimes returning wrong list or even crashing. [85533] Changed: MP: BLUFOR roles are now assigned before OPFOR by default. [85529] Fixed: Reassign allowed clients to use a role reserved for a host. [85520] Optimized: Faster preload in multiplayer ("Receiving" mission, switching from map). [85497] Fixed: Remote units init event handle is no longer run before fully initialized ([url=""][/url]) [85489] Changed: Init handlers executed immediately, not queued for later execution like other events. [85488] Changed: MP: Units are no longer moved to a new group when they timeout getin ([url=""][/url]) [85448] Fixed: Scripting command "Reveal" left target side as unknown, requiring visual confirmation ([url=""][/url]) [85440] Fixed: Bullets damage reduced too much over distance ([url=""][/url]) [85429] Fixed: Global event handlers (including onPlayerDisconnected and onMapSingleClick) cleaned when MP debriefing starts ([url=""][/url]) [85428] New: Window title includes Host or Admin status when running windowed to make testing with multiple instances easier. [85424] Fixed: in config parameter initTurn in turrets work again [85420] Improved: Direct damage is no longer artificaly reduced for lying soldiers ([url=""][/url]) [85337] Optimized: Unknown targets no longer saved, significantly reducing savegame size. [85330] Optimized: No longer saving "visionPars" and "magazineSlotsOpticsModes" when not used. [85300] Fixed: Group names were not reused after deleteGroup ([url=""][/url]) [85280] Improved: AI smarter in using binoculars. [85244] Fixed: Objects close to bushes or trees sometimes ignored during visibility testing ([url=""][/url]) [85199] Fixed: Order of init event handlers and init commands was reversed since 1.57 beta ([url=""][/url]) [85032] Fixed: script command FOR (BASIC) can use capital characters in variable [84977] Optimized: MP: Improved server performance in complex missions. [84957] Optimized: MP: Reduced number of messages send during JIP to complex missions. [84874] Fixed: Slight cursor offset when selecting items in the listboxes (like mission selection). [84871] Improved: MP: Smoother motion of distant units (Default value of MinErrorToSend changed to 0.001, introduced new value MinErrorToSendNear with a default value of 0.01). [84865] Fixed: MP game crashed after loading a save from a complex mission ([url=""][/url]) [84692] Fixed: AI was often not watching unidentified targets (causing [url=""][/url]) [84632] Fixed: turret tug after crew turn-in [84478] Improved: loading of binarized bikb files now supported. [84464] Improved: MP: Remote units should move a lot smoother. [84453] Fixed: DisableSerialization breaks spawn script variables after Load. [84388] New: New entry requiredBuild=xxxxx; in server.cfg preventing obsolete clients to connect. Not reliable until 1.60, clients are still able to connect. [84374] Optimized: MP: Reduced bandwidth used by standing AI soldiers. [84285] Fixed: MP: Remote units jumping back when stopping ([url=""][/url]) [84271] Fixed: MP: Reduced bandwith usage in missions with many soldiers. [84266] Improved: Better error message shown when memory allocation fails because of too small page file. [84265] Improved: Abnormal program termination by an error message is now more robust, less likely to cause a bogus crash report or to miss the message box. [84259] Fixed: Weapons on pylons changed positions after fireAtTarget ([url=""][/url]) [84221] Fixed: Tanks sometimes braking too much or even reversing a bit when slowing down. [84209] Fixed: AI subordinates sometimes slowing down too much when navigating around obstacles. [84057] Fixed: Possible crash after calling joinSilent and deleteVehicle. [83810] Fixed: Rare problem of AI fleeing when all enemies mounted vehicles. [83759] Fixed: AI not engagign through glass and other penetrable surfaces ([url=""][/url]). [83726] Fixed: Lipsync for radio not working. [83721] Fixed: AI no longer seeing through dense grass ([url=""][/url]) [83597] Fixed: Attached objects no longer causing slow car movement. [83544] Improved: AI skill settings in difficulty options easier to use. [83530] Improved: Soldier movement more natural when doing "scan horizon". [83496] Changed: Danger FSM event DCFire is now sent only when unit not in the combat mode yet ([url=""][/url]) [83471] Fixed: AI units often not engaging close enemies ([url=""][/url], [url=""][/url]) [83400] New: scripting function "assignedTeam xxx" returns colored team to which a commander of given vehicle belongs to. [83390] Fixed: Most units had maximum skill, ignoring values set in the mission ([url=""][/url]) [83310] Fixed: More space for GameSpy QR2 signature key answer. [83308] Fixed: low game fps causing innacurate AI weapon aiming (see also [url=""][/url]) [83273] Changed: Temporarily abandoned vehicles are no longer considered neutral (AI continues engaging them). [83258] Fixed: tugging tracks on tanks [83156] Fixed: AI units no longer firing at empty enemy vehicles ([url=""][/url]) [83137] Fixed: Walking no longer causes prone-style recoil to be used. ([url=""][/url]) [83122] Fixed: AI no longer considering a car horn as a threat. [83118] Fixed: AI no longer using AA against ground targets or guided missiles against soft targets unless desperate ([url=""][/url]) [83100] Fixed: Enemy fire no longer reported by units which cannot be aware of it. [83088] Fixed: Units equipped with NVG no longer turn on the flashlights on their own ([url=""][/url]) [83085] Fixed: setMimic working, acceptable mimics are: "neutral", "dead", "danger", "hurt", "aware", "safe", "combat" ([url=""][/url]) [83077] Improved: AI considering threats uphill from it a bit more when planning a path. [83076] Fixed: Object variable space was not cleared reset between missions ([url=""][/url]) [83062] Fixed: Sky sometimes changing abruptly ([url=""][/url]) [82969] Improved: AI is less able to detect enemies in forests (improved estimation on "disappearing in a pattern" for forests). [82939] Fixed: AI vehicles could spot previously known targets even out of their visual cone ([url=""][/url]) [82928] Fixed: Occasional visual artifacts caused by rabbit animation interpolation since 79670 (thanks to Sniperwolf572 and F2k Sel for finding the repro). [82899] Fixed: Signature checking of BAF/PMC addons. [82874] New: Command line option -nosound to run the game without accessing audio devices. [82699] Optimized: Some background file operations are faster, esp. with low fps (should fix [url=""][/url]) [82654] Optimized: Visual state interpolation fully enabled. ([url=""][/url]) [82621] Fixed: Weapons no leaving hands while turning when prone [82590] Fixed: Message "Creating debriefing" no longer appearing in the rpt file. [82484] Improved: AI helicopter attempt to land when hit during an attach run. [82476] Fixed: Crash opportunity when camera object was deleted. [82464] Improved: AI landing more reliable with broken back rotor. [82451] New: AI FSMs can be disabled using unit disableAI "FSM". [82342] Fixed: AI road vehicle avoidance improved. [82295] Fixed: PMC videos flashing (since 80298). [82163] Fixed: No longer display names of buildings hidden by accuracy ([url=""][/url]) [82130] Fixed: Occasional fps drop when AI was getting in a vehicle. [82117] Optimized: Much faster visibility testing when many units are around, esp. when they are not moving a lot. [81995] Fixed: AI planes were climing/diving wildly during formation flying. [81956] Improved: AI takeoff improved, L-39 or Su-34 can now lift from all Chernarus airfields. [81286] Fixed: Airplane control surfaces position could reach impossible values with keyboard controls ([url=""][/url]) [80336] Optimized: Reduced frame rate drops caused by texture loading ([url=""][/url]) [79768] New: Mods can be configured using Windows Registry. [79670] Fixed: AI warping at distance in singleplayer ([url=""][/url]) [79645] New: parameter "angle" for reflectors [79509] Fixed: Possible freeze after alt-tab in window mode. [79500] New: Helipads can be placed on a carrier deck and AI helicopter can land on them. [79462] Fixed: Airplane sometimes crashed after landing autopilot was activated. [79441] Fixed: Crash when assembling GMG, L2A1 crew served weapons. [79432] New: AI able to STOL on runways shorter than 500 m. [79412] Impoved: Aircraft can be placed on carrier deck in the editor.(changes in data) fixed :[OA] SC 48 Sector Control is missing ammo for Mk17 EGLM RCO and Mk17 TWS SD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
azliana 0 Posted August 9, 2012 Yeah thats the post i saw on another post, im not too savvy comp wise and it explained i could check a servers setttings for that, but i dont know how, so i resolved to ask if anyone knows a server where its disabled Share this post Link to post Share on other sites