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Low frames tried EVERYTHING

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OK OK i know this has been asked a TRILLION times.

but heres my problem. 1 in like 30 servers ill spawn and my fps on the coast away from any town is like 45. if i go to cherno it goes down to like 11-14fps terrible especially when trying to use a ladder. anyway ive done all the mentioned tweaks mentioned in previous posts ( changed config, changed startup parameters) changed video settings to normal and video memory to default

changed game priority to high (which gives me terrible artifacts in game) ive even tweaked the invidia 3d app settings.

nothing seems to fix my crappy frame rate, and the longer i play the worse it gets. if anyone has any other suggestions your help would be awesome.


windows 7 sp1

CPU - AMD phenom 9650 quad core 2.30Ghz

Graphics card - Geforce GTX 560 Ti OC 2gb

corsair G600 PSU

7gb ram

hope i didnt leave anything out

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Try changing the server, some servers are bugged and I dont know why the FPS doesnt go above 15.

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If you've got 2gb of ram on your graphic card, then try video memory at 'very high'. If you get 'out of memory' errors, set it to 'high'.

Also, if you turn down the effects/textures, I read that some rendering can be handed over to the CPU, so in some cases keeping

a setting (Eg. shadows) at 'high' can improve frame rate because the GPU is used instead. Sometimes, on some cards.

Keep anti-aliasing off or low.

Set view distance to 1000m.

Set resolution lower, and 3D resolution to 100% of whatever you choose (or lower if you can stand the blur it causes).

You'll probably have to change the aspect ratio to stretch it correctly, and may have black bars at the sides or top/bottom.

Lastly, when tweaking things one at a time, it's important to do exactly the same thing each test.

Arma has this built in: Start Arma (not dayz), and in the single mission 'scenarios' choose 'benchmark 01'.

It'll play an in-game cut-scene and tell you the average frame rate at the end.

You can then change a setting, play the scene again, and see what difference it made (if any).

Also, I think some server settings may override your own. Eg. landscape settings might be forced to 'normal' or 'high',

so that everyone sees a similar amount of objects, bushes and grass. So you might be able to get slightly better results

offline than online.

Edited by Anti

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Don't set your video memory to Very High. Always keep it at Default, because Very High is a few steps below default. If I remember correctly, Very High caps your VRam at 512MB. Doesn't seem to make all that much of a difference, but I keep hearing about it.

Try turning object detail down, perhaps it is trying to render all of the zombies through the buildings. Do not turn it to low though, because then it's no longer GPU-rendered.

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Don't set your video memory to Very High. Always keep it at Default, because Very High is a few steps below default.

If I remember correctly, Very High caps your VRam at 512MB.

I'm fairly sure 'default' means 'ask the card how much VRAM it has'. ie. auto-report.

The problem with that setting is that some cards don't report the right amount.

However, if your card does report the right amount, 'default' is the best setting to use.

If you think you're having problems with the default setting, then try the appropriate manual setting.

No-one seems to be 100% sure, but it looks like:

LOW = 256MB

MED = 512MB

HIGH = 1024MB

V.HIGH = 2048MB

(You have to bear in mind that the game engine is several years old - nowadays 2Gb would be 'med' or 'high').

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I can tell you now your exact problem. Your CPU is not powerful enough for arma 2. This game is one of the most CPU intense games available today. 2.3ghz will struggle like crazy with dayz. Also you didnt specify you HDD.

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even tho its a quad core? i know its not the fastest cpu but damn haha. and my hdd is just a 418gb drive its not a solid state drive or anything

and also why can i run armaIIOA with steady 40-60 frames but dayz just wont work with me

Edited by JimBurrr

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