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Chicago 42 aka PATTY aka maggot Server. Run by babies.

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CSS failures? Sorry your a newgen player that nobody has heard of. When you get some seasons under your belt, let me know. inb4 POS fat shit that is horrible at a 10 year old game getting carried to invite and stopped playing, because nobody will play with him. Yes Maggot got banned cheating in counter strike, what?, 3 or 4 years ago? I was at that Atlanta lan, and I was standing behind him video taping his screen while he used a minor exploit, not a cheat. Now that your ignorance has shown with the illegal barbwire statement, you basically have zero influence in this forum. This is a personal vendetta for you to try and ruin our good time. You have all failed, go back to ESEA and continue to be irrelevant in every community you play in.

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After looking over the entire thread, I'm disappointed with the results, the posters, and the people involved. I have no control over what you say or how but I hope people will be more civil when attempting a ban appeal next time.

If someone higher than me feels the need to unlock or do something else, do so. Otherwise I see no point in keeping this thread alive when it just spiraled down out of control into a pissing contest.

Come on now.

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