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Is it just me or does the server difficulty level (regular, veteran, expert) not have any relevance what so ever to the server settings.

from DayZ wiki: "Servers differ in difficulty level, regular difficulty allows third-person, has a crosshair, and allows you to see other players nameplates. Veteran servers do not permit these."

Was this ever true?

If I'm looking for a server with everything turned off (third person, nametags, crosshair, death messages) filtering for expert wont help me at all because I find alot of "expert" servers with everything turned on and then also find "regular" servers without crosshair or third person". Veteran can be anything...

Why are all these hosts putting "expert", "veteran", or "regular" in the server names if it doesn't play any role with the settings?

So annoying, why can't it just be simple...

Edited by martinhjerpe

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I just get day z commander, you can filter out day/night servers 3rd person, name plates, pretty much everything.

And i dont think the difficulty level applies to anything except for what type of player the server admins want participating in that server.

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I hear you. I wont play any servers that allow nametags to appear when you roll your crosshair on them. If you play on a server like this you are sniper bait (even more so than normally).

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I just get day z commander, you can filter out day/night servers 3rd person, name plates, pretty much everything.

And i dont think the difficulty level applies to anything except for what type of player the server admins want participating in that server.

Yes I also use DayZ commander, however... commander sais that the servers I play on have third person and crosshair which is not true so I can't trust that program entirely.

Edited by martinhjerpe
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Yes I also use DayZ commander, however... commander sais that the servers I play on have third person and crosshair which is not true so I can't trust that program entirely.

Yeah i just realized that, well i hope my insight about the difficulty level helps.

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I hear ya man. I hate the shit as well. If you use the in-game browser just make sure that difficulty reads expert:


Even still, some have deathmessages=1...I just filter merc and get about 10 servers. I usually play on US 782, everything is off.

This will give you an idea of what difficulty settings have the ability to enable/disable certain setting's:


Not exactly sure how DayZ handles it though.

Sucks not many people play on expert servers. At least I haven't found one that has had many players on it. Maybe 20-25 tops if it's a good day. Heh.

Edited by livilaNic
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Yes I also use DayZ commander, however... commander sais that the servers I play on have third person and crosshair which is not true so I can't trust that program entirely.

I'm sorta, kinda, a little bias... but DayZCommander is your best guess at figuring out what the server is running, without actually joining it.

The difficulty is only the default for those settings, any one of them can be overridden. DayZCommander takes both of these into account. Starting with the difficulty setting, and anything in the server name (3P:OFF, etc).. will override that.

If only the server info actually reported the truth....


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