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Found a stocked off-road, got completely geared out, then I was bored

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So I ran into an extreme bit of luck. I found a completely stocked off-road vehicle. Got a gilly suit, NVG, binoculars, map, matches, Sniper rifle, assault rifle, etc. Basically, everything you need to survive on your own indefinitely.

Here is the thing, I got bored.

End of the story was I drove my off-road to a military base in the middle of the night. Approached it on foot...but I forgot bandages! I got punched by a zombie at the base before I hatcheted it to death and then I bled to death. Kind of ironic, I had like 9 bandages in the off-road but it was so far away.

I'm actually happy about it. I get to start over now, it's really the funnest part of the game.

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Never set off without the three B's: Beans, Bandages and Bullets! Oh, and Water :thumbsup:

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I hate having good gear. Low-end farm/civilian gear is where it's out. I feel like I can have more fun, take more risk, etc. I love it. When I kill a guy with good gear, I play just as wreckless.

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Was the only primary gun left in that offroad an MP5? If so, you'll be pleased to know it gave me my first driving experience ever in Day Z, though I crashed it and died in one of the more southern towns hitting some road debris. I was wondering what that truck was doing out there unhidden. :)

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no it had a FAL and an as50, ammo about 10 jerry cans, tons of beans and soda, and random car parts. I'm going to go look for it later just for shits and giggles to see if it's still there. I also had a tent where I stashed some more gear. I'm interested to see if anyone found that too. Both are in pretty good hiding spots.

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Heh, thought it was hilarious that you made this post, I thought for sure it was the one I found. The one I found had all kinds of other gear, the only specific thing that stuck was the MP5. Apparently it's common to leave offroads by the NW airfield.

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