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Seananners using hacked in weapons and vehicles

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More childish excuses. Anyone who doesn't know cheating is wrong is clearly mentally deficiant. Is that what YOU are saying about the guy? Are YOU saying he has no sense of morality as a grown adult?

Yeah, its wrong.

No doubt.

But why do you guys get so butthurt, and jump on people for it?

I am a server admin and I have been killed by hackers multiple times.

But its a game man.

Hacking, yes it should be stopped, but don't you have anything better to do than decide who should and shouldn't be allowed to play a game?

I'm not looking to piss anyone off or make enemies or anything. But seriously, you guys have WAY to much time on your hands if you are going to smash your monitor in over things like this.

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But seriously, you guys have WAY to much time on your hands if you are going to smash your monitor in over things like this.

And you have way too much time on your hands if you don't care about hacking but have to respond in a cheat report forum...the ironing is delicious :D

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And you have way too much time on your hands if you don't care about hacking but have to respond in a cheat report forum...the ironing is delicious :D

I I saw it in new content or whatever that little sidebar is with all the new topics.

Keep raging then I guess.

I just can't get as angry over it as you guys can.

Kudos to you.

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I I saw it in new content or whatever that little sidebar is with all the new topics.

Keep raging then I guess.

I just can't get as angry over it as you guys can.

Kudos to you.

Your apathy is inspiring

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Yeah, its wrong.

No doubt.

But why do you guys get so butthurt, and jump on people for it?

I am a server admin and I have been killed by hackers multiple times.

But its a game man.

Hacking, yes it should be stopped, but don't you have anything better to do than decide who should and shouldn't be allowed to play a game?

I'm not looking to piss anyone off or make enemies or anything. But seriously, you guys have WAY to much time on your hands if you are going to smash your monitor in over things like this.

There's a difference between one admin just playing a game and a video that will be seen by potentially over 1 million people on YouTube...or even by tens of millions, should this particular video go viral.

Edited by Leeham721

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The thing is, if anyone else did what Nanners did, the community would crucify them, but as soon as Nanners does it it's like "oh that? noooo, that's not cheating that's fine!"

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He didn't even use the weapon, he zoomed in a couple of times, but that is all. They flew the heli like 200 feet and crashed. He killed himself at the end and gave up all the hacked loot. Stop being a little pansy, Im not even subscribed to this guy and I don't think he should be banned. Don't say " oh if he killed you, you'd think differently ", he didn't kill anyone! Stop being a pansy.

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I am torn over what I think of this.

He did it knowingly, because of the fact that the other guy did tell him from the beginning. So he was knowing the entire time. But no one was hurt/injured in the process. But. Still. As Thudirah said, if anyone else did it, they would be flamed.

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The main issue here is the huge influence wielded by Seananners which is encouraging hacking and the use of hacked weapons and vehicles in his video.

I'ts worth mentioning, for example that the guy who actually hacked in the items had his skype name displayed in the video, and commented that he has already received hundreds of contact requests. Why? You can bet that most of these are people wanting him to hack in items or vehicles for them - some no doubt offering incentives for him to do this.

That, my friends is the ripple effect of this kind of video watched my 100's of thousands of impressionable people.

I know Rocket has stated in the past that simply using hacked weapons will not get you banned, I can understand this if you accidentally picked an item up and were none the wiser, but deliberately using knowingly hacked weapons and vehicles and then posting a video of this for the gaming community to watch is really damaging to the community and the game.

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I think the bigger offence was uploading the video to be honest, it's the fact that he not only knowingly used spawned items and a helicopter that was spawned in but he uploaded the video of it afterwards like it won't influence people to do it too. I think he should be banned, seeing as he's such a popular Youtuber, if someone like Nanners was to get banned, it would be a MASSIVE message to the DayZ player base that you shouldn't cheat/hack.

Edit: Don't get me wrong, I love Nanners, by far one of my favorite Youtubers, however, what he has done is a bit bad :/

Edited by Thundirah
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I think the bigger offence was uploading the video to be honest, it's the fact that he not only knowingly used spawned items and a helicopter that was spawned in but he uploaded the video of it afterwards like it was all fun and games. I think he should be banned, seeing as he's such a popular youtuber, if someone like Nanners was to get banned, it would be a MASSIVE message to the DayZ player base that you shouldn't cheat/hack.

Unfortunately I get the feeling that people like Yogscast and Seananners can do whatever the hell they like in DayZ and nothing will happen because it would not be in the business interests of the DayZ devs.

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I think the bigger offence was uploading the video to be honest, it's the fact that he not only knowingly used spawned items and a helicopter that was spawned in but he uploaded the video of it afterwards like it was all fun and games. I think he should be banned, seeing as he's such a popular youtuber, if someone like Nanners was to get banned, it would be a MASSIVE message to the DayZ player base that you shouldn't cheat/hack.

He didn't cheat nor hack. the real enemy is not fucking seananners here. you all are just too blind to see it. Yeah lets ban the famous dude because he picked up hacked items. But lets not worry about the real problem. The guy that spawned it in the first place?

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He didn't cheat nor hack. the real enemy is not fucking seananners here. you all are just too blind to see it. Yeah lets ban the famous dude because he picked up hacked items. But lets not worry about the real problem. The guy that spawned it in the first place?

The guy that spawned the weapons is going to get banned anyway, BE have been banning people like crazy recently, and BE can tell whether scripts executed in the game are legitimate or not, so no, the real problem is not that script kiddie, it IS Seananners, like I said, he is a massive influence on others and in this video he is encouraging to use of spawned items and potentially the use of hacks, Goldie is a different story, he was the (more) sensible one out of the two and told Adam to drop the shit.

Edited by Thundirah

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He didn't cheat nor hack. the real enemy is not fucking seananners here. you all are just too blind to see it. Yeah lets ban the famous dude because he picked up hacked items. But lets not worry about the real problem. The guy that spawned it in the first place?

For the 50th time, SeaNanners has INFLUENCE over a MASSIVE audience. Being jovial about cheats and making cheating seem like a fun little activity sends his 1 million strong core audience the message that it is okay to do that. You can pretend you don't understand all you like, it doesn't change the fact. Demographics aren't fake because you don't want them to be. You don't even need a most basic understanding of marketing to see what this video means and what weight it carries when coming from an influencial figure in an impressionable audience. People play DayZ because of him, that's exactly the same as what we* are describing. That indisputably proves what we are saying, and it shows that marketing works.

Edited by Leeham721
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I saw a few comments on the video "This is a nice hacker", "I like this hacker", and I saw one that said something along the lines of "I'm downloading a hack now I'm

gonna use god mode" or something.


Edited by Thundirah

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I saw a few comments on the video "This is a nice hacker", "I like this hacker", and I saw one that said something along the lines of "I'm downloading a hack now I'm gonna use god mode" or something.

How about Seananners quote at the end of the video when he says to the hacker (Comrade Barbells): "This was awesome [eg getting hacked items and vehicles] this was the best thing that ever happened to me".

Nice message about hacking DayZ to all those thousands of viewers watching his video.

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There's a difference between one admin just playing a game and a video that will be seen by potentially over 1 million people on YouTube...or even by tens of millions, should this particular video go viral.

For the 50th time, SeaNanners has INFLUENCE over a MASSIVE audience. Being jovial about cheats and making cheating seem like a fun little activity sends his 1 million strong core audience the message that it is okay to do that. You can pretend you don't understand all you like, it doesn't change the fact. Demographics aren't fake because you don't want them to be. You don't even need a most basic understanding of marketing to see what this video means and what weight it carries when coming from an influencial figure in an impressionable audience. People play DayZ because of him, that's exactly the same as what we* are describing. That indisputably proves what we are saying, and it shows that marketing works.

So you're angry because this dude is really popular and some hacker was playing with him, giving him gear, spawning vehicles into the game for him and he has a huge audience and people watch his channel. Then because you're so angry you report him and HELP him influence even more people who potentially don't even know who this guy is - like me - and spread the word of hacking even FURTHER than what he originally did.

*nods* *nods* mhmm I understand... By your own definition you should be banned as well for promoting and spreading the word of hackers to more audiences.

Edit: You can also tell this guy is new or doesn't play often, cause he doesn't even realize he can drop the nvgs. Unless he's playing REALLY stupid on his own channel... and for some reason I don't think thats the case.

How about Seananners quote at the end of the video when he says to the hacker (Comrade Barbells): "This was awesome [eg getting hacked items and vehicles] this was the best thing that ever happened to me".

Nice message about hacking DayZ to all those thousands of viewers watching his video.

You know... you're kind of pathetic. Misquoting people is possibly worse than hacking imho... at least as bad. For anyone who actually wants to HEAR what Seananners really says, start at 15:39 and listen until the end. I chose 15:39 because its another part of the video which shows off how newb he was.

Edited by Maroite

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So you're angry cause this dude is really popular and some hacker was playing with him, giving him gear, spawning vehicles into the game for him and he has a huge audience and people watch his channel. Then because you're so angry you report him and HELP him influence even more people who potentially don't even know who this guy is - like me - and spread the word of hacking even FURTHER than what he originally did.

*nods* *nods* mhmm I understand... By your own definition you should be banned as well for promoting and spreading the word of hackers to more audiences.

Dude that's grade A gibberish right there.

Reporting hackers sends the message that its not OK to hack or cheat, no matter who you are.

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I've watched Seananners for ages, his DayZ vids have been no exception.

This is the first time that I've seen him do questionable stuff other than some harmless griefing and stuff like that.

Did he get excited and allow the hacker to spawn shit for him? Yes.

Did he use any of the stuff in the context of the game? No.

Did he use any hacks of his own? No.

Did he keep the hacked gear? No.

He got the hacker to kill him, thus ending the risk of being banned for knowingly having hacked gear.

The bottom line is that he listened to Goldie and didn't keep the gear.

As far as I know, only the hacker can be banned, but Adam still didn't keep the gear, even though he wanted to.

Did this video make me want to go out and find a hacker to spawn me some phat gear? Of course not!

The fun of finding stuff is half the reason I play this mod.. the other half is keeping the stuff I find. :)

I'm not condoning what he did or didn't do, but I definitely don't see any reason why he should be banned for anything that I saw in that video.

Edited by Cyanyde
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Did he use any of the stuff in the context of the game? No.

Shooting zombies from a spawned in chopper M240 is not 'using any of the stuff in the context of the game'? Please note that 3/4 of this video he also had god mode on (you can tell by the fact he had no debug screen), ie was safe from damage from zombies and players. And do you really think he went the whole time without shooting anything with his spawned in sniper rifle?

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You guys are free to debate, but keep it civil. Leaving this up for community staff to review.

Edited by Dingus

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So you're angry because this dude is really popular and some hacker was playing with him, giving him gear, spawning vehicles into the game for him and he has a huge audience and people watch his channel. Then because you're so angry you report him and HELP him influence even more people who potentially don't even know who this guy is - like me - and spread the word of hacking even FURTHER than what he originally did.

*nods* *nods* mhmm I understand... By your own definition you should be banned as well for promoting and spreading the word of hackers to more audiences.

Edit: You can also tell this guy is new or doesn't play often, cause he doesn't even realize he can drop the nvgs. Unless he's playing REALLY stupid on his own channel... and for some reason I don't think thats the case.

Again, there is a massive difference to reporting him in a cheaters forum and him directly showcasing to 1 million viewers who are mostly as unaware of ARMA2 as he was. He built a COD audience with COD gameplay and COD commentary. The failure to grasp the concepts of audience, demographics and his position of power is truly astounding.

Edited by Leeham721

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Guys, it wouldn't of mattered if he picked up the guns or not and if he choose not to fly the heli. I doubt +1 million people have the same morale standing as seananners.


The hacker is easily contacted, from what I've seen. Of course flying a heli around and NOT being killed by a hacker would be fun.

Edited by TheDesigner

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