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Seananners using hacked in weapons and vehicles

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Well known YouTuber Seananners knowingly takes and uses spawned in hacked weapons and vehicles (eg chopper) in his recent DayZ video:

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This guy has to be punished. He's validating hacking to a massive audience.

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I didn't watch the video. But if he didn't spawn them in himself and he didn't ask a hacker for them. Then he can rightly keep them. The vehicles will disappear next restart.

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Honestly shut your fucking hole. you honestly watch nanners for a reason. now going on the forums because he unknowingly takes things that are against the rules and bitching about it is dumb. Nanners has brought in many new players to the community and to say "ban him" would just be dumb.

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Honestly shut your fucking hole. you honestly watch nanners for a reason. now going on the forums because he unknowingly takes things that are against the rules and bitching about it is dumb. Nanners has brought in many new players to the community and to say "ban him" would just be dumb.

how would you feel if nanners killed you right now with that svd, or with that chopper. I bet your tune would be a HELL of alot different

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Honestly shut your fucking hole. you honestly watch nanners for a reason. now going on the forums because he unknowingly takes things that are against the rules and bitching about it is dumb. Nanners has brought in many new players to the community and to say "ban him" would just be dumb.

EVERYONE knows that cheating is wrong.

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how would you feel if nanners killed you right now with that svd, or with that chopper. I bet your tune would be a HELL of alot different

The thing is he doesn't know its wrong. for you to complain for something he has not committed is stupid. quit your whining.

EVERYONE knows that cheating is wrong.

Cheating is wrong but he didn't mean too. He wasnt even the one who spawned the stuff.

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The thing is he doesn't know its wrong. for you to complain for something he has not committed is stupid. quit your whining.

Cheating is wrong but he didn't mean too. He wasnt even the one who spawned the stuff.

Clearly a fan boy. Twisting everything to make your hero innocent.

The fact is he validated hacking and cheating. He told his audience that it's okay to cheat in a massively popular game 'just because you can'. He's a very affluent uploader, people look up to him and play whatever he plays. The EFFECT this will have and the message it sends hugely outweighs the phony 'ignorance' defence you are placing on him.

Edited by Leeham721
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Clearly a fan boy. Twisting everything to make your hero innocent.

The fact is he validated hacking and cheating. He told his audience that it's okay to cheat in a massively popular game 'just because you can'. He's a very affluent uploader, people look up to him and play whatever he plays. The EFFECT this will have and the message it sends hugely outweighs the phony 'ignorance' defence you are placing on him.

Did you even watch the video? He never validates hacking. He took the hacker pretty light heartedly, got excited about a helicopter and wanting to learn to fly it, and then followed the instruction of one of his close buds to break ties with the scripter...

I'm very anti hacking and have never seen this guy because I don't frequent YouTube, but you're over reacting and going after the wrong guy imho. You're kind of coming off as a pretty big hater actually and skewing the video to support your hate.

Anyone who watches the video will see that this Seananners guy is pretty new to the game, got excited at being able to fly a helicopter, and in the end turned down the hacked items because he likes the game too much and respects his friends opinion.

Edited by Maroite
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The fact is he validated hacking and cheating. He told his audience that it's okay to cheat in a massively popular game 'just because you can'. He's a very affluent uploader, people look up to him and play whatever he plays. The EFFECT this will have and the message it sends hugely outweighs the phony 'ignorance' defence you are placing on him.

To get him banned would be a loss to dayz as a whole. he has brought in a lot of people and helped it become what it is. like you said "1 million subscribers" watching his video's can't help but improve dayz.

allow me to change your statement to what you are trying to say.

Seananners advocates hacking in all 24 of his video's. Im just to dumb to realize that im wrong.


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Honestly shut your fucking hole. you honestly watch nanners for a reason. now going on the forums because he unknowingly takes things that are against the rules and bitching about it is dumb. Nanners has brought in many new players to the community and to say "ban him" would just be dumb.

Fanboy much? Nanners started playing DayZ only after it became popular...and he KNOWINGLY took items from a person he KNEW was a hacker, watch the vid, he is enabling and collaborating with the hacking

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He isn't the one doing the cheating though.

Dude you admit you didn't even watch the video so keep your uninformed opinions to yourself

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Fanboy much? Nanners started playing DayZ only after it became popular...and he KNOWINGLY took items from a person he KNEW was a hacker, watch the vid, he is enabling and collaborating with the hacking

Go back to your shit youtube channel kid. You clearly didn't watch the rest of the video, like Maroite said he was told to break ties with the hacker by his friend because he was unknowingly taking things that can get him banned.

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Fanboy much? Nanners started playing DayZ only after it became popular...and he KNOWINGLY took items from a person he KNEW was a hacker, watch the vid, he is enabling and collaborating with the hacking

And then makes the RIGHT decision, and breaks ties with the hacker.

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To get him banned would be a loss to dayz as a whole. he has brought in a lot of people and helped it become what it is. like you said "1 million subscribers" watching his video's can't help but improve dayz.

allow me to change your statement to what you are trying to say.


Woah that's so brave of you, changing the quote to something I clearly didn't say. This just proves you are insecure in your argument. If you can't respond confidently, just be a dick instead!

If you can't understand how the draw of players + making hacking seem okay are equated, you're truly ignorant.

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What is with you people and the ban hammer?

You are so quick to judge, but what if you were new to the game, and didnt know right from wrong, and were banned because of one misunderstanding?

Some of you need to chill the fuck out and stop worrying about banning people.

Edited by The Hopper
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Go back to your shit youtube channel kid. You clearly didn't watch the rest of the video, like Maroite said he was told to break ties with the hacker by his friend because he was unknowingly taking things that can get him banned.

No YOU didn't watch the vid. His friend TOLD him he was a scripter at the start, he asked the hacker who TOLD him he was a scripter, then he went ahead and took items and used vehicles etc that the guy spawned in...if a guy steals your car, rips off the stereo and then later tells you 'stealings bad mkay' would you accept that??? Get real. Hackers ruin games. Encouraging young kids in videos that hacking is fun and cool is hurting the gaming community in general and the DayZ community specifically.

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Dude you admit you didn't even watch the video so keep your uninformed opinions to yourself

He is right even if he didn't watch the video. So keep your ass off my forums prick.

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He is right even if he didn't watch the video. So keep your ass off my forums prick.

YOUR Forums???? The guy with a mighty twelve (12) lifetime posts? hahahahaha! :lol: :D :lol: :D :P

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What is with you people and the ban hammer?

You are so quick to judge, but what if you were new to the game, and didnt know right from wrong, and were banned because of one misunderstanding?

Some of you need to chill the fuck out and stop worrying about banning people.

More childish excuses. Anyone who doesn't know cheating is wrong is clearly mentally deficient. Is that what YOU are saying about the guy? Are YOU saying he has no sense of morality as a grown adult?

Edited by Leeham721

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More childish excuses. Anyone who doesn't know cheating is wrong is clearly mentally deficiant. Is that what YOU are saying about the guy? Are YOU saying he has no sense of morality as a grown adult?

deficient* look at my post and stfu already.

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He dropped everything...no harm done. It's not his fault some hacker gave him stuff. If you watched it all you'll see at the end that he drops everything that was modded in.

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