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famas (DayZ)

Global Ban on 2 accounts: DayZ

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Famas, I have some empathy for you. There are a lot of negative nancies on the forums, you should ignore the hate that will quickly build up. People are very bitter towards the hackers in Dayz atm, so anything you mention that could possibly place you in that category will make everyone hate you as well.

I personally think your intentions were completely innocent and, frankly, logical, especially since you are a new player and wanted to familiarize yourself with the game. I can completely understand that. I am sorry that you have people laughing at the fact you had to buy a 2nd copy of the game just because you weren't crystal clear on Arma II's hacking policies.

I'd recommend doing something like that on the Armory in Arma II: OA or at least hosting your custom server on LAN only with no internet access, with battleye uninstalled. Modding makes games fun, Dayz and Minecraft have both shown us this, and you got screwed over. Sorry about that.

+1 to empathy

no. like you said. all weapons are in the standard game so just test them out there. holy fucking crystal raptor jesus. Edited by Bezki

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If you wanted to "try" guns you can simply load your own game in Combined Operations and run the Armory. You can test every weapon, vehicle, or whatever Arma II has to offer. I honestly do not believe your story though. Gee Gee

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how do you delete the registy files? i cant find them please take a picture of which exactly of them they are

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