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Tent question

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when you save a tent it stays on the server. You have to go to the same server to see it again. Same goes for all vehicles

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I'm not sure if this is what you're asking..... but if you have a tent in your inventory it will stay in your inventory just like anything else when you change servers. When you pitch the tent, the tent will only be on the server you pitched it on.

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Oh ok, im talking about the tent being in my inventory. So you guys are saying it will transfer over servers, cool. One other question, i play a lot on a server called CA1. Whenever i join this server it has the character i last played on it, not the last character i played in general. So im guessing i go over to CA1 i will start with the character i last played on it who will not have the tent. Correct?

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Oh ok, im talking about the tent being in my inventory. So you guys are saying it will transfer over servers, cool. One other question, i play a lot on a server called CA1. Whenever i join this server it has the character i last played on it, not the last character i played in general. So im guessing i go over to CA1 i will start with the character i last played on it who will not have the tent. Correct?

Wow... for my noob experienced brain in this game this is really weird... is it normal? I mean, you should be able to keep up with the same progress in all servers

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