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I just had my Rcon hijacked right from under me while admining my server. only 2 players wouldnt show up on my rcon [ka}!Rinc0' im nearly positive was the culprit. is there any way to keep hackers from Hijacking Rcon from me? the MOD's changed and everything. WTF

im nearly positive that they are still connected aswell. im baffeled on how to fight this. (yes i've changed the rcon PW)

Edited by HackersSuckBalls

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Have you moved cfgdayZ from the root directory? apperately hackers can get access to it without any need for proper hacking...just a "bug"/ whateves you wanna call it.

EDIT: Basicly they can get in and see what your password is set to.

Edited by Tweakie

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