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I have no canteen, and i've got cotten mouth, what do?

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Yeah, so. Like previously mentioned, I have no canteen and im about to die of thirst (if possible). Does anyone know of a substitute for, or a location of a canteen? I've picked up a empty can but im not even sure if I can drink with it.

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Empty cans and bottles are useless. The only refillable containers are water canteens.

You need to find loot; Pepsi and Coke are some of the most common things in the game. See http:dayzdb.com/map to see where the loot is.

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Any residential, any barn, any grocery store. One of the most common items in the game, I've even seen zombies carrying them.

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Go to towns and look around for full soda cans. some times soda drops on dead zombies so loot the ones you kill and no you cant fill a empty soda can with water they are trash items.

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Empty whisky will do, that or a canteen are the only refillable containers. If your near a town then residential areas always have a good chance of spawning some sort of a drink.

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best bet is barns, i typically find random soda's in there all the time, but if your looking for something to fill and go, you will have to find a canteen. wish i was able to get on atm to help, as i have plenty of soda's and canteens between my group and i

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I am actually logged off in a barn atm. Where I just founda crossbow and a few bolts, and I think there may even be a whiskey bottle around, I'll try that. Thanks for your help people. Also what's the word on a crossbow? Any good reason to use it vs a gun? Silence perhaps? And are the bolts able to be reacquired from my target or are they one-shot-ammo?

Edited by Bloodknife

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