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In a silent way

Suggestion for combating players that disconnects to avoid dying.

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Hi, we all know that there are players that likes to disconnect when they are being shot at or to escape from zombies. One solution I have thought of was to have players persist in a world for say 30 seconds after they disconnect. This will discourage players from disconnecting when they are shot at, because then they will just be defenseless. This will encourage players to fight back or escape from attackers, and to disconnect in a safe area.

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^^ Agreed- or illegal disconnection will result in a loss of ALL gear! muahahahahahaha

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Hi, we all know that there are players that likes to disconnect when they are being shot at or to escape from zombies. One solution I have thought of was to have players persist in a world for say 30 seconds after they disconnect. This will discourage players from disconnecting when they are shot at, because then they will just be defenseless. This will encourage players to fight back or escape from attackers, and to disconnect in a safe area.

Pretty decent idea but I can see the downside to a player who might aggro some zombies, starts running around and then their game crashes. Now this player is getting owned by zombies because of a game crash.

Perhaps a slight adjustment to your idea, when shot (regardless of damage) you go into shock. If you leave game while in shock, you will be knocked out for 5 minutes upon logging back in. This is one attempt to fight combat logging. But maybe adding the 30 second delay while in shock? This doesn't stop players from combat logging when you shoot at them and miss, but hey be a better shot.

My personal fight against combat loggers is a warning message in my server and 3 to 7 day bans for players caught doing it. Sure they can go to other servers, but they are kept away from my server for a period of time.

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Horrible amount of time. Dcing is NOT AGAINST THE RULES. Yes for servers, but not for the game. Just play it like WOW and maybe do 10 seconds, but 30 seconds is WAYYYY too long

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30 seconds does seem a bit excessive. WoW and Diablo 3 (I think even Hardcore mode) both require a ten second logout time while in action and it seems to work fairly well.

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I never disconnect. Even if I know I won't survive.

But if I would honestly try and rob someone, without killing him, and he disconnects, that would not make me a happy camper.

So disconnect timer should also have indication, like waving goodbyes.

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Horrible amount of time. Dcing is NOT AGAINST THE RULES. Yes for servers, but not for the game. Just play it like WOW and maybe do 10 seconds, but 30 seconds is WAYYYY too long

Like melted said, when a player gets takes damage they should go into shock where if they DC their character will remain in the game for a certain amount of time. It doesn't have to be 30 seconds but if a character is deliberately DCing out of combat they deserved to be severally punished. DCing out of combat ruins the game.

Edited by In a silent way

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yeah as i sait 100 times before, just add a 10 sec delay on logout, if u move or takes damage from a zed/player the timer resets

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I can't wrap my head around why logging hasn't been fixed yet?! As far as I can tell, a simple log out timer or something of that sort would fix the problem quite easily!?

I was just around Stary providing over watch for two friends. I noticed a gillie suited guy in the end tent which wasnt one of ours - I quickly hit the dirt and took a pretty damn careless shot (heart was pumping) and missed.. He logged... I kept checking the server's player list to see if anyone was rejoining, as I suspected the guy might try reposition himself and log back into this particular server.. Sure enough two players; Jacob and Hellspawn were conveniently joining the server simultaneously .. 1 Minute later my two friends at the tents get dropped from shots heard miles away. I tucked away behind a car and scoped around and saw two faint gillies in the distance. Unfortunately they had seen me as well and attempted to unload a clip of AS50 rounds into me, from what i'd say was roughly 1400m away. I returned fire only to watch BOTH of the snipers log INSTANTLY as soon as my bullet hit near them. Of course i'm only assuming that it was these two guys who logged in at the time but the pieces certainly seem to fit together. Personally I think this is an easy fix and an important one that needs to be addressed/fixed asap.. But it doesn't seem to be at the top of the 'to-do' list at all..

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