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Why do my tents keep getting discovered?

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Just bad luck perhaps. Perhaps it's the same reason that in all of Chernarus players end up finding each other and fighting.

I ended up lost on a fresh character one time and finding a 10 tent camp full of decent gear. Good fun to find that, it's like winning the lottery.

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some hacks can pinpoint your camp in no time. The solution? Don't build all your tents in one location.

Edited by realm13

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My rules for tent-building....

1) Never build more than one in the same spot.

2) Never build within 300m of a major town, island, landmark, or edge of map

3) Never build on consistently populated servers (Should be an obvious one. Keep an eye out for servers that have low pop-cap and <10 players on average.)


I've had the same tents for a couple months, they've never been touched.

EDIT: One thing I forgot to add is there are plenty of great hiding spots that aren't around the edges of the map. There's a lot of miscellaneous hills and forests that people ordinarily would never need to go through. People don't seem to pay attention to tents inland as much either, so if you can hide your tent between some trees in a non-traffic area, you should be good.

Edited by t1337Dude

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they weren't outside the map there were near the edges yes but in really dense forest and near pine trees

i run the edge of the map looking for new camps weekly, and they shine real pretty when you put them in woods, so unless its 100% blocked by tree's from every angle chances are its getting seen (we always take a closer look at pine tree's :P

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I have never been able to use a tent...it keeps saying you must be on a level surface free from other objects... Just yesterday i went to the dam and attempted to place a tent on the flat road...can't place it ...etc

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It's easy to find camps considering you can limit your search grid to the western and northern forests on the map to begin with. And players that are seasoned at finding camps also know exactly where to look, so it's very hard to keep anything hidden.

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Trying to hide multiple tents in one place is generally a bad idea. Get few tents in few different sneaky positions. I've had my 2 tents near Novy on a random US server for the past month untouched.

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I normally get geared up by finding tents like yours. If there's not much there sometimes I just note the location and let it set for awhile, let the owner think it's safe. Then once he loads it up I raid it. Tent finding is also just one of my favorite activities in game.

This is a Dayz player indeed.

After a few months play you realise that the map actully isn't very big to be able to stash stuff away for long periods of time.

Couple of tips on placing tents well:

Don't put them on areas of high line-of-sight.

Place them away from any landmarks (this includes any distinguisable places on the ingame map and rocks)

Put them next to 'christmas' trees & bushes for better cover (sometimes this can be bad because people mark areas to look where there is alot of these trees)

I hope that helps, even if you knew this already.

This is great advice and to the OP, you should know this by now, nothing is safe whether we have tents or not. Prepare to lose everything but don't let it stop you from trying anything.

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Also, never park vehicles by your tents. And if you think 100m-200m meters away is far enough, let's just say that this isn't my first rodeo :)

Edited by Bubba Jones

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wtf, why make a tent city? of course someone sees it sooner or later if 5-6 tents are placed somewhere, and people KNOW people hide tents in remote places, thats why they search there for it

tip: only ONE tent, hidden in one of those little pine tree forrests (with the small pine trees) i have a camp on a server with 40/40 people 24/7, and no one found my camp a single time... its so well hidden you can walk two meters past it and not see it, and its in the middle of the map

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So many people fail at reading comprehension. He said instead of killing noobs he's trying to build a camp.

Anyways, I think sometimes your tents just bug out and lose all your stuff. I save each of mine like 4 times to try to ensure that they save, it seems to work well. As for hiding them in places: Pick somewhere that's surrounded by dense trees and not near anything of interest. I haven't had anyone raid my camp to my knowledge since I set it up.

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