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It may have been me. I destroyed the farth north eastern camp that was along the outskirts yesterday. Four tents, and... I think a truck? and... I don't know I stole some motorcycle I found just a bit north west of there, then went back to the camp, and blew it all up with c4..oh also, i think there was a tractor at one (this is why i bandicam/fraps EVERYHTINg and make notes of everything because my memory is so fucking brutal)

That's the only camp I've destroyed since yesterday. I try to make a run of all the borders each day because people need to learn they just aren't safe and they are EASY to find if you aren't retarded. I think it's neat you've been monitoring the thread. If ALL your camps were flattened may have been a hacker...

Hahaha! Well its nice to meet you i guess!

That's our camp for sure!

A few days before you wrecked our camp I was saying how I didn't think the location was as secure as we all thought, I had been on to 3 different servers consecutively and all had minor camps dotted around the area, the location we chose wasn't nearly as unique as we thought it was! I must say its a shame you blew the abandoned tents as well as our main camps. We've moved now though.

As for monitoring this thread? ;D Well basically we had traveled to NEAF and had found a few dead bodys littered with undetonated satchel charges, I wondered what had gone down. Later on, out of instinct I went on to the bandit forum and I bump into this thread, describing what went down at NEAF and on this very server! You wouldn't of happened to have destroyed a bus at the NWAF a few days ago as well?

I don't think our actual skill is lacking, but I think you've shown up our camp placement skills! ;) In the end we all knew it would happen, if not you, someone else. (Although we didn't see our actual tents being destroyed :o )

Oh and on the topic of GSUA Clan, apparently the kid in our clan killed four of them when they thought he was part of their group! We expected it was a tall tale at first, but the testimonies from this thread are amusing! If they're as bad as your all saying they are, then maybe he did kill them :lol:

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