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despair (DayZ)

"The game will be released in an Alpha build for a low price point"

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epic fail the standalone should be released when its ready not in a broken alpha state like this mod is. standalone will be the EXACT same thing as dayz mod except just ported over to new engine. NOT WORTH BUYING

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So don't buy it. Feel free to pay full price after we have tested it for you for a fraction of the cost.

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You don't have to buy it as an alpha... You can just wait untill it's a finished product.

Your choice.

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hmm paying for an alpha game for a small fee. helping to test the game. even have a chance to get an idea of your own implemented. play before the game is even out.

ye i think i know what i am gonna pick :D

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What's the point of this thread? Nobody is forcing you to buy it, I bet you will anyway though, then you will complain it has bugs.

Edited by smasht_AU
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epic fail the standalone should be released when its ready not in a broken alpha state like this mod is. standalone will be the EXACT same thing as dayz mod except just ported over to new engine. NOT WORTH BUYING

The only fail thing here is your logic.

As mentioned...don't buy the Alpha then. It's not Rocket science...oh wait...it is. It's Rockets game!

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I bought ArmA II just for the alpha mod, I'll probably buy the standalone in "alpha" as well. Why? Because it is fun!

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The only fail thing here is your logic.

As mentioned...don't buy the Alpha then. It's not Rocket science...oh wait...it is. It's Rockets game!


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epic fail the standalone should be released when its ready not in a broken alpha state like this mod is. standalone will be the EXACT same thing as dayz mod except just ported over to new engine. NOT WORTH BUYING

Go to cherno and get sniped instead of posting stupid shit on the forums.

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I believe all games should be sold as an Alpha. Then no one can bitch about the product being shit. Win-Win.

Man! That is not only the solution to shitty games, but the solution to everything shitty in life: it is not broken "it is in Alpha"!

Seriously though, I'd rather play a finished game, but it is understandable they are releasing it in Alpha stage. It has been succesful as an Alpha mod so a good deal of hardcore players won't mind the alpha build, plus DayZ is popular now. If they wait a year (or more) to bring a finished product a good deal of those who consider themselves hardcore players now will have moved on (not to WarZ hopefully).

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Basically what that says is...


Edited by nicraM

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Man! That is not only the solution to shitty games, but the solution to everything shitty in life: it is not broken "it is in Alpha"!

Seriously though, I'd rather play a finished game, but it is understandable they are releasing it in Alpha stage. It has been succesful as an Alpha mod so a good deal of hardcore players won't mind the alpha build, plus DayZ is popular now. If they wait a year (or more) to bring a finished product a good deal of those who consider themselves hardcore players now will have moved on (not to WarZ hopefully).

Ultimately, it is no different than crowdsourcing. People throw millions of dollars at companies who promise a product without actually having much to show for it all the time lately.

Offering pre-release versions of the game at a price, like minecraft did, is a means to fundraise the development of the game.

Whether or not this is a preferable means of game development is debateable, but it is what it is, and no one has to participate.

Edited by Dingus
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It's an early buy in genius.

You don't have to, but if you want to help test it he is giving you the option of buying the game early at a discount.

I love it when people think they are entitled to play on an alpha or beta test.

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Since this thread is kind of silly, I have a somewhat related question that has probably been asked (but searching doesn't help much).

Will the stand-alone and Mod players be able to play together? I'm going to assume not since it's an updated engine, but at the same time it's also the same reason why it might work?

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Since this thread is kind of silly, I have a somewhat related question that has probably been asked (but searching doesn't help much).

Will the stand-alone and Mod players be able to play together? I'm going to assume not since it's an updated engine, but at the same time it's also the same reason why it might work?

I would assume no as well, they are running two entirely different games. There's not enough information yet to give any concrete answers though.

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It makes me laugh that the forums are always buzzing with idiots like OP. "game is shit"...."game is not worth playing/paying for". Yet they are still here, posting on the official forum of the game they "hate". I hereby place a bet for all my beans, that every single one of these people buy the standalone.

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