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Orcon NZ 24 Regular Scripter 'Greg'

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So was was just spawning on the beach running along after being taken to the thunder dome ( Fun times huh.... )

Im running along and see a heli fly over so i called out pick me up!

He crashes trying to turn..What ever il just loot him.

AS50 TWS + M9 SD ALOT of ammo and ghillie big back pack the works.

Cool beans..

Start walking up through the trees and away from the coast. Then a ghillie suit guy with the same loadout as I just had looted off the body shoots me dead.

I respawn again and start running when he teleports to me yet again! I asked if he was hacking and he said no ( DURRRP ).

I said either spawn me an item or il get your GUID banned globally... He sighs on his mic and spawns an M9SD with packets of ammo..

after tagging with him to follow he spawns a heli and I hopped in for a ride until he crashed it and DCed.

If you check the server logs you will see what he spawns.

The times were between 8:30 and He DCed at just around 9:35pm EST

His in game name is GREG, Most likely the same person who decided to teleport the whole server to the thunder dome.

Server is NZ 24 Regular, Hosted by Orcon!

Id be greatful if you could ban this time wasting game spoiling humans GUID.

Regards, Avid zombie killer.


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Orcon admins don't care.

They should care otherwise their wasting hosting fees

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I said either spawn me an item or il get your GUID banned globally... He sighs on his mic and spawns an M9SD with packets of ammo..

after tagging with him to follow he spawns a heli and I hopped in for a ride until he crashed it and DCed.

You had his details, (and i assume video proof) why keep stuff and go for a heli ride?.

DC get in touch with the admins (TS/email) and report him.



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