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Guy spawns in right next to me

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I think this is funny shit. And I think there are a lot of whining children on here. Anyone calling out the 0 zombie kills 0 murders, obviously has never put on a camo or ghillie suit.

how come they stayed in mine?? i have been changing between the normal civvie suit and the ghillie for about 2 days now and i still have my 1 murder from 3 days ago... and also my zombie kills keep racking up..

After change clothes, and log out and back in, your score will return. This is only a temporary glitch that affects your debug hud only. The server still tracks your kills like normal. This has been a bug for awhile now, so either you're just being a little shit, or you don't pay attention to anything.

Players in this game is starting to sound as bad as the devs of BE. I run BEC on my server and they are so proud to announce their 10,000 global ban mark. While I'm sure most of those are legit bans, I know of 3 different players that don't have the knowledge to find or use scripts to cheat in this game, or to do anything that would justify a global ban yet they've been globally banned.

Sniping is part of the game, sniping unarmed players is crappy, but still part of the game. Which is why I'm gonna guess most players on here know better than to hang around too long in cities (because someone is probably going to shoot you).

Anyway, enough of my rants. This video's purpose was to show off the irony of another sniping logging in next to him. It was entertaining, you have my beans.

Edited by melted349
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When you put a ghillie on it wipes your zombie kills and murders.....

Put my ghillie on, I still have my zombie kills, and 1 bandit kill. Lies.

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Put my ghillie on, I still have my zombie kills, and 1 bandit kill. Lies.


Stole from a bug report thread (truncated down to the important stuff)


Date/Time: 28 July 16.45-17.00 gmt+2

When clicking to wear ghillie i was for a second in a large open field with some small hills(i think this is the debug plains right?) and then i was in my same spot again, wearing the ghillie. The beans were still in my inventory(along with items in secondary and toolbelt slots) but my alice pack along with almost everything in it was gone. My debug window stats also got reset.


Ghillie suits still have known bugs. Just cuz it didn't / hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean the bugs aren't there.

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