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Losing my stuff?

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I decide to go to a diff server with less people. I am inside a shed when i leave and i go to a new one. IT ASK ME TO MAKE A NEW CHARACTER AND I START WITH NONE OF MY STUFF! Usually i can fix this by joining a diff server but i always find myself missing things when I do. Does anyone else have this issue and if so please explain.

Please fix this rocket.

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To me it sounds like you may have (inadvertently) logged onto a private server either on your initial character you got gear on or the new low-pop server you moved to. Always be careful about that. That's really the only thing that could explain being prompted to make a new toon when you were otherwise perfectly fine when you logged out on the prior server. Did you try immediately going back to the server you last logged out on with items to see if you had them there?

As for random items missing, there are some legitimate bugs that can cause bags to eat weapons and the like. But, the biggest thing is to wait a few minutes after acquiring any new items before disconnecting so that the hive has time to update your gear. That should solve most of the 'random disappearance' problems.

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I normaly play on NZ and AU servers, one time i joined a server called "AUS Sanctuary [Private]" it wasnt locked or anthing, I joined and on log in it asked me to make a new character... i went to task manager n closed it without picking. When i rejoined my usual servers my avi was ok and i still had all my stuff...

Maybe some private servers are for tests??? even if there not locked?

Im not much help but its a similare problem ive had too on some servers.

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You should look up what private/sanctuary servers are...

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Dosent explain why some of my things are missing smasht. I know what they are. I am saying after going to one i am ALAWYS missing somthing. Recently i lost my drm I HAD EQUIPPED

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