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Bandit morphing

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This is quite unfair. I have come across many people that are survivors and i was killed by them. WE NEED THE BANDIT MORPHING BACK! Because we need to separate the "Killers" from the "Helpers" So like 1 person kill would equal a bandit skin. I miss that. Because that is unfair that you can run into a person and you think he is a nice player. Because he is not a bandit, Usually i would see a person and approach a survivor and he would shoot me. He could have like 8 kills. If he was a bandit i wouldn't approach him without care. So this is why we need the bandit morphing back in the game. Please impalement it back into the game.

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googled "dayz reintroduce bandit skin"

first result


first line in that thread of page 3 that it put me on

Yes, clearly... but was it not what I just said?

Also, Rocket confirmed in a recent interview that the bandit skin system would probably be reintroduced with the next available patch.

it was hard

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..... It's in the next patch

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On 8/7/2012 at 9:48 PM, §haco said:

Please impalement it back into the game.


Edited by Tratitad

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Please, read threads that have already been fucking posted.

It forces you into being a bandit, since no one will trust you when they see you with it. What if you get nervous at Stary and kill two peopl because they seem unfriendly? You are now a bandit and are forced into being bad. Plus, Rocket has already said he is bringing in some sort of bandit morphing. Do some god damn research before making threads.

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Have a sense of ADVENTURE :D

Sometimes, you gotta pack your opinions in a box for later and just go for it

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Don't approach random people and expect not to get shot?

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