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Grass render distance

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Hopefully it'll be possible to force it to be much, much farther away in the standalone... I find it a little displeasing how easy it is to see someone laying in a bush or in tall grass from far away because you can't see the grass yet, leaving them thinking they're totally covered. Ghillie's are half useless as well due to this. I know and understand fully why it isn't forced to be really far... Just sayin' it'd be sweet to have it be really far.

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I agree but the obvious choice has to be made..

Do you change the distance so kids with laptops get FPS drops? (I'm ok with this) or do you allow people to set it themselves?

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How exactly do you adjust this setting? I can't see bushes until I'm right on top them.

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Absolutetly, I have posted this before and agree 100%, it needs to be equal playing grounds, Project Reality for Battlefield 2 forces grass to render at max viewdistance, sure it made it unplayable for a part of the community but hey, computers are not that expensive if you realy realy want to play and it gives us all the same chance to hide/survive ingame instead of someone on low seeing me easily. They should also remove the LODs on grass since playing on LOW would make a ghillie visible 2m away from you.

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I'm okay with the FPS drops as well. Speaking of FPS, how can I view my FPS while playing the game?

You can use a program called fraps or a similar alternative.
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I'm hoping for a good enough optimization to where it won't completely break lower end computers and still have a much longer distance. Maybe at least add some sort of very low detail grass from far away... Players are just too damn obvious from afar.

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This has always been a problem for Arma...

Try playing in the days of real Arma when AI could see through grass as if it weren't there 0.o

Edited by nfsmwbefast
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Bit of a deal breaker for the casual gamers. I have a three year old computer (that was a budget buy when i first got it). I dropped 50 bucks on a video card to be able to play this. I know, suffer the litany of insults and abuse upon me for daring to not spend hundreds of dollars on a computer...it's just not financially justifiable. Buying a new, top of the line computer that I make will still set me back 800+ bucks, and my only reasoning would be videogames.

...and considering the draw distances involved here, anything locking it to max would literally shut out anyone who doesn't exceed the recommended stats. Forget minimum, kids want their already OP ghillies to be even more OP.

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This has always been a problem for Arma...

Try playing in the days in real Arma when AI could see through grass as if it weren't there 0.o

Dont forget the shooting threw tree's BS. I used to rage, rofl.

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Well, there is a "grass layer" in ARMA that does cover you at distance so you're not completely exposed but yeah, it's not perfect. Perhaps some transparency could be added so the cutoff isn't so sharp and visible. Grass rendering over a huge distance is unlikely to happen.

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