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iLLGT3 (DayZ)

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About iLLGT3 (DayZ)

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  • Location
    Stretford End, Manchester
  1. iLLGT3 (DayZ)

    cats are coming out!!!

    Pickup up DayZ pussy.
  2. iLLGT3 (DayZ)

    Looking for a partner or group

  3. iLLGT3 (DayZ)

    Looking for a partner or group

    I'm looking for people only I run a Teamspeak. I don't use Skype or have the Vent client.
  4. iLLGT3 (DayZ)

    About to buy - couple questions

    I bought it through Steam and I've haven't had any problems. I personally use DayZCommander for my game launcher and it'll actually download DayZ and ArmA II beta patches and also install them for you and you don't even have to have Steam open to launch the game.
  5. iLLGT3 (DayZ)

    Im looking for a partner

    Are you entering it in your browser or the Teamspeak 3 client?
  6. iLLGT3 (DayZ)

    Im looking for a partner

  7. iLLGT3 (DayZ)

    Im looking for a partner

    I've got a teamspeak server and my friend and I are on. Join us?
  8. iLLGT3 (DayZ)

    US 420 a bucnh of whinners :)

    I enjoyed reading this.
  9. iLLGT3 (DayZ)

    Grass render distance

    I agree but the obvious choice has to be made.. Do you change the distance so kids with laptops get FPS drops? (I'm ok with this) or do you allow people to set it themselves?
  10. My friend and I are looking for others to play with. We are on right now. You must have a mic and you must speak English. :) Teamspeak: gamerspot.teamspeakcp.com I don't use Skype, I run a TS3 server. Steam: iLLGT3
  11. iLLGT3 (DayZ)

    Arma Beta Patch Build

    I've had no problem joining servers with the latest patch installed when I don't and vice versa. A lot of servers out there aren't running the latest patch and I can join just fine.
  12. iLLGT3 (DayZ)

    Requesting a teleport because of hackers.

    Server admins can't teleport players.
  13. iLLGT3 (DayZ)

    Radeon HD6950 2gig low fps?

    I'd turn off Post Processing to be honest. I have a 6970 2GB myself. No PP, no AA, and no ASO.
  14. iLLGT3 (DayZ)

    Does Arma2 require ram?

    +1 You're going to have to me more specific if you are actually having a problem.