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Has the duping problem really gotten that bad?

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Anyways, me and my buddy have taken to playing high population servers because simply, its easier then farming to simply kill all the bandits or fresh toons running around with NVG's and DMR's/M4 SD. Are they all duping, or are there really that many people who put a bunch of time into farming the NWAF and Heli crash sites.

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Duping can just "happen", I would not have thought it true, but yesterday I was at a water pump (filling my water bottle), and it just came up and said "You fill 6 water bottles" and there are now 6 water bottles in my inventory, same thing happened with jerry cans, only had one, put it down (working out how to refuel motorbike we found) and when I picked it up it gave me 4 jerry cans.

Not sure if this was due to lag or whatever, but the game just seems to dupe items all by itself, and it's fairly annoying. had to sort out what stuff I had dropped in order for the water bottles / jerry cans to go into my inventory. :(

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Duping on purpose is so unreliable I don't understand why you would do it. But most of the time duping just randomly happens do to lag and just the fact that "It's still in Alpha."

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It definitely has gotten out of hand. There are clans who have camps of 20+ tents with a ton of each weapon in each tent simply from dupes. Find one, you have millions. Then they go and kill the newbie players in Elektro/etc.

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Duping on purpose is so unreliable I don't understand why you would do it.

you're doing it wrong. There are at least 2 easy ways to dupe right now, one instant and one @ server restarts. Kinda ridiculous :)

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you're doing it wrong. There are at least 2 easy ways to dupe right now, one instant and one @ server restarts. Kinda ridiculous :)

Yeah :( It takes all of 5 seconds to dupe small amounts of items at a time.

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The problem is any organised group or long time player will realisticly need tents to store spare items etc but this will also start duping items so regardless of intent it will by nature be exponential so yes, it's nuts.

It should be fixed in stand alone and we'll probably have a database resetthen as well anyway so don't stress over it =p

Edited by Cannon
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what exactly is this "duping" ur talking about?

Duplicating items. It means copying them.

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My clan's Tents seems to Dupe items upon restart. even when we run the tent over. upon restart the tents are back up and full of items again. :/

So i have requested a complete wipe of my server so fix the issue temporary

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My clan's Tents seems to Dupe items upon restart. even when we run the tent over. upon restart the tents are back up and full of items again. :/

So i have requested a complete wipe of my server so fix the issue temporary

I think saving a tent after taking stuff out will fix your problem and make you fell more comfortable.

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One "easy" fix to tent duping is to make tents auto save whenever you place/retrieve an item or autosave every X minutes.

I hate duping, no matter what kind of gear you have it has no value since you can have it again if you die. This leads into deathmatch gameplay most people hate.

If you see a tent and it has a good amount of weapons, take everything (take it to yourself or drop it on the ground) and save the empty tent.

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I know there are simple ways to dupe, but I have only come across this while lagging and trying to bandaged myself. Insta 5 bandages!

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First post!

Anyways, me and my buddy have taken to playing high population servers because simply, its easier then farming to simply kill all the bandits or fresh toons running around with NVG's and DMR's/M4 SD. Are they all duping, or are there really that many people who put a bunch of time into farming the NWAF and Heli crash sites.

we roll with DMR, CCO SD, ghillie suits and all that stuff but you cant call evryone dupers, as i guess as in my cast the items is looted from other players camps. if the items we steal is duped is another question. i dont dupe and im not hacking, just playing the game.

on top of that we use to steamroll all camps we find with duped shit. if it is a car then use it to destroy the tents and then blow the car up.

sometimes we make an ambush at the camp.

the problem is that ppl only care about loot, and then use alt+f4 as soon as someone shootin at them and that is just sad behavior, i always either start returning fire of if it gets out of hand i run for the forest then take up the fight.

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