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you guys kill for good loot? any loot? or just for fun?

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I just broke my dont be an asshole rule and killed a guy because i needed stuff.

was actually pretty funny, 1am server time, he had a torch on and was going through a barn then proning along a field, 225m~away i killed him with my enfield for m1911 mags and his backpack.

Anyway do you guys kill if you see they have stuff you want (gun/backpack), nice stuff (indicating they would have rare items) or just for fun?

still a bandit (will be survivor soon) but would like to know lol..

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I kill anyone not in ventrilo with me regardless of reason, there has only been 3 exceptions both people were spared because they had the drop on me and did not fire, when I say drop I mean snuck up dead behind me and told me their intentions.

Third was a survivor who shot zombies off of me when I had no ammo.

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I enjoy the hunt.

I can't think of one time where I've killed outside of self defense, or by stalking and hunting a group of players. Oh no wait, there was one time recently, he had a g17 and I hadn't tried it yet and my friend was being a coward about taking the shot, so I did.

But yeah, if it's not in self defense it's usually because I happened upon a group and I was kind of bored so I decided to hunt them. Lone people I'll usually just let go, or offer help of some sort if they need it.

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Depends on the day.

Some days I go around killing survivors because they shot me in the face once too many times while trying to be friendly (happens most).

At this stage I loot all the gear I can.

Other days I'm friendly or go around hunting Bandits (such as today).

This is mainly for fun and might check a few of the bodies depending on what I have and/or need.


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The moment I see the silhouette of a survivor I've already decide to stalk an kill them regardless of what gear he may be carrying.

Bandits are another story, even though there are no bonds between bandits I tend to not fire on them so long I don't feel that they are a threat.

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The moment I see the silhouette of a survivor I've already decide to stalk an kill them regardless of what gear he may be carrying.

Bandits are another story' date=' even though there are no bonds between bandits I tend to not fire on them so long I don't feel that they are a threat.


I go by the same style.

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I kill survivors for one of three reasons:

1) They have something I want.

- A better weapon, ammo for my weapon, a vehicle, etc.

2) I feel threatened by their presence.

- They're a little too close for comfort and/or aiming directly at me.

3) I'm protecting something important.

- If i'm guarding a vehicle for my group I obviously don't want anyone else discovering it's location.

I'm not the kind of bandit who'll kill someone carrying a Makarov. I believe that kind of playstyle is harmful to the mod and just isn't very logical.

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Kill survivors on sight, leave bandits alone as long as they don't pose a threat in any way

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I kill survivors for one of three reasons:

1) They have something I want.

- A better weapon' date=' ammo for my weapon, a vehicle, etc.

2) I feel threatened by their presence.

- They're a little too close for comfort and/or aiming directly at me.

3) I'm protecting something important.

- If i'm guarding a vehicle for my group I obviously don't want anyone else discovering it's location.

I'm not the kind of bandit who'll kill someone carrying a Makarov. I believe that kind of playstyle is harmful to the mod and just isn't very logical.


Exactly this. Although I will kill someone with a Mak if I've just spawned because a bonus water canteen, painkillers and ammo is really nice.

Sometimes I work with survivors, even if they might threaten me a bit. Other times I'll kill anyone that seems mildly threatening or has slightly better gear. It depends on my level of paranoia, and how much I have to lose.

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I always call out "Friendly" when I see someone I don't need to kill. If I need resources badly I ask for help, if no one responds I go player hunting.

I won't kill people with a makarov, but I will maim people running full sprint down the road regardless of what gear they have, because that's just asking for trouble.

I just had a fight with a bandit, I told him I'm friendly and asked him if he was too (he saw me and I saw him at one of the hangars at Belota airfield). He answered me "not really", so I wished him good luck.

Hey, I gave him a chance ;) but he ended up dead.

I'm always alert when dealing with players, I try and be as friendly as I possible can be. But when attacked I give my best in dealing with the threat, or when in need of resources.

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There is a rule I try to abide by; threats need to be dealt with.

If you have a rifle I'll deal with you however I see fit given the situation. Chances are I'll let you pass by unscathed if I can stay hidden (unless I have a reason to dislike you). If you see me... I wont give you a chance to shoot at me so better be able to type quick or have a mic if you are truly friendly.

Generally I don't kill players for their loot I kill them because they pose a threatening variable. The loot is secondary.

I've killed many people, bandits mostly, and not looted them. The survivors I shoot unprovoked (as a way to eliminate a potential threat) I bury with loot and all.

I actually attempt non-lethal shots when trying to 'scare off' another player.

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I am quite suprised at the responses that call for avoiding killing other bandits, unless threatened... Bandits drop the best loot and I am still looking for some NVG... and my aggresive ways always have me in need of beans for blood which everyone carries.

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I set up a little base somewhere, and if see someone near or in it, I stay hidden and tell them this is my area. If they don't respond or say anything negative, they're dead.

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I am quite suprised at the responses that call for avoiding killing other bandits' date=' unless threatened... Bandits drop the best loot and I am still looking for some NVG... and my aggresive ways always have me in need of beans for blood which everyone carries.


When you see NVGs and high grade military weapons on someone they pose a threat to you anyway ;D

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suprised you guys take it easy on other bandits, why is that the case? or do you just fear their ability to kill others?

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I think you are spot on Gruelius they arent hardcore enugh to fight any one that have the slightest chance to shoot back. A true bandit should kill other bandits just fore all the good loot:).

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I usually try to avoid any survivors, but will not hesitate to shoot if threatened.

And other bandits? Pshaw, I am not going with this "bandit codex" of yours. I see you sporting the KSK skin, chances are I will drop you anyway. No matter the situation.

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I am quite suprised at the responses that call for avoiding killing other bandits' date=' unless threatened... Bandits drop the best loot and I am still looking for some NVG... and my aggresive ways always have me in need of beans for blood which everyone carries.


Pfft, loot be damned.

Other bandits are the most fun to hunt.

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survivors i kill for gear or if they happen upon me while scavenging/looting, if it's not worth the spare bullet or risk of zombies swarming, they get a pass.

anyone in a bandit skin i shoot on sight since they can't be trusted, i'm sorry you may be brothers in arms, but if you're not in some for of voip chat with me or someone i've played with before and i have a shot, i'm taking it as most bandits do the same.

there's no loyalty amongst thieves after all.

that being said the further north i go, the more likely i am to keep you in my sights, chat and observe how someone reacts before casting judgement with a bullet.

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Me? Im an asshole. I kill people. For fun. I like shooting them in the kneecaps and watching them crawl. I also LOVE hunting survivors. Thrill of creeping up and stalking them, not knowing what's going to happen or who I am

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I treat players something like zombies.

I see you, you don't see me, I don't need to be where you are, I move along without disturbing you.

I see you, you see me, I'll be shooting forthwith.

I see you, you are 5 feet away from me, I'll shoot whether you see me or not because I don't want any sudden surprises from you.

I see you, you are in my way / on my farming territory, I'll shoot you if I can, unless you are clearly headed away.

Basically I see no reason to cooperate with anyone in this game. The small possibility of gaining safety from company is outweighed by the likelihood and ease with which you could just shoot me instead. In fact, having you with me just makes it that much more likely that we'll agro zombies and have to shoot them and make a lot of noise that wouldn't have been made if you hadn't been with me, agroing zombies.

Even if there WAS a mechanic that made it useful to group up, I think a lot of people would use it to group up until it was time to log off, then they'd shoot whoever they were with, take their stuff and log off. The community is too spread out with no accountability so there's nothing holding people back from this.

The way I see it, I'm just playing the game that was given to me, and the game that was given to me pits me against other players for far more reasons than it puts me together with them.

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there was one time recently' date=' he had a g17 and I hadn't tried it yet and my friend was being a coward about taking the shot, so I did.[/quote']

This would be an awful big coincidence, but did that happen last night on the Seattle (no number) server? My friend and I got taken out by a pair of guys who hesitated a little while before shooting, and I was carrying a G17.

OT: I typically kill other bandits on sight. If I spot a survivor who doesn't appear to have any gear that I want, I try to avoid contact. If that's not possible, I take him out. I've been killed too many times by survivors who I try to be friendly with. If it's not a prearranged meeting, it's often too high risk to attempt communication.

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there was one time recently' date=' he had a g17 and I hadn't tried it yet and my friend was being a coward about taking the shot, so I did.[/quote']

This would be an awful big coincidence, but did that happen last night on the Seattle (no number) server? My friend and I got taken out by a pair of guys who hesitated a little while before shooting, and I was carrying a G17.

OT: I typically kill other bandits on sight. If I spot a survivor who doesn't appear to have any gear that I want, I try to avoid contact. If that's not possible, I take him out. I've been killed too many times by survivors who I try to be friendly with. If it's not a prearranged meeting, it's often too high risk to attempt communication.

Nah this was a few days ago, and the guy was alone as far as I know. Also definitely didn't see us, we were in the forest with snipers watching him run around like a chicken with his head cut off.

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