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NecroX (DayZ)

Farming like a boss!

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Was farming weapons a few hours to see how much we could get before we got tired.

Links to proof this isn't fake:

Album: http://imgur.com/a/vxRMW

Separate Links:









This was not cheating, me and a friend was farming Stary Sobor military camp a few hours.

Here is the result: PS. We used none of this, and kept only a m24.


Edited by NecroX
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Really pathetic attempt, that is a box spawned by hackers, me and my friends found one today too on DE 479.

Don't be proud son, be ashamed..

EDIT: Before you say ANYTHING to your defense, yes it is possible to remove some stuff so it looks more legit, but the truth is that it isnt, not by a long shot.

Edited by Demnish

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You guys sure like to jump to conclusions. That's not hacking that's FARMING as in removing EACH AND EVERY item from a pile and putting it all in one big pile so that the pile that spawn items respawn new items, tha's why there are empty cans and stuff in that loot pile. That's probaly a loot farm from Stary Sobor from the look of the content, no M4A1 CCO SD.

Edited by EchoZeero
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fake photoshopped... no seriously its crap. None rare weapon inside that pile of items. Only bizon rocks.

Edited by BlaBlaSoldier

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Really pathetic attempt, that is a box spawned by hackers, me and my friends found one today too on DE 479.

Don't be proud son, be ashamed..

EDIT: Before you say ANYTHING to your defense, yes it is possible to remove some stuff so it looks more legit, but the truth is that it isnt, not by a long shot.

FYI, if you remove all items from a loot spawn and drop it somewhere else, the items will respawn within 10 minutes (default), and if you have multiple military loot piles close to each other (military camps) you can create one big pile like this in a few hours.

So before calling people "son", son, be ready to back up your statements.

You guys sure like to jump to conclusions. That's not hacking that's FARMING as in removing EACH AND EVERY item from a pile and putting it all in one big pile so that the pile that spawn items respawn new items, tha's why there are empty cans and stuff in that loot pile. That's probaly a loot farm from Stary Sobor from the look of the content, no M4A1 CCO SD.

This is just what me and my friend did.

It may be a way to "abuse" maybe, but that is how the mod works, if it really is that bad, the devs would have fixed it long ago.

fake photoshopped... no seriously its crap. None rare weapon inside that pile of items. Only bizon rocks.

I photoshopped the images to one big list, i got the originals if you want me to upload it!

Btw, i'm sorry for my crappy photoshop skills, but i made it in a few minutes when my mate went afk.

PS. I uploaded the original images for you, they are in the original post.

PS. The bizon is not from Stary Sobor obviosly, i found it in a heli crash when i ran back after accidentally blowing myself up with a nade.


People jump to conclusions too quickly...

This was fair and square farming, jump on to a fairly empty server and you will most likely be left alone to get piles like this -.-

Edited by NecroX
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Randomly find those AS50 NATO rounds as well?

Nope, my friend gave it to me -> i died -> ran back to grab my stuff -> threw ammo and shit i didn't want since my last life AKA i never found the rifle

Are you too implying i cheated? -.-

Why is people so hostile of someone does good?

Almost regret i even posted the thread -.-

Edited by NecroX

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One question: Is it possible that in Stary loot piles actually spawn?

Not with that much in it ofc but I once found one with several AKs and ammo.

Player made?

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One question: Is it possible that in Stary loot piles actually spawn?

Not with that much in it ofc but I once found one with several AKs and ammo.

Player made?

Player made. Almost nobody wants those AK's as it seems.

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I thought that the Bizon only spawned at heli crashed sites? Also, what's the method you used for this?

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People in this community just gets more stupid every day.

Done this too man, didint find one stinking m24 :(

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Came into this thread expecting to find a way to grow your own food in the game. Find some guy bragging about emptying tents on an empty server.

Most dissapointed.

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OP You should stop talking about farming cause everyone else may end up doing it too.

Keep it on the down low, even though its a great 'occupation of an area' exercise that pays off in material and game-play enjoyment.

Edit: for those of us who dont dupe or hack.

Edited by batcaveslimer

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seems legit to me. No OP weapons and a crap ton of tin cans. Sounds about right.

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Yes reminds me to the CS community ^^ WH ! WH! CHEATER! omg ^^

Not that hard to get that much weapons and stuff we had about 20 weapons in our Truck be4 server crashed

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People in this community just gets more stupid every day.

Done this too man, didint find one stinking m24 :(

First time found it after almost 3h, second time we found 2x DMR and 2x m24 in about 1h

It's all random

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*sigh* all these noobs man, they creep me out..

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