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I was recently banned off of dayz for using hacks.. I know, you don't have to tell me twice it was a bad idea. I understand I wont be able to play again. My question is, if I buy Arma on a different steam account and play it from that will i still be able to play? I really want to continue to play this mod, I'm willing to buy it again to do this.

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You don't need to rebuy Arma2, only OA. And yes to answer your question.

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Does anyone else want to fuck this turd nugget up, in real life?

I know I do.

Where are your parents?

Oh, that is right, smoking meth not raising you.

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Does anyone else want to fuck this turd nugget up, in real life?

I know I do.

Where are your parents?

Oh, that is right, smoking meth not raising you.

he hacked but please dont judge his real life.

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Well I didn't expect people to get this pissed off. But thanks Racer. Hate me as you want, It's not like I blew up a city or something.

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Well I didn't expect people to get this pissed off. But thanks Racer. Hate me as you want, It's not like I blew up a city or something.

no nothing bad, :) only made the game worse for over a million more players no biggie


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Way to shoot yourself in the foot mate, now shoot the other one, DickHead.

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Does anyone else want to fuck this turd nugget up, in real life?

I know I do.

Where are your parents?

Oh, that is right, smoking meth not raising you.

no, because it's pathetic to get that mad over a game.

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no, because it's pathetic to get that mad over a game.

Are you in agreement that all sports fall under that same category (game) ?

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You should clearly be ashamed of yourself if you used hacks to fuck with other people.

I just got killed by an invisible hacker running around me and trying to shoot me 15 or 20 times (very bad skills to say the least) and I can assure you it is so frustrating and irritating when you have survived for over 15 days­, there is no words to even try to describe it.

I sincerely hope you have learned from your mistakes. Do not ever hack again, m8.

Edited by StOrD

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I don't think there is anything to stop you unless there was some sort of IP ban, but I'm pretty sure they are attacked to game keys. I really don't know though.

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You've been a very naughty boy! (or girl)

Unless there is an IP type ban then i dont see how hackers can be stopped from just buying another copy.

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You should be fine if you buy another copy. Give him a break, sure we all have lost countless rare items to hackers, and they have damaged the fun experience of the game, but if he hacks again, it's his money he's spending to replace the copy- maybe he'll learn a lesson from it? Everyone makes mistakes.

*edit for typo*

Edited by RECphantom

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I just wanted to say, I didn't kill anyone or anything with them.. I only spawned in a car to drive around on my friends server. I had never seen a car before, and was convinced they we're almost impossible to find..

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Yes everyone makes mistakes. However, your immaturity and stupidity has already been made apparent. Fuck you, dont buy another license. Nobody wants you here. Go sit at the kiddie table and think about what you've done

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This why the Standalone should cost $30.

So it deters children like this one from continuously buying more copies after getting caught.

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Attached to game keys.

Buy another copy.

Give BIS more money please.

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OP, this thread will not get much better for you. I'd get out if you got your answer. People don't take to your type too kindly 'round these parts.

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OP: I hacked guys. Im really sorry. Ive been show the error of my ways. Is there anyway to play this game again?


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Are you in agreement that all sports fall under that same category (game) ?

are you one of those people who insists that it's a simulator and not a game?

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are you one of those people who insists that it's a simulator and not a game?

Nope. However, the creator Rocket is quoted as saying "it was not designed as a game" and prefers the term "anti-game." But I digress, I think you missed the point of what I was saying.

You said that it was "pathetic" to get mad over a game. So I asked if you thought it was also pathetic to get mad over a sports game. I wasn't trying to be offensive or anything I was just wondering where you stand on that.

Edited by Afgoo

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