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Ozelot (DayZ)

Stop whining about hackers and deal.

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You are not entitled to a bug free experience in DayZ!

Seriously, people. No one likes the hackers. No one wants them in the game. Rocket certainly doesn't want them in the game.

But to those of you that want every single exploit fixed immediately: Do you really know anything about game design? Do you know just how MUCH game testing is done and how many bugs a game has in it's earlier stages? Do you realize that debugging is always the single BIGGEST part of designing any game? Considering how early we are into this project, and considering there is not a single one paid tester on it, I think we're doing pretty damn good as far as bug control goes!

Now, I know why people are impatient about this. It's simple. It's the investment. People have already had to pay money in order to play DayZ. People invest their own time into it. And they come on here and are already invested into the community.

People play DayZ and see it as a full-fledged game. But it isn't. It's an Alpha-mod. It's an experiment. A trial. And so far it has done extremely well and it can only get better. And as things move along, the exploits will be fixed. Hackers will NOT end this mod.

So stop whining about how you're going to 'quit DayZ forever' just because some hacker took all your leet gear that you probably server hopped to get anyway. No one cares and we're tired of hearing it! So just sit there and be patient.

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Firstly, they are not hackers and you show how uneducated you are by using such a term. Secondly are you that naive to think these script kiddies are considered to be "part of the alpha experience" and a bug? Rocket has already said multiple times that this type of behavior is unacceptable and will be dealt with. It's people like you that prevent the fruitation of a quality game like this because you're probably directly involved with receiving the benefits of such acts. People are passionate about this game and are MORE than welcome to voice their opinion's on when they have been wronged. Go play Cod MW3, it's more your pace and culture.

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Sadly it can't be fixed in the mod, still makes it frustrating when it happens, hopefully standalone alpha isn't too far away, that being said the forum is precisely the place people should be voicing their concerns on the matter so that it is fixed as soon as possible in standalone.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Firstly, they are not hackers and you show how uneducated you are by using such a term.

We can argue semantics, but in the video game "world" the term has come to be associated with being a cheater.

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Cheating is not a "Bug". . . . . that is all.

Cheats are exploitation of existing bugs.

Fix the bugs = no more cheating.

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Cheats are exploitation of existing bugs.

Fix the bugs = no more cheating.

Allowing scripting in ArmA isn't a bug, it is an intended feature, even if they could "fix" it in the mod, it would break ArmA in the process.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Allowing scripting in ArmA isn't a bug, it is an intended feature.

It might be a feature in arma but not in dayz

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