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Sandbox, Team Based, Empire Building In Standalone

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I did list things that would work: vicious dogs, trip wires, and I.E.Ds.

Why do they need to I'E'D's? Theres military grade weapons everywhere...why can't there be land mines, anti personnel devices, what about electrified barbed wire. Trenches.

We don't need to be limited to only what exists in the world now! And were not going to be. The standalone will have lots more stuff for us to work with.

And again I never mentioned sirens or lights.....so why would you use ONLY those two thing as examples of why it's a stupid idea????

I'm trying to think outside the box friend....come join me.

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I dunno, it seems like a good way to progress but what if nearly all of the land is controlled by different clans and a new spawn can't go anywhere because he will be splattered if he goes into any city because there @$$holes that fortify the thing with sentry guns or mines. Also what if the ruling clan is really noobie and aborts whenever they sense trouble; this makes it difficult for some other clan to gain control. However I think that the land control system would be a fun addition to the game. What about not being able to place down barricades until you occupy the area. Maybe occupying an area just means that you can get that areas loot more easily rather than being granted with a special 'ability'.

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I like the idea but I don't think it should be focused around one sole object. Basically, I agree with what a whole bunch of other people have already mentioned, adding more traps and the ability to upgrade and rig up some of your own. That way you can keep a sense of style and creativity in the sandbox. Maybe what your suggesting would be a good type of extra "mode" in a future stand alone version, where there is a structure and you try to take it.

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