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Stand Alone Suggestions!

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Nice suggestions from OP, but I dont think it should be harder for solo players!

There should be more vehicles, because they're so rare in the present DayZ.

I also think the map should contain all kinds of weather; Desert, snowy areas, forest etc.

Oh and one last thing, please make the engine alot better (arma 3?), because the present one has pretty crappy graphics and it still requires "Crysis"-hardware!

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Lonewolfing means loot will be harder to get to, but you wont have to share it. In my opinion that is a good reward for lonewolfing.

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Lonewolfing means loot will be harder to get to, but you wont have to share it. In my opinion that is a good reward for lonewolfing.

And you don't have to make up for other peoples mistakes when lonewolfing \m/

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Hmmmmm .. maybe for night incentive play like random airdrops with rare weapons, food, bags across the map .. and all airdrops are extremely visible by like flares or blinking lights or something...

I wouldn't mind seeing either the longer your alive the zombies progress or change. I think the map needs to be bigger as well i have to agree one run to the NWAF and it seems a short run after that.... Oh and the ability to have different characters

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Not being an anime fanboy, but i would like to see a map in japan/china. I want a new country, and US/Canada are not really wanted, russia has been used, middle east=Meh. Australia is possible, but it would have to be possible to overheat. South america is not populated enough IMO and africa, I don't really like. (not racist, just don't think it would work great). Just my two cents on the map question. The rest of your suggestions are good, except for lone wolf problems. You sir, have my beans.

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A.) Why America? Every damn single game nowadays is based in "The Good Ol' States". As someone previously said, I love how it was different. Russia, or some other European country (we have a lot more culture than one might think). Maybe somewhere in France or something, near a tall mountain with snow on it (could be based in like autumn, so you have snow on side of the map, and just grassy on the other side).

B.) No babies. It's illegal in many countries to have media of children involved in gore, also it's very offensive to some people. I'd like to see female zombies implanted though.

C.) I dislike the grouping option as it allows "meta-gaming". Basically, when you team up with someone, you don't know if they'll stab you in the back, or their true intentions. With a grouping function, it will remove some of the authenticity and the realism.

Most of the suggestions look good though!

For C, who says they wont kill you? Just because you group up, doesn't mean they don't have ulterior motives. One could be a group leader in charge of the little camp,and all could mutiny, or one could take over and become king, instilling fear into every other person.

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