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Debug Island almost every login...

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for about one week now I got a huge problem.

~80% of the time when I login I instantly get killed on the server. Respawning/logout&login spawns me on the debug island without any gear. Another logout&login spawns me on the south coast on one of the typical spawn points with all my gear.

This is incredibly frustrating and ruins the game for me at the moment.

I don't want to walk for half an hour every time I log in or switch servers.

Any idea what could cause this bug?

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Sad to say Im suffering from the same thing man 3 out of the last 5 logins. Feel like such a target on the coast in my ghillie and so disorientated, not to mention the 10k trek back to your camp.

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Have this problem also, but has happned twice. Best thing to do is wait for the next patch.

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AllYoYens are you wearing a Ghillie suit, too?

Maybe this is were our problem comes from (read about a similar bug with the camo suit before)

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Ok, Also had the bug after I logged out in civilian clothing.

Another idea I had today was that I almost every time logged out hugging a tree. Maybe on spawn the character collides with the object and dies this way. Will test this a bit more the next days. No login deaths so far.

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