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Alone....So Alone....

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I'm looking for some DayZ partner(s). Running around by myself is getting quite boring. I have teamspeak, vent, skype all that good stuff. Currently I don't have a mic but I can listen, I should be able to remedy that within a week or so.

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im talrune71 on skype no mic here but can meet up in game and then use direct speak once we near eachother if your interested let me know ill logon skype now

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how old are you?

whats your skill level and what gear are you currently equipped with?

I'm 19. Skill level I'm not sure. I'd say average. Currently I'm having some framerate issues so my aim is a little choppy. My gear right now is an atlas(?) pack and a AKM I think with about 4 mags, along with various handgun and other rifle mags. Watch and compass too.

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Looking for some player(s) to hang with, survive longer than a few days. Skype name is dysruptional, I am in CST time zone, have a mic and all. I would say I am decent, send me a message if interested. Current gear is M1014 with various rifle mags, location is deer stand outside of Balota.

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Add me on skype, send a message and lets figure out a server. I'm game... although I just got killed so I'm nekkid basically

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Anyone on NZ 23 Orcon Server? Would have been handy to have a team mate yesterday, found lots of shotguns, a sniper rifle and supplies... but got surrounded by zombies... emptied my Winchester into at least 30 of them... :( I lost soo much gear dying in a shed in Msta... alone... what a waste... :(

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Anyone else want to join in? On Skype - not a total noob but wouldn't consider myself pro. Just looking for people to group with

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I added you on skype, dysruption. Just send me a message when you want to group up :)

Edited by Chau756

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I'm looking to group up also. Just built a new pc to play this but haven't got a mic yet. My skype name is voiceofreason84, send me a message! Also what times do you normally play?

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I'm looking for people to play with as well. I'm from the west coast and usually play late around 10pm. If you want to play add me on Skype so we can group up. Skype:darko_kun

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My name on Day z is Cownage101XD.

U (say) it (like) the o in (bone). u (do) (not) (say) it like the o IN cow.

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Anyone on NZ 23 Orcon Server? Would have been handy to have a team mate yesterday, found lots of shotguns, a sniper rifle and supplies... but got surrounded by zombies... emptied my Winchester into at least 30 of them... :( I lost soo much gear dying in a shed in Msta... alone... what a waste... :(

Nice to see another kiwi =)

Check ya pms.

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Any squad I can join in or any players who want to team up? I'm new in this game and have played for like 2 days. It's kinda boring being alone. Last time I played in SG #3 server and got lost in a forest in Kamenka, I stumbled up by this stucked car on a tree with a lot of loots in it. Suddenly, I spawned in the middle of nowhere (top of a building) and died (probably a hacker owns those loots). So sad because I have to respawn again and struggle to find some gears. Hehe

Anyone wanna team-up? Add me on skype "jobonyx". My time zone is GMT +8.

Edited by kugelfang

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Hey everyone....feeling really bored in the game.

I am fairly new to the game. I started playing solo and havent had much luck, due to other people killing me...or zombies being zombies.

I usually do better with teamwork. I am forsure looking for a group to join.

Add my skype if you are interested, then send me a message and we will join up and find a server!

Skype - boondockjock

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me too.. i amam sosoososo alone so far... its alot difficult to walk around without hearing anything... (i am deaf).

add me Skype: OffVinny

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