silent (DayZ) 23 Posted May 26, 2012 Ideal server settings for me:3D View: OnCrosshair: OffNames/Icons: OffVOIP: OnI don't understand why admins are disabling VOIP? I cant type in 1 sec when someone is trying to shoot me... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 5 Posted May 26, 2012 Ideal server settings for me:3D View: OnCrosshair: OffNames/Icons: OffVOIP: OnI don't understand why admins are disabling VOIP? I cant type in 1 sec when someone is trying to shoot me...Same for me settings wise (aside from VOIP, but wouldn't mind that if it actually gets fixed over direct), and I'm quite sure they do it because it's semi broken? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ 3 Posted May 26, 2012 Everything off (the way I feel it should be played) except VOIP. I hope at some point this mod becomes a game without the need for hosts (or at some point hosts realize this isn't that type of game or w/e anti-game). So that everything that hosts can choose to enable like map notes that everyone can see, 3rd person, cross-hairs, names/icons, etc. will not be possible. Everyone should experience this mod in the same exact way. Not much of an experiment (unless the experiment was meant to be conducted with 3rd person and the rest of the shit) with the test being able to be conducted differently by different hosts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkMagik 0 Posted May 26, 2012 Mine is are also the same. 3D View: OnCrosshair: OffNames/Icons: OffVOIP: On Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krisko 2 Posted May 26, 2012 3D View and Names/Icons definitely off, VoIP on, crosshairs are a maybe.Even with crosshairs off, the gun is still going to shoot at the center of the screen, and there's a degree of hand-eye co-ordination that is difficult to convey in game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tehdark 3 Posted May 26, 2012 As long as it has 3rd Person, I don't really care about the rest. I prefer names to be off however. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eegore 23 Posted May 26, 2012 Is there away to know server settings before loading in the game world? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jori 2 Posted May 26, 2012 All Off except VOIP. The problem is that 90% of servers have 3D ON, an 60% have Tags ON.It is suposed to be a simulator, but can't understand why it happens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oktyabr 53 Posted May 26, 2012 All Off except VOIP. The problem is that 90% of servers have 3D ON' date=' an 60% have Tags ON.It is suposed to be a simulator, but can't understand why it happens.[/quote']Because like the players most DayZ server hosts are new to the game too. By default I think everything is "ON". Might be quite nice if the default was everything "OFF" and let server admins turn on what they think their player base really needs/wants.Email the server admins with your preferences. They don't know what their players want unless someone takes the time to tell them.Oh, and yeah, I'm everything OFF with perhaps a very limited range Names/Icons if it's ever made possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gibbonici 9 Posted May 26, 2012 All off for me.I'm also looking forward to global chat being turned off once direct comms works properly. That'll change everything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krobar 75 Posted May 26, 2012 I dont care about 3rd person view but I like to have nameplates but no crosshairs and VOIP but only direct and not to show up on map. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kigrax 0 Posted May 26, 2012 VOIP Off, prevents language barried problems; non-english often don't know it's f*cking global and 12 year olds don't care.3D On, Tags OFF, Xhair On Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beginner 4 Posted May 26, 2012 Ideal server settings for me:3D View: OnCrosshair: OffNames/Icons: OffVOIP: OnI don't understand why admins are disabling VOIP? I cant type in 1 sec when someone is trying to shoot me...Same. Hope Arma after the patch will have option to filter servers by settings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 17 Posted May 26, 2012 I turned voip off because it was causing server crashes. since turning it off, no crashes. I've done extensive testing to show that everytime voip is on, the server crashes, but if i then it off. it runs smoothly until i shut it down. Im sorry that i value stability over a feature that is replaced out of game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 5 Posted May 26, 2012 Ideal server settings for me:3D View: OnCrosshair: OffNames/Icons: OffVOIP: OnI don't understand why admins are disabling VOIP? I cant type in 1 sec when someone is trying to shoot me...Its like you are me OP!I know some people do not like 3d mode to be enabled, but theres just something about it that I can't live without. I understand some people exploit it to get a better view where they can't see, but I am not one of those people. There is just something about the difference in running in 1st person and running in 3rd person that just irritates me. I HAVE TO RUN IN 3RD PERSON.A friend of mine feels the same way, but we still don't know why. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pyrokinetiq 1 Posted May 26, 2012 All off, only VOIP should be direct chat once it's working.For those saying 3rd person allows for quickly scanning your surroundings, you can press or double tap to toggle - (numpad minus) to increase your FoV greatly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ijswezel 2 Posted May 26, 2012 I'm a masochistic bastard so I really enjoy crawling around in the dark on veteran servers bumping into zombies, trying not to grenade myself to death and pooping my tactical pants. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beginner 4 Posted May 27, 2012 Ideal server settings for me:3D View: OnCrosshair: OffNames/Icons: OffVOIP: OnI don't understand why admins are disabling VOIP? I cant type in 1 sec when someone is trying to shoot me...Same. Hope Arma after the patch will have option to filter servers by settings.BTW what servers do we know with these settings? I know:NY2EU7EU14Chicago 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beginner 4 Posted May 29, 2012 BTW what servers do we know with these settings? I know:NY2EU7EU14Chicago 6+NY5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites