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A Better Alternative to Levelling

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Leveling does not suit a game like DayZ. Its a way to represent progress in a linear, descriptive way.

DayZ does not need leveling. It needs to expand on what it already has. More statistics.

Zombies Killed, Headshots, Murders. These are all statistics, and we need more. I like seeing my records.

Priority should be with 'Total Time Survived' and this should only count when player is active ingame.

You should be able to view your current and best character records, best based on the above ^.

Then, for both these you should be able to view everything. Kills with specific weps, cows slaughtered, vehicles repaired, total meters travelled, helicopters found etc etc.

And finally. A leaderboard for all.

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Personally I don't care for a leaderboard but I know lots of people want a comparison.

Additionally, I think we should focus more on co-operative stats:

People bandaged / Broken bones fixed / Blood bags administered / distance transported

Make these a large number of stats and people will vie to improve them.

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I actually think something that could be taken advantage of here would be some kind of overall world stat board thing. So instead of saying 'I need to find that helicopter and kill those zombies', you say 'We need to'. Something that counts everyone on the server or survivors as a whole. Or something.

It would promote teamwork and survivors working together instead of personal gain and achievement.

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Personally I don't care for a leaderboard but I know lots of people want a comparison.

Additionally, I think we should focus more on co-operative stats:

People bandaged / Broken bones fixed / Blood bags administered / distance transported

Make these a large number of stats and people will vie to improve them.

Oooh blood bags administered would be interesting since it requires more than one person.

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Leveling is supposed to simulate learning, and stats are in no way an alternative to it.

WoW has mislead you, young padawan.

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Never played WoW. More of a Arma2/ BF2:PR, Football Manager kind of guy.

It may not be a direct alternative, but it is somewhat. Levelling indicates learning in a poor way, especially the way we usually see it implemented.

With stats you can set your own goals which would sometimes hinder yourself in a levelling based game.

Edited by MattD

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How about a stat for the number of times someone has Alt-F4'd.

Just so we know who the pussies are.

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Record keeping of your own personal stats on a screen? That could be cool.

But we don't all play on the same servers with the same people, so a leaderboard is kind of meh. Someone playing on a low-pop server will just plain survive longer.

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