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[TUTORIAL] Customizing your skin in DayZ!

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Hey everyone, here's a quick guide on downloading and using a custom skin for DayZ! Enjoy:

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Nice tut but...

You realise that servers have to allow files for this to work on servers right ?

Most don't.

Although You can use some default camo paints which don't need server files turned on and which do not show in the ingame profile editor.

use this link to get the class names


then change the "your name". ARMA2OAPROFILE File (my name = BL1P) for example (found in C/documents/Arma2 or in c/documents/ArmA 2 Other Profiles)

Altering the face line to this for example

face="face01"; (original)


face="face01_camo1"; (alterd)

you should then not open the profile editor as this will reset the face but just go online where 3rd is on and look at your face or get a m8 to tell you if it worked.

Hope this helps aswell

Edited by BL1P
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I tried to make one myself using Walter at a base but I don't have a good wireframe image to overlay so its pretty fucked. Also the contrast once put into arma is crazy, the highlighted areas are ten times whats in the pic so looks really off.

I also made one a little darker and less contrast but the facial structures fail pretty badly, is there any way to extract the models from the game so I can get them over in Mudbox?


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... You can use some default camo paints which don't need server files turned on and which do not show in the ingame profile editor.

Great stuff man, cheers.

[edit] Tested and working great.

Edited by Gruso

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I will use Barack Obama's skin so I put an end to weaponry in Chernarus.

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if he ever puts a end to weaponry people will still kill so how do we protect our families? i bet he didnt think that through. but the skin changing is cool imma try it.

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sadly ingame it doesn't look like obaam at all coz the facial structure is all wrong,

to make it rly look like obama this the face would have to be developed as addon because the custom face always uses the defaults face shape

would be cool if some1 would do that

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Yeah, you have to "stretch" the face width-wise using some paintshop tools, then you need to convert to a .paa to make it have less transluscence. The Armaholics site has the .paa converter.

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u wont need to stretch the face.jpg/.paa it's the face structure of the character 3dmodel which needs to be stretched coz the default face is caucasian and obviously not shaped like obamas head

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