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Full release - Map discussion

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Edit didn't work so double posting instead, but I'd be happy with a second Chernarus if made more intricate - explorable buildings, including the cities' towers; a primitive rail car (unrealistic but for game purposes) to help the noobs on the coast; military spawns massively scarcer; and some viable way of creating static communities both in urban and forest areas.

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i think we kust need a larger map with more building and the ability to actualy make a small colony of some sort and possible seasonal veriations of maps just my two cents

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Chernarus is 225 km2 (Arma 2)

Limnos is around 300km2 (Arma 3)

It all depends of which version of the real virtuality engine is used, however I'd like to see multiple areas linked together in a realistic way e.g A large city map leading to a large countryside map. (The use of a underground road tunnel or similair linking the areas would cover loading the next area)

Thinking out loud again.

Edited by KeefehB

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Chernarus is 225 km2 (Arma 2)

Limnos is around 300km2 (Arma 3)

It all depends of which version of the real virtuality engine is used, however I'd like to see multiple areas linked together in a realistic way e.g A large city map leading to a large countryside map. (The use of a underground road tunnel or similair linking the areas would cover loading the next area)

Thinking out loud again.

The tunnel would create a chokepoint that could easily be abused by player killers. Even if there are 3-4 of them, a properly placed sniper squad can effectively lock down the tunnel on its own.

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Assuming there will be more than one map I would be very interested in seeing a map entirely in the city.

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-Maybe 2 big island where you can only get to the 2nd island if you repair a boat (where you get the best loot and there are also the strongest zombies)

What the fuck are u stupid? The first players will grab the boats and all others cant go to the 2nd isle?

Idiot. That's not even worth a tough. Really!

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What the fuck are u stupid? The first players will grab the boats and all others cant go to the 2nd isle?

Idiot. That's not even worth a tough. Really!

It's not a bad idea it just depends on how it's implemented...

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The tunnel would create a chokepoint that could easily be abused by player killers. Even if there are 3-4 of them, a properly placed sniper squad can effectively lock down the tunnel on its own.

Tunnel was just an example. There plenty of ways to prevent things like that happening such as more than one exit.

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Linking zones often leads to chokepoints. If you warp from one to another, you wind up with camping in the style of EvE Online. If you travel from one to another you have massive travel times and huge challenges in terms of server resources. What if I fire a sniper rifle from one map into the other? Does the bullet vanish?

Of course, with the new standalone model, there's ample opportunity for re-imagining the game world. Maybe you could have an NPC faction in the game that will airdrop you in a new region for a price, so you can play on a server until you find some otherwise useless ultra-rare item, like a circuit board or a Krugerrand or something, and then you can use your radio to call for fast-travel to another part of the world. You spawn in 500m off the ground in a parachute at a random spot on the map, do some quick recon of the immediate vicinity and then get busy surviving.

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To support Rocket's vision of an Eve-like world, the game would have to support a map larger than chernarus, although personally I would love to play in the current chernarus with every building being enterable, but i doubt that's in store for the game's future

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I can understand people that would want something brand new because it's supposed to be a "new game" and not a mod anymore.

But to my opinion : "Don't fix it if it ain't broke".

i.e I won't mind at all if we get a mashup/extended original Chernarus.

Also people that don't understand video game industry, making a map that large, takes time and effort (=money).

GTA-like maps take several years from the first concept untill it's fully playable, for a decent large team.

Alternative, would be a new map, but using existing ArmA 2-3 models.

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I'll be very disappointed if the standalone map is "Chernarus plus." Standalone game should have its own tailor-made map, let Chernarus become a folktale the alpha testers tell around the campfire to the new people.

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I would be happy if they had multiple maps that can be played.

I would personally like to see some type of major city, such as NYC.

Something full of buildings and subways with just limited wilderness of central park.

Also people that don't understand video game industry, making a map that large, takes time and effort (=money).

GTA-like maps take several years from the first concept untill it's fully playable, for a decent large team.

Thats why they open up the ability to create new maps to the community. There have always been and always will be people who enjoy making stuff like that.

And if you think that people wouldn't be able to make a map like what we have now you obviously have never seen some of the stuff created for games like neverwinter nights series.

Edited by Ratnix

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The map should feature a border between two different countries. Not only will this give us diversified buildings and signs, but it may encourage a whole new aspect to gameplay. The border could be a large river and there could be only 5 or so large bridges connecting the two landmasses. This would introduce a new high population area that is not a city or airstrip. Perhaps one country could be the bandit haven whereas the other country the friendly area. And even better, place certain key buildings in one of the countries, thus forcing players to travel between the two countries. This has the potential to really revamp the interactions in the game. If this idea has not been introduced, I really hope you guys spread it if you all think it has potential.

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There need to be a capital size city with modern high ways leading to it and sky scrappers. Getting a little tired of small cites like cherno and elekro. They are nothing but steel mill towns that have a highschool football team where everyone in town goes to see on friday night.

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I hope there's lots of little easter eggs and nice little things to find around the maps too. For example sunken ships, unique death scenes (last stands by civilians in interesting places), references to popular zombie fiction books/series/movies etc.

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Well the QA session with Rocket has pretty much confirmed the map will be Chernarus "plus", a bigger version of chernarus capable of easily hosting between 100 and 200 players. Hope there's a more western urban district with the mall! The session also revealed that every building will be enter-able.

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