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You bought Arma II and Operation Arrowhead and received those games. Day Z is a free mod for those games. Day Z is now going to soon become it's own game, and you will have to pay for it since it will be fully developed into it's own game. Why do people have such a hard time grasping that Day Z IS NOT THE FUCKING GAME, it's a free mod. You didn't pay for Day Z, you paid for Arma II.

Edited by Nick8478
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Are you for real? You didn't have to buy Arma 2 to play DayZ in alpha, you could have waited for the stand alone game, but you chose not to.

If you had been paying attention to the media interviews, you would have known that it was going stand alone and this was planned to happen before the end of the year.

I paid £20 for Arma 2 CO. I will happily pay for DayZ stand alone. You know why? Because even though this is just an alpha of a mod, this is the most enjoyment and fun that I have gotten out of a multiplayer game in years, perhaps ever.

I have played for 80+ hours now and am still enjoying myself, and will continue to enjoy myself until the stand alone game is released.

I have already gotten my £20 worth from this mod without touching Arma 2. I can also go and play Arma 2 if I want because I now know all the controls. Bonus.

I have an idea for you. Stop being so entitled.

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I paid Hong Kong prices for my non-steam Arma 2 AO back in the day - equivalent of 80 UK pounds, so there's no way I am lining BIS pockets even more.

Especially not until they create a proper gaming experience with a purpose, and deal with the murderer problem.

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What about when it's finished with development? What's the price going to be then?

bla bla bla, how fantastically worded.

I don't really think I'm the naive one here. Read my first post really carefully again, it might sink in at some point. You seem unable to grasp the basic concept of what it is you've been playing.

When you purchased Arma CO, you bought 2 full games plus the Lite versions of various expansions. This also enabled you to play hundreds of other mods other than Day Z. The fact that you were only interested in DayZ is entirely up to you. I have enjoyed many hours playing Arma and am now getting many hours of enjoyment from playing DayZ. I will happily pay for DayZ when it is released as a full game in it's own right.

Again, the fact that you bought Arma purely to play DayZ is entirely up to you. It was never advertised as a finished game and it was made extremely clear that it was a mod in alpha testing that would be released as a stndalone game eventually. Your sense of entitlement defies logic. The fact that you refuse to see the facts in the face of numerous posts spelling it out for you borders on insanity. Or trolling.

Edited by Fraggle

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Just to be clear, Rocket did get money for people buying Arma 2: CO to play Day Z. While he may not have received royalties as a direct result of sales, he obtained a job as a lead designer at BIS. They probably pay him for said job. (A job he wouldn't have if we, the community, didn't buy Combined Operations with such fervor)

Either way, the fact that Day Z mod is staying in development while they make a standalone version makes it obvious that they do not intend on simply pulling the plug on Day Z mod. This alone means that the money spent on Combined Operations is completely valid. If you don't like what you see in the standalone, looks like the mod will still be a valid product for you to spend time with.

I, for one, cannot wait to play the standalone. And probably keep playing the mod as long as it's up too. Can't get enough of a good thing.

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what kind of a cheap p.o.s. are you? you paid close to nothing for an awesome chance to be apart of a ground breaking game type testing period, and you didnt have to wait for some big company to approve your beta application. the fact that we are able to influence the way DayZ is going by how we interact with the content we are given is pretty cool. I will gladly pay full price for the standalone version with a giant smile on my face when i purchase it. it would be nice to get a collectors edition or something though for my time spent playing the alpha ;)

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what kind of a cheap p.o.s. are you? you paid close to nothing for an awesome chance to be apart of a ground breaking game type testing period, and you didnt have to wait for some big company to approve your beta application. the fact that we are able to influence the way DayZ is going by how we interact with the content we are given is pretty cool. I will gladly pay full price for the standalone version with a giant smile on my face when i purchase it. it would be nice to get a collectors edition or something though for my time spent playing the alpha ;)

Nice post and I fully agree. They already announced that the standalone will be significantely discounted so what more could I ask for?

Lets support these guys, else there'll soon be no decent studios left and we will be forced to buy an absolute fucking trash like COD and others, along with utterly pathetic, never ending milk story of DLC's from big uber casual companies selling em.

PPl dont mind paying big money (69.99 right?) for preorders or or similary priced DLC's where the content is just pure damn laughable.

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