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Cyborg Ninja

(VIDEO) Sniping 2 dudes on NWAF, one of them disconnects... twice..

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Attack for no reason?

They both had gillies which probably means high value loot. Best reason imo to kill someone, to get his gear.

Furthermore they were at the NWAF... THE PvP zone in the game.

They weren't some unarmed newbs at the coast, they were high geard pussies at the NWAF who disconnected when shot at.

So quit bitching.

Aww seems like someone is a little bitch, Keep on sniping, My counter sniper team will be with you soon.

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It's all part of the game. Sometimes I snipe someone. Sometimes someone snipes me.

Edited by Link_AJ

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To the carebears who think DC'ing is a valid tactic, keep it up, in many cases it may earn you a ban from the server, or even having your character reset by the Dev team. I record all of my PVP interactions, and when PVP DCs happen all I need to do is send the video to the appropriate people. I just wish there was a way to filter servers by player names so I could follow them to their new server they changed to in order to finish them off.

And of course it can be annoying to get sniped, especially by those who camp the coast shooting unarmed newbs or who do nothing but sit up on a distant hill killing people without any intention of looting. Just don't assume that everyone is doing it for the lulz, in many cases where I'm on sniper duty with friends, you're going to get shot if you pose any threat to my mates, and my mates'll do the dirty work of looting your corpse. I shoot 'em, they loot 'em.

It's not our fault you weren't careful and didn't recon the area before rushing in hoping for some mad loot.

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