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The Logbook [Guide, Tips, & Thoughts]

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The Logbook- A DayZ blog and guide, straight from the beginning.

The LogBook is back! Read The Logbook 2 here!:http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/86006-the-logbook-2-blogguide/#entry808589

Intro- You might find yourself coming for the story. You might just be intrigued by the process from the beginning. You might be wondering how it turns out. Or you might be of wanting to kill some time. Whatever it is, I assure you, what you are about to read is 100% true. No amount of it has been replicated unless stated, and none made up. These are my thoughts, actions, wins, losses, travels- my logbook.

This is DayZ. This is my story:

Day 1- Out of the Water

Day 1- What Makes the Man- I want a game that isn't like CoD, where a gun doesn't make the man. A game where skill and tactics can beat sheer firepower. A game where everything you do has consequence. A game where you are constantly engaged.

Day 1.1- Prior to Play....- Installing DayZ was like porting a minecraft server, except in the fact that the process was gracious enough to be simpler, less indulgent into your computer, and had a guide that, once you looked at for 5 minutes, you could understand. The big difference is: it worked. DayZ finally accepts my serial code or whatever, so I can play it. Have I? Yes. My first life will be in Day 1.2.

Day 1.2- Starting Out- My first life consisted of trying to turn down the constantly shaking view of my screen, which, combined with the fact my family has made it my chore to eat leftover takeout before it goes bad, did not do well with my stomach.

Once my "hangover" had died down, I fiddled with the graphics settings. I ended up downgrading.

Once I got past that, I decided I would try my luck at the nearby group of buildings. Being a "noob" I thought "No one really expects much of me." And crouch-ran over. To be honest, finding the controls was difficult considering the matchup for the controls for DayZ and ArmA aren't really there. I haven't even gotten in my bag yet. To be honest, I don't think I have even been able to stand up from being crouched. That's right, I have no clue. It seems when pressing z to go prone, then pressing x it returns to crouch, and pressing x doesn't stand up, and pressing z just goes back down again. Even so, I wouldn't know, since the button for 3rd person is unknown to me even being on a regular server with 3rdp enabled.

Halfway there to the building during my experiments, a zombie spotted me. Hearing the growls, one desperate attempt to stand up was in order. With a press of z, I went prone and with open arms accepted a zombie b!tch slap to my backside. After getting up to what seems like crouching, I ran for a bit, somehow outrunning the zombies until I stopped by some trees. This was the moment of DayZ that comes to us all, one time or another. Let it be known that not 5 minutes into playing this game I received my first "screw it" moment. I let the zombies beat me down, then seeing the hourglass go down for what seemed like an eternity did I remember half way that I could've just hit the respawn button.

I don't really see my first DayZ life as a joke. I see it as, if I knew any of what the hell I was doing, it would've been an award winning comedy film. But I don't, so it isn't. Now, it is time to look up some controls, and possibly team up with a vet I met a while ago. As things unfold, expect more in OW's Logbook, Day 1.3!

Day 1.3- The Shadow That Surrounds Us All- My second DayZ life. My chance to learn from my mistakes and create a new life in the desolate apocalypse. Basic summary: It was night, looked up the controls, turned on the flashlight, ran around. Got shot. Yep, in the blackness that surrounded me came a shot that ended my life. A well placed shot, but the douche bag who put me down must've been disappointed to find only a bandage, flashlight, and ect. Consider that an unintentional troll.

Day 1.4- A is For Alpha- This life, was much more interesting.

Spawning, I soon found my first axe. After so many swings I discovered the axe could only be swung 99999 times or so, which is good enough for me, considering. Around the area I found the axe was what seemed to be a road toll booth, and there I found my first player body. Though, he had nothing on him but another axe.

At the station, I soon found myself faced with barbed wire. Scared now, that someone may be lurking near, I started to panic. As paranoia set in, a Zed came up to me. I chopped his head in. Then 2 more came up to me, one which went down, and the other seemed to stand, even as the axe's hit sound played over and over. Now shaking life a massage chair, I continue on my journey to come to a powerplant next to one of the buildings that looks like a firestation.

Here was where my life truly began, and ended.

Afraid of players being near this hotspot, I soon find 2 dead players, which seemed to have been shot. One was lying next to a large tower, me assuming he fell off.

I climbed the roof, getting a vantage point to scope out my surroundings. It looked clear.

I descended, and by now had lots of ammo, a compass, a water bottle, 2 cans of beans, 4 sodas, and ALICE pack, and 5 bandages from the looting of the player's unfortunate corpses.

I then see a tower, in which I believe may have some useful items in, and would be useful to search before heading into the infamous fire station building. As I am at the ladder, I start to hear the sound of grinding metal. I panic, and begin to climb. Not long after do I realize this sound was gunshots being fired not 40 yards away, on the ground, by a player being chased by some zeds. He had a rifle, and, due to a strange glitch involving me trying to put a Lee Enfield in my pack earlier in a barn, I only had an axe to defend myself. This sighting only encouraged my climbing as I struggled to find a spot where he could not see me.

I climbed to the top of the tower, and this is where my life ended. How? Did the gunner get me? Was there a player there? Zeds? Aliens? Your mother?

In DayZ, there are 4 enemies you must face. 1. Zeds. 2. Players. 3. Hunger and thirst. 4. The game.

So which killed me? To give you a description of my hilarious, and meaningful death, here is what happened. Upon arriving at the top, I get the glorious idea to lie down to avoid being spotted. Doing this sealed my fate. When this happened, I passed out, and blood began spewing out from my body like jelly, cascading down the tower to the ground below. As I see the hourglass go down I think, "this is it."

But I am amazed when I wake up, thinking I can bandage myself. That amazement turns to shock and not a second after reviving do I take a 5 second fall and pummel into the concrete below. What's more, is on my screen, is the dead player who had fallen off the roof. Irony.

Let this be a lesson to me and to you: If you want cover, do not be near a ladder.

What became of the player near me is unknown, though last I saw he was bleeding and had many zombies on him. Assuming he lived, he might've recognized my body among the others and grabbed my gear. You never know. The most logical explination is that he saw me on the roof and came running, only to be confronted by a pushing force of angry, infected Russian men. It just goes to show you, in DayZ, when you're least expecting it, death takes its shot.

Day 1.5- ....- The next two lives of my existence in DayZ were so insignificant it is not worth writing down.

Day 1.6- I Am Number Seven- As I look at the long loading screens of DayZ, I start to pay attention to the dialouge going on at the edge of the screen. 7: "Where are you?" 32: "I'm at grid 000153." 7: "Regroup on me!" 46: "We lost 154." 7: "46, Fall back!" 7: "28, Fall back!". As I look at this sequence I can't help but inquire and think that I might be number 7. If so, who is 46, 154, 28, and 32? Do I know them? Where is grid 000153? Who is saying this? Maybe the mystery will be solved later on.

This life, I had everything. I found in front of my spawn, the infamous city of Elektro. Where a man makes, breaks, and takes fortune. I had a few cans of soda, and a hatchet upon entry. When I entered, I went into a small garage, where I found some ammo, food, a CZECH backpack (!), a watch, and other goodies.

At this place, I see a man outside. He is holding a gun. He is also face down on the pavement. Not only has he died, but his killer is standing over him! A zombie dressed in leather and camo watches over the old fellow. I close the door next to him, then grab all the gear around. But the thought of a gun is too tempting. I had to try.

I opened the door, snuck up to him -at this point the Zed is and has been facing toward me at all times-..... and swung with the hatchet. He stood, and I struck one more for good measure, in which by the time the hit landed he had been falling.

I went prone, and did what I had been waiting for so long to do. I grabbed the poor chap's food, bandages, painkillers, mags, water, and most of all... an M 014 shotgun. Unfortunately, no bullets were found on his body for that particular gun. Luckily enough, I had been carrying some and reclaimed them from the pile of loot on the ground.

I now had 8 shots, and was a killing machine.

Next, I went over to the fire station. I was walking for some time when I looked up at the roof. There, stood a chilling sight: another player! He was standing there, unmoving, and was in an inventory GUI. I bolted over to the end of the fence in hope he did not see me.

It was time to make a move. He had a pistol, and I had a shotgun. It was time for my first blood.

I entered the fire station hot with zeds on my tail. I went up the tower and stayed on some stairs, looking at the player's back. Slowly, with adrenaline pumping through me, I wondered if the bullet would travel through the window. If I was wrong, I would alert the zeds, and the player to my presence.

I took the shot.

He still stood.

I shot again.

He still stood.

I fired 2 more shots to his heart.

He remained upright.

Not only was he upright, but he had nothing near him that would indicate he had been in his inventory.

I went downstairs, made quick work of the zeds with my M014, looted the bodies, most importantly finding 24 rounds for my shotgun, and headed out.

There was a zed on my left, but he didn't see me. All of a sudden, I see a zed from all the way across the street start running at me on it's hands and legs. I shoot it, and move over to the door.

Then, I hear a noise. I turn around, only to see a zed, leaning against the doorway! I shoot it, then turn around to see a massive horde running toward me. I know my only hope is the ladder.

I run and circle around, then access the climb ladder on my mousewheel select.

I was climbing before they had a chance.

As I got to the top, I found the player and looted him.

Now, you may be wondering if I survive this experience. If through all my hard work I get out to the forest with my supplies and live happily. Well, here's what happened.

In the process of looting the player, I hear gunshots, so I go prone, thinking this guy is shooting at the horde downstairs. Soon after, I am shot and killed. My killer had taken the same route as me, and shot me. If he could figure out how to get on the roof, he's living happy now.

I got greedy, and ended up getting shot. I took too much, when I would have been fine with what I had. I took the chance and the chance ended up taking me. In the city where a man makes, breaks, and takes his fortune, I experienced all 3.

As Day 1 ends, I am happy to say I am satisfied with my performance so far. Although I believe that with more time to play tomorrow will bring less pressure to do as much as I can as fast as I can.

I hope that you are enjoying the logbook, as I try to make it as entertaining as possible, and I would like to hear your thoughts on this, as well as your own experiences. Shoot me a reply and I'll catch it down below. Thanks for reading! See you tomorrow!

Question Of The Day: What was the strangest death you while playing DayZ?

Day 2- Duty Calls!

Day 2- The Dream to Dream- Last night there came no sleep, from the lusterous dreamland, the river ran dry, and all that could be heard were the creaks and moans of those inside the dungeon with him. All through the night the darkness played, teasing and tricky. Many times eyes closed, but the dulling sensation was not one to come easy. So is the night of a part-time insomniac.

Day 2.1- The Bandit Hunters- After the night, I decided to create a faction. Not just any ordinary faction, no. This faction has set its goals apart from the majority. There's an official page you can visit on the forum and post, browse, or even join! http://dayzmod.com/f...dfield-company/ Check it out!

Day 2.2- PitStop- After a long night with no sleep I feel as though I am a bit lacking in my senses and skills, and perhaps will not do as well as I had hoped. All I can do now is pick up where I left off.

I had spawned on the shore like always, and had decided to foolishly and half-heartedly run up to the gas station nearby. 2 zombies had been alerted, but I led them to the water where they stayed, fishing; apparently. I went over to the poor player who was standing upright, yet was deceased. All he had was the beginner kit and nothing more, most likely a complete beginner. With the zombies that were standing over him, I assumed he made the same mistake I did, but with much more fatal results.

The journey continues.

Day 2.3- Pointless- The rest of my life was spent trying to get to Elektro to meet up with one of my clanmates. It didn't end well. That's all that happened.

Day 2.4- Da Fauq?- This experience in DayZ was the most quirky, strange, and unexplainable things to ever happen to me.

Respawning, I come across Cherno, next to a lighthouse. I see another player body standing up, and go over with a heavy sigh. I am surprised when the body begins to move! We try to communicate for a while, with no luck. Then, another player comes along, and we go off to supply before invading Cherno. Unfortunately, he had to logoff because his controls were messing up on him.

I waited, then finally decided to move on. As I glance up, I see 2 zombies right next to me, staggering along. For a second, I freeze. I'm in prone position, nothing on either of the detection meters.

I watch as the zombie blissfully ignores me, but stands still as if he knew I was there and was waiting for me to turn my back. Sure enough, I start crawling to the powerplant.

Just after the power plant is when things get weird. I find a hatchet, and by the time I escape I'm just under 5000 blood and am shaking like a chihuahua.

As I'm walking, all of a sudden, I see the text pop up on the screen "One day Alice, to the MOON!" and watch as me and all the other players are hoisted 300 feet in the air. With utter awe, I watch as I plummet to the ground below, and lay dead.

But the experience did not end there. I spawned next to a lake.

But something was different.

The crosshair.... it looked as if...

Yes, it was! In my hands I held an anti-material sniper rifle with 3 magazines! Not only that, but I had a makarov pistol with a few mags, auto-inject morphine, and other goodies.

My first thoughts were "I'm in someone else's body."

After walking down the railroad I started to anylize. It seemed as if the server had switched to regular ArmA and spawned me with weapons and healing, (since no DayZed items were in there) but messed up somewhere along the way. I could still see the temperature, blood, food and debug screen, and zombies appeared to be spawning, but I could not see a zed anywhere.

After I had gotten so far down the railroad, I was interru- "One day Alice, to the MOON!". I fell. I died.

Then I sat and looked at my computer screen. I thought for a bit. Thought about everything that happened. Then, to express my feelings, I said aloud, "DA FAUQ?!".

Day 2.5- The Long Road- I spawned again, and got out of the server before Alice tried to boot me to the moon again. I hopped servers, and still had the marvelous gear.

From the beginning, I had a GPS, Map, Watch, Compass, Digging Kit, Toolkit, A050 (or some such digits) sniper with 5 clips, an M1911 with 4 clips, 3 auto injectors, 2 boxes of morphine, 3 bandages, a hatchet, a hunting knife, a box of matches, range finders, flashlight, and NV Goggles.

By the end of my life I had 1 bandage, a revolver with no ammo, a hatchet, a hunting knife, 2 water bottles, a wood pile, NV Goggles, a military flashlight, range finders, GPS, Compass, and a Watch.

Here' s what happened: I had heard rumors of the debug forest that I was in. One of them read, "On a dark and stormy night, one player could not find his way out. He searched and searched, but there seemed to be no end to the trees which encased him. Then, Dr. Hak, Nyan Cat, Chucky, and Rainbow Dash came out from behind the trees, and ate the player limb from limb, his blood seeping out from under him, and splattering gloriously on the attacker's faces. He never spawned again."

So you can see why I wanted to get out of here. If all those things came at me, it'd be like reliving all my nightmares at once. So, what do I do? Post in the forum. Then, what next? Oh, what did you do next to solve this illusterous dillema? I went away, got sidetracked, then came back 2 hours later to find my character almost starving to death.

So, me with all my gear goes into town. I'll spare you the details, but it involved 3 player bodies in extremely close proximity (which I seem to be keen for finding) about 17 zombies, saltwater, and a hot air balloon. Minus the hot air balloon.

Basically, I aggro'd the zombies, led them to the water, got the F*ck out of there, then tried to get to the player bodies. Nope, more meatheads waiting to deter me.

Luckily I had brought my shiny ego, in which I wielded in the form of my sniper, which did not do much to kill those who wished to drink my brain fluids.

I got out the pistol, shot them all, found a can of beans, and gtfo of there. I then went to a different server for some reason I can't remember. Lag, I think.

Now I was fine for hunger.

Now, let's take that experience, turn up the annoyance meter to 11, soak it in mud and put it in our mouths, then throw up on it, and use it to wipe our eyes when we're done crying about the tragedy that has befallen us in this life.

That was the rest of my life.

Only 20 times worse.

Low on blood, unable to chop wood unless in freaking designated areas because for some reason we are preservationists in a zombie apocalypse, constantly looking for food and water, with no time to be careful and getting into fights.

Oh yes, and did I mention I was on my way to Elektro, 4 km away, to get to the hospital to give a transfusion to one of my clanmates? Well yes, I was. That quest was never completed. After taking one step out of the hospital, Justin Beiber road up in his humvee and tore him up.

Then, later, after getting sick and needed antibiotics, running through the town of Elektro during the broad daylight, zeds on my tail, passing out, I said f*ck it, turned around, wasted my last ammo since I can't aim for sh!t yet, and proceeded to hatchet them until one got the lucky final shot on me.

52 zombies killed. Take that, you.... you.... you. Them.

Although this was my longest life, it was by far the most annoying. Had I not gotten sidetracked and gotten out of the forest before I was starving, things would have been much better. Lesson learned: Do not leave DayZ unattended!

And as I go on, I am going to make a camp. That seems like the best Idea. I am going to make a camp along a busy road, and pick off any bandits who come down it.

Let's get started.

Day 2.6- Espionage- Starting on my new life, I found myself on an island seperated from the mainland by a small creek. I crossed the shallow water, and came to a small town, bustling with... un-life.

Upon entrance, I hear the buzzing of flies in large majority. Surely enough, 3 corpses lay in the middle of the road. Their faces mutated and veins bulging, they appeared as though they had been killed by Zeds. I took their loot only to find extra bandages and pain killers. They were most likely a group and had gone running in, trying to loot everything. I don't think it turned out well.

But I would succeed where they failed.

I crawled all over that town like a worm in fresh soil. I found many useful items to repair some of the jeeps that were wrecked along the road, but could not find a toolbox. It wasn't until halfway through my sneaky adventure when I came across an axe.

This is where I saw myself truly play how I imagined I would play this game. Barely avoiding Zeds, hearing their screeches and looking back to make sure they were keeping their distance, I crawled on.

At one point, there was a zombie blocking my way. I crawled to the side of him, and chopped him with the axe the exact moment he got close. Nothing else noticed.

In one of the houses, I found a treasure: my first crossbow! Though it only has one bolt so far, if I keep playing how I am playing, I can save it for something important.

I cleared the town.

That's right, I snuck past every single Zed without one noticing me in the slightest! I recovered a hatchet, life supplies, and a crossbow.

Tomorrow, I begin marksmen training.

QOTD: What was the weirdest experience you had while playing DayZ?

Day 3- Camp

Day 3- The Scale- Usually in this space, I talk about things that normally have not much to do with DayZ, though I try to connect them. Today, I wanted to talk purely about something I've wondered in the game, and hopefully you can wonder in real life.

The scale. Whether now, I should set up camp near a busy road, risk someone finding it, or if I should stay where I am, in iscolation. To be honest, the only bandits I have met lately have been unseen, and the only players I have dead, usually in groups of 3. How much of a coincidence if they were all the same people the whole time?

I have a chance to help others. I have a chance to help myself. So which will it be?

Day 3.1- Zombies Aren't the Only Thing Gowlin'- Well, my plan didn't work out so well. It might've... if I'd found some food. I killed about 13 zombies and looted 4 houses. Still I starved to death. That was the end of it.

Day 3.2- The Northwest Airfield- What do you do when you need to get somewhere but have no idea where to go? You start walking.

I spawned in Kamenka, a nice, quiet town full of peaceful people-- if they weren't all zombies. Here I again, displayed characteristics of how I would want myself to play. I snuck, I crawled, I tossed, I turned. I looted the whole town. Twice.

Yeah, I was waiting for some friends to show up with their bus to come pick me up. They were in the NW Airfield, and I was in Kamenka. They had the GPS, and I had the jerry can. The best idea was for them to come over.

In Kamenka, I found tons of painkillers as usual, about 4 meals' rations, and some car parts. In one house, I found a flippin' GHILLE SUIT, and an Enfield. By the time I left, I had found another Enfield and had 8 mags for the gun.

It was then I left. My friend that owned the bus was having computer issues, and my other friend did not want to leave him. My only choice was to progress.

Running out of Kamenka to go to the airfield was a mistake.

It would have been fine, except I got to a point where the road and rails stopped completely. They just halted, and there in front of me looked like the debug plains. Me, knowing that it was desolate and empty, went along the edge anyway. What I should of done is high-tailed it back to Kamenka, looted the town, then proceeded on the road the other way. No. I kept running in the forest, until I came across a small farming town.

Here is where the BS started happening.

In the ghille suit, whatever you do besides crawling is much more visible, but you are garunteed practically no visibility while you are doing it. I was in the ghille, crawling, and somehow a zombie managed to spot me from across the whole road.

Keeping in mind my only weapon was the Enfield, or "dinnerbell", my first instinct was to run. And oh, I ran. Strangely enough, only 2 zombies followed me. I went into the woods, turned, and fired, dropping them both.

What I saw next horrified me. Zombies... running toward me... from the town, the next town, and the fields. That things wasn't a dinnerbell, it was a gong hooked up to an amplifier playing on the radio. I had so many zombies on me and they were running so fast you'd think they were in the olympics.

Again, I was running, with about 20 zombies on my tail. I eventually ran into an industrial complex close by, and saw a ladder. I knew it was my best bet.

I ran a bit past it then doubled back around them. "Get to the ladder... almost there.... I'm at the ladder, ok, MOUSEWHEEL, SELECT!!!" It wasn't the right type of ladder. Now I know you must be thinking, "Um, is this where you die?" Maybe... ok, no.

I run into a building with metal stair and double doors on each end. I get up the stairs, and watch as 2 zombies flow in. "This isn't so bad," I tell myself. I wait until they're on the stairs, then fire. One of them magically teleported up to me and hit me, so that was fun, but I shot him.

As I go down to loot them, I notice more zombies starting to file in.

I mount the stairs, and assume my position. After having 19 zombie kills on my debug menu, I'm down to 9800 blood from BS hits through the stairs (seriously, I did not get hit any other time), and I lost about 4 zombies. I had only missed one shot, so ammo was good. My blood was a bit yellow, but if I could find some landmark, I would be fine.

I looted some nearby houses, found some supplies, and it was getting late, so I ended there. That's correct. I didn't die. I'm still breathing. I'm more set than I ever was. But can I keep it that way?

(P.S. Sorry for the bold and not bold text, I tried to fix it, but it appears like it wants to stay that way and there's nothing I can do about it. Probably the forum code.)

QOTD: What was the best or worse zombie killing experience you have had in DayZ?

Day 4- Wheels on the Bus

Day 4- Kleptomania- It was about survival, always about survival. Was it stealing? Was it robbing? It was looting, if you could call such a thing theifing. They lay still. Robbed of life? Atleast in that respect. But to preserve your own? Something to think about. Would they have done the same? You can never tell.

Day 4.1- Where the Grass is Greener....- Most of my DayZ day was hectic. After getting out of the small industrial ruin I had placed myself in, I traveled from town to town, crawling like a dirty, dirty worm, gathering supplies I ultimately had to drop or use due to lack of inventory space, in hope that by some off-chance miracle I could find a GPS and GTFO of there.

Then I saw the radio tower. It was [insert amazing description here]. What I imagined to be hiding there, waiting for me to loot was beyond my wildest dreams.

Since I had a way to go before trying to get into Elektro or Cherno, it was the most high-class building I could get to. But that would have to wait.

My friend pulls up in his brand new old hatchback, and we meet up at the supermarket where I learn quick how to get into a car. After I'm in we speed off.

We head over to the radio tower, in which I hit major artifacting and my friend is fine. While I try to flush my eyes of the crushed crystals swimming in them like angry flies, he checks out the tower. We get disconnected, and I had to eat dinner before I keeled over in real life instead of the game.

And hour or so I'm back, and at Green Mountain. My friend and I do the same routine: meet at the supermarket.

A tire change and a map check later we arrive at Kamenka, to regroup. We fight off a few zombies, and start to discuss finding a helicopter. Unfortunately for me, I had to go soon. I wanted to make up a camp.

We tried to drive over to the small bay at the far north of the map, but we got disconnected. After a bit of trouble I manage to get on, and start driving. Now it's too late and my passenger has left the car.

There is a reason cars don't drive on the railroad. This reason is not in DayZed. I followed the tracks in hope to find Cherno and pick up one of our good pals. Unfortunately I hit some "artifacting" from a nearby medic field base and couldn't see for crap. That, combined with the fact it was stormy, AND nighttime, I could go no further. I apologized, turned around, and went back.

He died 3 minutes later far off from me ever hoping to find him.

It's night, the towns look mostly the same, and I only have a map, not a GPS. It's not too surprising I got lost.

How many times I had turned around and how many towns I passed blurred, and I couldn't find which way to go. I settled parking the car on a dock somewhere I have no clue where.

With all our supplies, DayZ is still hectic, but it looks like the grass just got a lot greener.

QOTD: What was the best loot you ever found, and how did you find it?

Day 5- As the Tumbleweeds Roll

Day 5- All We Are, Are Bullets- As I sit here, I start to think. I think about stuff, random stuff, some more stuff, some other stuff, and some weird stuff. And then I think about DayZ. And then I realize: I have not killed a single player yet. My help to humanity's survival is 0. I don't know why, but bandits seem hard to find nowadays. You used to live in fear of them, and now you barely stumble on them. The fact is that in all the time I've played DayZed not one player I have seen has been hostile. They are either dead, defenseless or a friendly! I'm not asking for trouble, I'm just saying, it's kind of weird.

QOTD: Did or do you feel guilty for killing players, even if they could have shot you?

Day 6- The Tools for the Trade

Day 6- Trust- Sorry for the long-awaited update. Anyway, what makes you trust your teammates? In the crazy, heinous world of DayZ, what makes you absolutely sure they won't snap, kill you, and take your loot? When you see another player, standing, staring, waiting. You start to wonder. You wonder if he's going to shoot you. You look at him a while, thinking. He turns around, and your finger just... moves. You take the shot, and he's down. You start to wonder if maybe... maybe he was friendly. Maybe he would help. Then you start to rationalize, that maybe... he would of done the same thing. It's survival. It's all you can do. But sometimes, all you can do is trust. Trust and be trusted, or fall to the madness.

Which path do you take?

Day 6.1- Dealing with Delta- To be honest, I did not play DayZ on this day (gasps in shock), but there are still things going on behind the scenes that you should be interested in.

Due to my schedule, I couldn't exactly play, but all you need to know is that I made atop the roof of the hospital in Elektro. I was there, trying to join my usual server to get a blood transfusion. Unfortunately, I could not, and ended the day alive, but a bit on the low side.

Beforehand, I had spawned on the beach, the offroad nowhere to be found. My first thoughts were, "I'm dead. I died, and now I have to start over," Those thoughts soon subsided as I went into third person and saw my ghille still hanging off my body.

Talking to my group, I soon find they were in Elektro. Combine it with the text above, and you've got Day 6.

Afterwards, I contact the owner of the server, and talk to him about it. And we make a deal. As it turns out, the offroad was found, along with the bus, and the hatchback. As these are our vehicles, we try to come up with some agreement that we and them can feel safe with. This is the point in my DayZed experience where I start to feel more like I'm not alone.

After all, the owner of the server has his own clan called Delta, with a helicopter and everything, and they have easily found our vehicles.

Talking to them, I soon realize that they just want to be safe, and they'll gladly give our vehicles up, just so long as no fire has a chance of being exchanged. I offer to go out unarmed, if only I were not wearing a ghille suit. Also, exchanging in a place near a city or town would be hazardous, as firing at zombies could cause a panic.

As I go to sleep, they soon reach a compromise.

QOTD: Have you ever traded with someone? And if so, how did it go?

Day 7- AFK

Day 7- AFK- Sometimes it's nice to take a break. Take a breather, get some fresh air, and try something new. Refresh your palette. A vacation, of sorts. Then, once it's over, be ready to get back into what you were doing before. Engage yourself, and put yourself in the moment.

Day 7.1- The Runaround Squad- Unfortunately, again, I did not get to play DayZ again, today.

What happened, you ask? My team happened.

Well, me, still being in Elektro, one of the most hostile places in the game, needing a blood transfusion didn't really give off the vibe of "fun" to me.

Talking to my team, they tell me they have been around Elektro but are now far away and are on business. Great.

But what about the deal? The deal went fine, and they dropped my team off somewhere or other. A real runaround squad. Details? No, not at the moment.

Taking a break from DayZ was good though, as I explored the other mods on the SIX launcher. Invasion 1944 was one of my favorites, but I was sad to see the lack of servers. If the mod had some dedicated servers like DayZ, it would grow popular quickly.

Actually, thinking about it, since ACE mod wouldn't update correctly, 1944 was the only one I got to play. It still was my favorite (apart from DayZ). The other game I played on the SIX launcher was the original ArmA 2. Had a blast, but it was rather boring to be able to put into text.

It was new, exciting, different, and had a great immersion factor that came from more than just the game. The players did a lot to help. I just wish my team leader would stop yelling random numbers to fall back....

QOTD: Do you ever feel as if you need a break from something? What is that something?

Day 8- Intensity

Day 8- The Well Runs Dry- Well, I got nothing. It's late, I need to go to bed, and I really don't want to write a monolouge right now. Maybe I'll update tomorrow. Maybe not. We'll see. Goodnight.

Day 8.1- Midst the Heat of Battle- Yeah, I know what you're all thinking: "You finally got into a fight? How was it? What happened? Did you die?" Well...

Basically what I'm talking about is not in DayZ. I know I said I'd play, but again, I'm in Elektro, need blood, and surprisingly enough my group didn't come on today. If no one stops by tomorrow, I'll try my best and see what happens.

Anyway, so now you must be asking what the title means. I was playing Invasion 1944. I joined a server, and it was amazing. Right away, the immersion factor set in. I found myself choosing my character as a medic, using a Springfield with 8 mags.

We were all in a snowy level, that looked like a retextured Chernarus town. Everyone broke away marching down the road. I followed for a bit, then decided to break away. I holed up inside a small sandbag ditch and started having fun.

I racked up about 3 kills, and saw many more come past, but couldn't take a shot without them stopping.

After a while, I moved along, and this is where my first death happened.

I got killed by a mortar. Not much warning, not much reaction time, but acceptable all the same. I now see the ferocity that the other team was putting down.

After a few more tries, I come across a point where I'm sneaking around the battlefield, getting through to take an objective. I come with my teammate who backs me up, and we start to get fired at. Now, it get's intense. I get shot straight in the chest, and get down behind a tree, just in time to see the bullet skim the trunk.

I start to heal, and tell my teammate to get down.

I run back further to a fallen trunk for cover, the cold snow not doing much to subdue the sweat on my neck. After the enemy is dispatched, we continue on without much trouble. Then I randomly die.

After a few more tries, the opposing team wins, and we start a new game. The server mod wanted us to play domination, so after a few minutes the game started, and I went in.

It lasted about 3 seconds. Then everything blew up. Who here knows what a hacker is? *Everyone raises their hands.* *Points to Timmy.* "You there, what's a hacker?" "A hacker is a person who is evil and gets inside a game and changes it so they're better." "Ooh, Tim tim, a hacker is much more than that. Let me explain." A hacker is a devilish douchebag who receives enjoyment from ruining your game experience. They risk breaking the game just to see everyone in misery. And when their alcoholic parents are done beating them, yelling at them, or having fornification with strangers, they enjoy nothing more than to sit back on their computer screen and feel hated by so many more people. The fact is, hackers can't accept the game as it is. They can't play right, so they have to ruin it for everyone. They don't care who you are, or where you came from. All they want to do is make you cry. Because you make them cry. Because you kill them. Because they suck at games. Because any other reason for them to do this is because they have no life of their own, and want to ruin other's small-time experiences. And that's just too sad to accept as reality. That, is what a hacker is."

QOTD: What is your opinion on hackers?

Day 9- Overdrive

Day 9- Losing Control- Sometimes, you just feel as if you lost control. As you stand there, your whole world starts crashing down next to you, before your very eyes. No matter how hard you try, sometimes you just can't hold on. You feel helpless. You feel worthless, lost, down, sometimes like you just want to disappear.

But you know what? It gets better. It won't always fix itself, but one way or another, it gets better.

Day 9.1- It's Alpha, Deal With it.- On a less serious note than in Day 9, those thoughts were provoked from the simple fact that I couldn't get on the server today. Nope, not any server. It seems when one thing is broken, another starts working, so now YouTube loads videos fast enough so I can watch them without having to stop and extend the time to 3x the video time.

Also, Minecraft decided to start jumping to the 80s in CPU when I run it, so things are pretty crappy over at Fort De Logger, but hopefully things will be better tomorrow. Sorry I haven't got a real log through, but trust me, I'm trying hard.

Day 9.2- Civil War- Even though DayZ wasn't working properly, that didn't stop me from playing the original ArmA, and for the first time, I played as a civilian.

I gotta say, I did not expect what I saw logging in. First off, there was a car in the palace. Going outside, there were 3 dead men sprawled on the floor, and on the streets it was worse.

There were cars crashing into buildings, policemen shooting civilians, players running about and rampant through the streets.

Eventually I found a gun. I was thinking "How am I going to go anywhere without getting shot?" Then I holstered the dang thing. I had stolen it off a cop, so I had a G17 pistol with 3 magazines.

After that, I bought a car, tried to buy a truck but it was sold out, took the car and got an assassination job that I didn't want to carry through with, got an ATV after getting the car stuck in the palace by driving into police headquarters and teleporting back to the palace, and finally flipping the ATV and getting trapped on until I was reminded to unlock the vehicle to get off, which I didn't think of to do because it's an ATV, and then ending this overly long run-on sentence.

People were yelling about police corruption, having protests, peace-picnic, selling drugs, flipping cars, fighting about being attacked and raided; complete chaos, which ties into today's theme of losing control.

I mean fires were burning, cars were getting jacked, police were asking a young teenage man to stop sitting in the middle of the road.... go try it yourself.

QOTD: What do you do when you feel things are out of control?

Day 10- Rest stop

Day 10- Rest stop- Unfortunately, the logbook will have to be discontinued until I can play DayZ again. It just happens that way, kiddies.

I would LOVE to hear from you. Post something in the replies! It can be what you think of the thread, ideas to make it better, or even your own experiences! What's mine is yours!

I would appreciate those who visit to bump this thread (if you enjoy it), as I would like this to grow popular. Thankyou!

Edited by OW22
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Very nice, Im on Day 3 of your little adventure! I thought about doing the diary thing too, is that basically what this is?

Oh, and Day 2.4, I had the same 'hacker' attack on me. After hours of successful looting, weapons collecting, and a high amount of acheivement running through my veins, I get hoisted into the air (keep in mind im in the middle of a field not a player or zed around for km's) and then thrown to the ground next to other players while Zed's by the numbers all come in at all side, i die before i can even react. Was either an admin abusing his rights or a hack...either way..I was not as amused as the alleged 'funny man' was, im sure.

You have definitely inspired me to start tracking my days...some interesting things when you write it down and read it back!

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btw...I have had the opposite experience with bandits/bastards.

I was welcomed to the game my very first day within minutes by a guy with an axe, and an alterior motive.

He was trying to get me to the pier where its 'safe' as Zeds dont go there (which Ive found this to be true!). He initially was trying to help, but lost patience as I couldnt figure out how to talk back or do much, so he started hacking me up. Where I then began to crawl in and out of unconsciouness before finally realizing i can just LET a zombie eat me and it would be over with. A...a fresh start!

The next time was me running into a military installation, and i see two (non bandit characters) running out, fast. Low and behold behind them, a few Zeds that noticed me now instead. I run in their direction thinking ' they have guns, maybe they'll shoot the Zeds behind me and save my ass, and Ill thank them and offer what little supplies i have for a payment'. Nope. they shot at me while i was chased, and went down like a sock full of rocks.

so not exactly a friendly experience for me thus far. I want to join a team/group where people work together. I got to expierence that once so far, but he died of a wound after about 15minutes of looting at night together. Was odd..he just...died. I mourned...cried a little..then I looted him, and went on my merry way!.

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I come onto the forum today and go to my content. And I'm staring at the screen and thinking, "What? 3 replies to the log? No one EVER replies to the log!" So I get in here and start to read your reply, and I'm glad someone is actually enjoying the content I've been putting out. For your appreciation, I took the liberty of updating the log completely up to date, but don't worry, it's not going anywhere, so take your time!

I've taken a break from DayZ from day 6-7, but today on day 8, I'll get some action in to log about. Day 6 and 7 still has some interesting events, and I've tried to make it as interesting as possible, so give me some feedback on how you feel about it. That's everyone, not just the person I'm replying to. Although... I don't seem to have attracted that many... regulars...? Atleast not that I can see.

Ok, maybe you need more engagement! From now on, there will be a QOTD (Question of the Day) on each of the days logged. I'm putting them for all of them, for newcomers as well. Answer away!

And if you have any questions, ask me as well.

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