{sas}stalker 108 Posted August 7, 2012 (edited) In line with the updated rules thread (rule 13) please note the following bans added today. Logs are available to Dayz devs upon request. Thread will be updated as and when. New bans will be highlighted.Latest718b6b6d3ba33249a1757ea3c8fe9ac5 -1 nsyyy ( AmmoBoxFail 24.08.2012b8d43bed86b338a7df7d3a9dbae384be -1 goyjhl ( remote scripts 24.08.201210ff5019f62fd8a09c17968351a85f0b -1 nichuja ( Equipment spawning 24.08.2012f7b87c859d22ff8124218fa342072607 -1 hoho ( Equipment spawning 24.08.2012ff41afd5bbd2b41e663760227c61a0ee -1 McKinney_Tx ( Skoda Spawn of fail 25.08.2012fbed6589167be7166295382889e762b6 -1 * ( Thunderdome fail 25.08.201235048fff8595258ea70c58f993838580 -1 --=T.V.=-- Pvt-Willson ( Hilux spawn of fail 25.08.2012c2457bd40a1453770e73a495c58a6692 -1 cool bro ( Will you BANce with us? 25.08.2012c4cb7cd89a64d3bc42e890b8f7e70ec0 -1 Kren ( Thunderdome fail 25.08.2012d31264e64fc5ddd557437c0af9d3c397 -1 Ole Wedel ( TT650_Gue Cockface 25.08.201224b7276762e1411b3e2c960a475bbcd8 -1 Hellming ( Markers 25.08.2012a5d44bbf5212d05913b201137af356d8 -1 oNE Surovyi ( USBasicWeaponsBox knobber 25.08.20122abc4d47429083fa4b34683b696335c8 -1 Jex ( USBasicWeaponsBox knobber 25.08.20120c34fc14765d606d2578a24710103ce0 -1 Carl ( USBasicWeaponsBox knobber 26.08.20127f4d680cab1c191795f716af9b398ee9 -1 felix-.- ( Remote exec 26.08.2012d6956f99d8e194b8b5a8ce4641741915 -1 Codepilot ( WeaponsBox knobber 26.08.201280820c01161e2d8956f09e85d4cea511 -1 philip ( WeaponsBox knobber 26.08.201287020a959f38a8ddefa1be7f52bbde07 -1 Halo` ( player setdamage 1 cock 26.08.201220e3e60ea764d667dcda8aa19e9e691f -1 Voron ( Remote exec 26.08.201275595382bac33ff11200bdbef65cd6a9 -1 Hampe ( Remote exec 26.08.20129e98fbff494d44462917ab877d3503ff -1 Joker ( ARTY_Sh_82_HE 26.08.20120211f2d6c4d8831bede4f9422d8c32f9 -1 rob ( Remote exec 26.08.20124774929c9d02974ca7b878c4a5f72e4f -1 Racial Chat 26.08.2012ce6a2946df9dc1eff12bc64d430ffc55 -1 Niklas ( Thunderdome fail 27.08.201264039bb4aaa0978952d06b32a3b9d132 -1 [RAPE]Necropedophile ( Thunderdome fail 27.08.20126b83425e1143c7c4f82d46dfdd6503af -1 Les.. ( Remote exec 27.08.2012913f02df51d446b48b6d4514e28a604c -1 Nova ( BE Bypass 27.08.2012409b790ea820bc8ca107366489354839 -1 Daniel ( Enabling Votes 27.08.2012594c2016db2ffb3222eca5ec0858b806 -1 Jordy ( BAF_AS50_TWS Spawning 20.08.20125c21f51a10e7a72967cd40f95d43814f -1 Annnd Its Gone ( Remote exec 23.08.2012718b6b6d3ba33249a1757ea3c8fe9ac5 -1 nsyyy ( AmmoBoxFail 24.08.2012b8d43bed86b338a7df7d3a9dbae384be -1 goyjhl ( remote scripts 24.08.201210ff5019f62fd8a09c17968351a85f0b -1 nichuja ( Equipment spawning 24.08.2012f7b87c859d22ff8124218fa342072607 -1 hoho ( Equipment spawning 24.08.2012ff41afd5bbd2b41e663760227c61a0ee -1 McKinney_Tx ( Skoda Spawn of fail 25.08.2012fbed6589167be7166295382889e762b6 -1 * ( Thunderdome fail 25.08.201235048fff8595258ea70c58f993838580 -1 --=T.V.=-- Pvt-Willson ( Hilux spawn of fail 25.08.2012c5328e5e60ca58e198616a07e7cd5103 -1 Nexx ( We also break legs 22.08.20121ef0184bcf7fdbd3b88fad30e915e1af -1 Th31ast0ne ( HeliFAIL 22.08.2012a2a33d0f34fd88226866a24d482e16b3 -1 BlackDaddy ( HeliFAIL 22.08.20121ef0184bcf7fdbd3b88fad30e915e1af -1 Th31ast0ne ( Will you BANce with us? 22.08.2012c0a1e5d2ec2b7ff1af541c6863f34e58 -1 patriQ ( Will you BANce with us? 22.08.2012c0a1e5d2ec2b7ff1af541c6863f34e58 -1 Ace ( ThunderBANNED!!!1111 22.08.201226ca3abae93cf78cf42cf7d70e90b09e -1 Lee ( ThunderBANNED!!!1111 21.08.201205aae3fac7190a27194112b1424ac6ab -1 Afterburn ( ThunderBANNED!!!1111 22.08.20124f7826c0c95310b2398b40d508003a9c -1 m0nk14 ( ThunderBANNED!!!1111 22.08.20124a7816a9b2917b5717a74f93d9a6a35d -1 Chekist ( M1030 of FAIL 22.08.20126b042b6bd5b899c1154e6acfc25ac73c -1 Ethan ( UH1Wreck of WIN ? wrong! 22.08.2012743213be9f418b15208270b973419557 -1 Directx?? ( Markers 22.08.201223b03ae9a3b329b826ae0f96b0d4a51c -1 Buzacha ( Markers 22.08.2012a5691462bb700a98848ccad8cb797e88 -1 J35U5 ( ThunderBANNED!!!1111 22.08.2012e81109a61ec620be6fa2896cec98f29b -1 VladimirPutin ( ThunderBANNED!!!1111 22.08.2012c3ed0ef99cd2d5c4d6afec2084839d99 -1 Duke Nukem ( BE Bypass 22.08.2012422ddbd2c69789538a09f0c5cd117a80 -1 Anthony Earley ( HeliFAIL 23.08.20120c32b8511cecbeb36d9bc2e9ffb24a00 -1 Ohlecksmidomolamoasch ( Remote exec 23.08.2012dbe99adebce784c102040c97c8672755 -1 Dregoon ( Ban Bus of FAIL 23.08.2012fa87564afdec205825c89c4d5f468e15 -1 Jason ( Will you BANce with us? 23.08.201261b58b0960d39c7de24ede6a94130f82 -1 Mommy ( AmmoBoxBig FAIL 23.08.2012beabda284689fa03cfe66637dccff6b9 -1 Get in my Van ( AmmoBoxBig FAIL 23.08.20129bcd505de31f26d86a786df819dec1c0 -1 -GR- Noobosaurus ( G_40mm_HE FAIL 23.08.2012c214316561372753694b142682e09698 -1 cob ( Adding Gear 22.08.2012fbaa6598703409a46e76aee28bcec34d -1 Jason ( Adding Gear 22.08.201223b03ae9a3b329b826ae0f96b0d4a51c -1 Buzacha ( #3 Restriction 22.08.20120a94d7a27fdfa566d16741c61ed8b302 -1 Laxus ( UAZ_CDF FAIL 20.08.20123d1a0567e8b76fbae2d72e105a832d76 -1 Jack ( Old_bike cock 20.08.20126f54a77336efae49837d25272e8209e5 -1 Dag ( beeeh this Cock Face 20.08.20120401d9c0f0cace1f2654492dd86dfab0 -1 Tyrone ( Spawning Gear 20.08.2012fe6f8a15175a1c93a3bcba07f2948b2d -1 Pewpewlasers ( Spawning equip 20.08.20123065866b1467805c35f52d95457d51fc -1 BuffNavyGuyUSAUSAUSA ( -1 AmmoBoxFAIL 20.08.20120664681d93ca92a9749cd6eac1f203e8 -1 vauxmad2000 ( #106 Spawning stuff -19.08.20123bf95722ed58ae8a19868ec8585a7b36 -1 Admin ( - 19.08.2012 UH1H_DZ of fail9d4f195c99dedb8e309cd4078bd8875d -1 Luke ( - 19.08.2012 AmmoBoxBig of fail919fe85e62bd13786367260c6f7be87a -1 RussianCowboy ( A C130J Come on ? 19.08.20120d7c344685e5abdfd3cc9754a8dfbb34 -1 Philipp ( UH1H_DZ of fail 18.08.2012abdf38c2bbf9f5ec314f166be6c0fe44 -1 FiGo ( UH1H_DZ of fail 18.08.20123bf95722ed58ae8a19868ec8585a7b36 -1 Admin ( - 19.08.2012 UH1H_DZ of fail9d4f195c99dedb8e309cd4078bd8875d -1 Luke ( - 19.08.2012 AmmoBoxBig of fail02f07dadabb397107dc20022ce5d05e3 -1 sab2 ( 18.08.2012 - AmmoBoxBig Spawn of failb276e628f153cd3b3ebd3427911170b2 -1 Stalker ( 18.08.2012 - UH1H_DZ Spawn of fail85b155079c6e7778464f9daff9a4fa44 -1 Spearen ( -17.08.2012 Spawning stufff229942d8b68a7536052b7b05f508ee3 -1 Pim ( Vehicle spawn Restrictionef8bef1128ac458dd959de30465b359b -1 �Hardcore� ( Vehicle spawn Restriction5cf6e2d15584f6c4d471606d1aa23dcc -1 Johtaja ( Vehicle spawn Restriction54078eab51430a17ecb53f96cc55e4c7 -1 zomg ( Vehicle spawn Restriction359cd864074023b5964be0b0420dc212 -1 kerree ( Vehicle spawn Restrictionde9162d09d4a33f6153e5951cc483bc4 -1 Steve ( Vehicle spawn Restriction685c76cea0d59ceda15414f219de7443 -1 SF]Helicopter ( Vehicle spawn Restrictione99a74b2e3870c2203b4c8d5a155a5aa -1 Jack ( Vehicle spawn Restriction033136e2b815fd1d987cfc3d054dcba6 -1 Tesko ( Vehicle spawn Restriction31d3f24df77af9d35f08206eae1cfe33 -1 Miwam ( Vehicle spawn Restrictiond00809789540ad90e0391074c2e30330 -1 What Blad -15.08.2012 Spawning stuffaffa93e67b305805360547dc2c6f108b -1 Leroy -15.08.2012 Spawning stuff723daf8434ee24336e0439bf3d19f00e -1 Hooah! ( -15.08.2012 Spawning stuff0d3c99a6ea948a674b301d9c58f08783 -1 sturm ( -15.08.2012 Spawning stuffe3fded81a94b09cf1841ad1d49b477f7 -1 Tokecheif ( -15.08.2012 Spawning stuff3dbb4e1878b394d597c463bcf64d393b -1 Clasius ( -15.08.2012 Spawning stuff3ea02d88770332db354b22ff25debb0a -1 Bloodcell ( -15.08.2012 Spawning stuffa4570df731a6684c0491313dc8ce5cfc -1 Shark ( ThunderDUNCE 22.08.2012efd22266d2d6a723b136b1fe4178873a -1 [LoC] BigMatt ( ThunderDUNCE 22.08.2012bb62e72714abab45cae31eed6a2db761 -1 NiGHtMaRe ( Remote Exec 22.08.2012e1364c47e9e049a2e571b2aaa995c72a -1 -PeTer-FiLe- ( ThunderFAIL 20.08.20129098259c1cd10bf35fcb0df82ce45d30 -1 lolwut ( Thunderpants 20.08.20120401d9c0f0cace1f2654492dd86dfab0 -1 Boris ( ThunderCUNT 20.08.2012c6e86660717d9773f23896b6592a642a -1 WacKo ( ThunderCUNT :) 20.08.20123cea0daed7711687d2119c83e5018e19 -1 ???? ( Remote exec 20.08.2012c77e59e39d147bdc56bc366c28a1ef27 -1 Hummingbird ( TeleDERP fail 19.08.2012a4dbfbd17dbd65285afdfceadaece951 -1 HANK HILL ( bInvisibleOn NO7ed0128d472c0ae7afc2b5ade1ec96db -1 BigDo ( ThunderDunce 19.08.2012 YOU WIN!813858e158d897535ebe27627a111a9b -1 SUPERPUPERPRO2001 ( - 19.08.2012 External Scriptsd5451523f60e55bb1e74d35e8dcd1336 -1 soeasy ( - 19.08.2012 External Scriptsb1a8605b8821adbc21de4a16383272c3 -1 Lulz0rz ( - 19.08.2012 External Scripts813858e158d897535ebe27627a111a9b -1 SUPERPUPERPRO2001 ( - 19.08.2012 External Scriptsd5451523f60e55bb1e74d35e8dcd1336 -1 soeasy ( - 19.08.2012 External Scripts94aabe93257849695fd07616391f4967 -1 Stoney ( 17.08.2012 - External Scriptsb317c14c7b02ca1a3fff918d0432f61a -1 BACK TO GET WRECK ( 17.08.2012 - External Sc12ac37c0f1e74f2932e96f5607350a3f -1 ALLAH ALLAH AKBAR ( 17.08.2012 - External S4e1c5edde4dd9fa3a669e395391b3929 -1 CENLTR ( 17.08.2012 - External Scriptscf71dc0f475d7bd1f89e83f00867d764 -1 Coolguyxd ( 17.08.2012 - External Scripts4f6327670c1830d132a21ecadcdccd8c -1 Andrewhatesyou ( 17.08.2012 - External Scrip8567d16c6e6a66624d7662ff5a0fa16b -1 BarbaPaPa ( 18.08.2012 - External Scripts8854c91c2d9835414e08e1073be98145 -1 Luffy ( 18.08.2012 - Thunderdunce R U !!Penguc931f2a7aa99c156dd02334459cb9d47 -1 Dean Winchester ( -17.08.2012 External Scripts3b86546ffa83c8e665174b77f45cdf61 -1 Fangz ( -17.08.2012 External Scripts8587443c7ff563b0fbf6e1cb51bb9001 -1 Jay ( -16.08.2012 External Scripts2c06123a606eec53d776fd3311ef308d -1 Toze137 ( -16.08.2012 External Scripts60e2a76f3394cc1f469dc873f374cfca -1 VairtyLOL ( -16.08.2012 External Scripts35aa79860ffdd071416c1947cc46a795 -1 DeeLaY ( -16.08.2012 External Scripts0377d130b0a070bde0c1011f5da993fc -1 belamor ( -16.08.2012 External Scriptsa23a8bcc2e007df42d558de1063745c7 -1 ngr ( running compiled scriptsee3b9b6270c1d89ac18f4258129a2fee -1 Moose ( running compiled scriptsf7c11ca4ae73ea419e2af4c95f28ea55 -1 Ben ( Running compiled scripts *097821f5b23a76d838d11501ab1fc725 -1 Sunny G ( Running compiled scripts *720869ff7243a56e2ba9140436b76e8a -1 donny ( Running compiled scripts9823bcd17c1fe8d5635ae690032c6efe -1 Maciator ( -15.08.2012 External Scriptse742d32270bfc08cac0632e84a4b73f1 -1 Nova ( -15.08.2012 External Scripts5cfe8eaa0333fe24a8b62a6820249b68 -1 RaGeFTW ( -15.08.2012 External Scriptsc6b30999b34d521dcacf0de749508b92 -1 Alpha ( -15.08.2012 External Scriptsf54f8bc1f982856eae2e96dea8bbc8c4 -1 KingTramp ( -15.08.2012 External Scriptsa3c547ba420f164f8d57bb138d624f66 -1 NiimeeKi ( -15.08.2012 External Scriptsd135debc23cd2d1e907ceaf91d72f9be -1 Emorejets ( -15.08.2012 External Scripts0960ed2056bddbfb48c27aadbe4a3e7a -1 Jauss ( -15.08.2012 External Scripts 681621c76c622339fcb3e539ca8d1617 -1 ?????? ( -15.08.2012 External Scripts1c7695dca04f359b797fed05a53bd0c2 -1 *DS*King_Wars ( -15.08.2012 External Scripts4cf7698420848aa75e0e17f961e248c2 -1 yolo$wag2k12 ( -15.08.2012 External Scripts0cfd68668321893318fe62fabe914c03 -1 FcSy ( -15.08.2012 External Scripts94aabe93257849695fd07616391f4967 -1 Stoney ( Script Restriction #0b317c14c7b02ca1a3fff918d0432f61a -1 BACK TO GET WRECK ( Script Restriction #012ac37c0f1e74f2932e96f5607350a3f -1 ALLAH ALLAH AKBAR ( Script Restriction #024e1c5edde4dd9fa3a669e395391b3929 -1 CENLTR ( Script Restriction #01880bb6b338614e006eb8ada79b93cc1d -1 Imokim BE Bypass8afab1d03eed0186cd5033c56e4f2d46 -1 Deputy ?????? Nig ( BE Bypassbce3df9888e2a75c460a492267447e92 -1 Admiral Costanza ( BE Bypass9c51713e5ec8e6522453cdb06b836118 -1 Will ( Invisible player with AS50 TWSbbd4f3ee3312a1437f1b926bb216a4ab -1 [.::fabled]Pommesfee ( God mode spawning charges04469c7cc4e2dec7fbe2044115558304 -1 unLim ( #29 Restriction6c6a3dd1dcd44e16a88b58b470470292 -1 Megusta ( Lack of brain restriction and #13290b1800f20b621fd32abde352735ba6e -1 Sam ( Breaking Legs6c8e47630b64d37776b108047c262f6e -1 Brian ( Creating Buildings *710bff98bfc4405ebbc203ae1e7a8c4f -1 Getownd ( spawning food and medicals9ccb54562932073fdf8e668569fa636e -1 Sindeer ( Teleport Restriction4dc8bf293eaa482f5a06122ed629093e -1 Worm Man ( Teleport Restriction61590a2a66624a00438c300cd4f41aad -1 Umad ( Teleport Restrictiond3326362bea22a76f2acbc36e7a4c0a2 -1 Gizmo ( Teleport Restrictionf7317e493b39719b0fff64fc36528e4b -1 Muchiefest ( Teleport Restriction93539ff457b7c0ac51cb7f5b23a10027 -1 mason297 ( Teleport Restrictionfd049a5b214052937fde4556fdd21f6e -1 thehellbean ( Teleport Restriction77bff7d13503207f26cfae7caa2364b1 -1 GRIGAWVILI ( #3 Restrictione1f9fb7f6f57996699d0ee444edcd0b6 -1 Sam ( #111 Restrictiond7930061927e7d9bfc12643af392ea1f -1 Markus ( #141 Restriction22ff788623d8c3ad71773ad3ccf83937 -1 Gilly ( -15.08.2012 Restriction #186de075cd5e3a91ce232ac08b1c67d9a91 -1 Stalker ( -15.08.2012 Restriction #1860e76c9d76faba8211a0c9f547334e677 -1 Sateenkaarimörkö ( -15.08.2012 Restriction #186aa65754444a40f7e76d1da147696f2f4 -1 [COT] William ( -15.08.2012 Restriction #1864c2f7fda5c48452f71b3b1801c1d0ca8 -1 Jason ( -15.08.2012 Restriction #1862a17451b52c8261625ffc24c8d0a3589 -1 mehboiz ( -15.08.2012 Restriction #186b8981af65fca0f5fb0ff9f3596ea3c5a -1 Spartulla ( -15.08.2012 Restriction #1861ee010637cfbbc589670b680deafab14 -1 üüüüüüüüüü ( -17.08.2012 Restriction #19491ec2da69d51cd94361a5c2515cb808d -1 Saw ( -15.08.2012 Restriction #194122a866558a740ef5e8514bf0296dcd5 -1 LnX ( -15.08.2012 Restriction #194*********************************** Same person27.08.2012 Edited August 27, 2012 by {SAS}Stalker 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
i_STEVE_i 1 Posted August 7, 2012 Hi there,I'm a semi-regular player on your server and tried logging on today to find myself banned then I find this thread.Rule 13 appears to be "13. You are permitted to kick or ban for ongoing severe hacking that is affecting players in a server-disruptive way."I can assure you guys at UK22 That I have not hacked nor do I have any intention of hacking. Hell, I even lost all my items around 3 times yesterday due to all the hacking that happened. I even tried registering on your forum last night ( At 23:18 exactly.) to try report a guy acting suspiciously ( Spawned in with AS50 + Ghillie + Coyote Pack (the big one), then teleported away after zombies running to him shooting.)Hopefully you guys see this and hopefully we can resolve this.Thanks-Steve Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{sas}stalker 108 Posted August 7, 2012 We will review it, but you were kicked from the server at 06.08.2012 21:05:55 for the following script restriction. We would like you to explain exactly what that is.06.08.2012 21:05:55: i_STEVE_i ( 35efca94ebdc81cd33bb71874f92699b - #60 ene: Skipping scene";BIS_scenesController setFSMVariable ["sceneToStop", BIS_scenesController getFS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
i_STEVE_i 1 Posted August 7, 2012 That might have been when everyone got auto killed then spawned to the beach. I got kicked after dieing on the beach (Along with the rest of the server).As for the skipping screens I have no idea, the launcher I use for DayZ however uses the "NoSplash" command - http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/-nosplash - Thats the only related thing I can think of. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{sas}stalker 108 Posted August 7, 2012 only you were kicked for a #60 restriction at that time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
i_STEVE_i 1 Posted August 7, 2012 (edited) Well I have no idea why... Nor do you I'm assuming?Surely this would fall more in line with Rule 11 in which you are not permitted to ban without SOLID evidence.. Edited August 7, 2012 by i_STEVE_i Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
i_STEVE_i 1 Posted August 7, 2012 SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS:v64_path_a2For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%A In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') Do (set _ARMA2PATH=%%B)IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2PATH (GOTO v32_path_a2) ELSE (GOTO v64_path_a2oa):v32_path_a2For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%C In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') Do (set _ARMA2PATH=%%D)IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2PATH (GOTO uac_PATH_A2) ELSE (GOTO v64_path_a2oa):uac_PATH_A2@FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%I IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2PATH=%%J)IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2PATH (GOTO std_PATH_A2) ELSE (GOTO v64_path_a2oa):std_PATH_A2@FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%K IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2PATH=%%L)IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2PATH (GOTO ENDfailA2) ELSE (GOTO v64_path_a2oa):v64_path_a2oaFor /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%E In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') Do (set _ARMA2OAPATH=%%F)IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2OAPATH (GOTO v32_path_a2oa) ELSE (GOTO RUN):v32_path_a2oaFor /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%G In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') Do set (_ARMA2OAPATH=%%H)IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2OAPATH (GOTO uac_PATH_A2OA) ELSE (GOTO RUN):uac_PATH_A2OA@FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%M IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2OAPATH=%%N)IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2OAPATH (GOTO std_PATH_A2OA) ELSE (GOTO RUN):std_PATH_A2OA@FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%O IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2OAPATH=%%P)IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2OAPATH (GOTO ENDfailA2OA) ELSE (GOTO RUN):runcall "%_ARMA2OAPATH%\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe" "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;expansion;expansion\beta;expansion\beta\expansion;@DayZ;" -nosplash %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9ENDLOCAL:end@exit /B 0:ENDfailA2@exit /B 1:ENDfailA2OA@exit /B 2Thats all that is contained within the launcher I;m using. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
i_STEVE_i 1 Posted August 7, 2012 And this is when it is running. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie Jesus 723 Posted August 7, 2012 Repeal the ban for the simple fact he is not being a d bag about it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{sas}stalker 108 Posted August 7, 2012 (edited) Agreed, Ive removed #60 kicks Edited August 7, 2012 by {SAS}Stalker 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{sas}stalker 108 Posted August 8, 2012 OP updated, revisions highlighted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{sas}stalker 108 Posted August 8, 2012 Sigh, and more... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{sas}stalker 108 Posted August 9, 2012 updated / Highlighted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{sas}stalker 108 Posted August 10, 2012 updated / Highlighted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MinDBlanK 16 Posted August 10, 2012 Thanks, added to mine. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{sas}stalker 108 Posted August 10, 2012 (edited) every now and then you come across something that makes you think "what a fuckwit". Well 10 mins ago was just that time and I wish to share it with you;10.08.2012 15:11:49: Megusta ( 6c6a3dd1dcd44e16a88b58b470470292 - #129 ","SQF"];pic = pic + [""]; hacks = hacks + ["Teleport","wuat\scripts\teleport.sqf","SQF"];pic = p"10.08.2012 15:11:49: Megusta ( 6c6a3dd1dcd44e16a88b58b470470292 - #132 "T5LauncherSingle","AT6Launcher","AT9Launcher","AZP85","BAF_GMG","BAF_L2A1","BAF_L7A2","BAF_L94A1","B"15:11:50 : Player #31 Megusta (6c6a3dd1dcd44e16a88b58b470470292) has been kicked by BattlEye: Script Restriction #132Ive awarded him the converted "Lack of brain restriction and #132" ban reason. Edited August 10, 2012 by {SAS}Stalker 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{sas}stalker 108 Posted August 14, 2012 (edited) Updated. It’s worth noting that Brian was particularly bad changing people to goats and spawning buildings.13.08.2012 20:45:33: Brian ( 6c8e47630b64d37776b108047c262f6e - #0 "if (name player == "REMOVED") then { [dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,"Goat"] spawn player_humanityMorph; };"13.08.2012 21:19:11: Brian ( 6c8e47630b64d37776b108047c262f6e - #0 "Land_HouseB_Tenement" 296:220 [5800,5233,170] Edited August 14, 2012 by {SAS}Stalker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{sas}stalker 108 Posted August 14, 2012 Brian is being a real pain :P bless. Updated Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{sas}stalker 108 Posted August 16, 2012 Rather a large update today Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{sas}stalker 108 Posted August 20, 2012 busy weekend - Updated Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tickle_me_jesus 37 Posted August 21, 2012 Good job. How do you get those teleporters? I'm pretty sure there are guys on my server (NL101) doing it, but I can't find anything in the remoteexec log about it.Using this file http://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/source/browse/filters/remoteexec.txt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{sas}stalker 108 Posted August 23, 2012 They were scripts in the scripts.log that actually had the word "teleport" in them :PReformatted and updated. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tickle_me_jesus 37 Posted August 23, 2012 They were scripts in the scripts.log that actually had the word "teleport" in them :PReformatted and updated.shit...having to go through scripts.log is tedious, mine is 1.3 Gb :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted August 24, 2012 Kudos for actively administering your server. Have some beans, UK 22 is going on my favorites list! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites