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Custom Clothes

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So here is my ideal. One thing that is a issue is players will shoot others players on sight simply because no one is going to take the risk of trusting someone else. I have a ideal of being able to color and change your outfit *you wont start with the changed outfit your need to find a tailor kit in industrial zones* this way i will know who is my buddy or fellow clan mate and who is my enemy. Currently the only way i know of is that all three of my friends wear gillies. But friendly fire still happens. *had to go on a hour long hunt for morphine in friendly fire incident. He lived.*

As always this is opinion and a suggestion so before you rage saying its bad ideal be smart and explain why. Also if you think you can improve upon it tell me.

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Not the priority, since alpha test, but yes, would be nice if the players werent clones of each others.

Maybe clan armbands too?

Edited by Petri

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Or perhaps you should just learn how to communicate with your "team/clan"?

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I agree that this feature isn't important since the mod is in Alpha currently. I imagine something like this will be implemented when there is enough resources to investing time in getting a collection of skins/weapons that don't require [light]expansion packs, heck even something with a code base light enough to run on Arma free without AO.

At this stage in development though the more important thing to wait on is the stability and reliability of the game: zombies actually open doors instead of walking threw them, not being able to hit you threw walls or getting aggroed threw a window and a zombie charging the window instead of finding a door. Groovy stuff like that. You know cleaver but stupid... zombies not the idea =P

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"SUGGESTIONS" learn the word. Its a suggestion. I am not saying "I WANT DIS RIGHT NOW" I am saying "this would be cool for the future"

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Even being able to choose the colour of your cap would be nice.

Nice, but maybe not so usefull, everyone would still choose the cap that blends in enviroment, doubt you would never see anyone wearing bright colors, thus everyone would still look the same, except for ones who end up getting shot because of the color of his hat.

Yes, in stand alone, they should make character customization.

And as for the clan recognition, it would be entirely up for the clans, and individuals, if they want to stand out, if they want to people to see, that if you mess with us, you might end up getting an army after you, not because or fear of friendly fire, theres a lot simpler solution for that.

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Like custom skins ? What if anyone could make their own skins and use them ? It would be in everyone's best interest to make the skins as they see fit, of course no transparent or invisible skin.

More like in the sense that the better you paint your skin with a camo pattern, the better it will be at blending in with your surroundings.

You could make a skin that looks like a car door and blend next to a car all day :D

or maybe a tree skin and blend in front of a tree :D

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This has been brought up many times, but who knows if the old threads are still around. A lot of people would love to have this in DayZ, but we will have to wait if any thing.

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