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How to lose a chopper

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The sad and short-lived story of my first chopper >:(

Back to the armory I go...

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Duuuuuuude :/

Learn to fly the damn thing in singleplayer or something... I would be pissed if it happened to me

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Yeah I fly other sims, even Take on Helicopters (same engine), skills (or lack thereof) just didn't carry over like I thought they would.

Edited by Kraut

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Lol, yeh I never understand why people don't use the tutorials supplied with Arma to learn how to fly properly. They just hop in and fly into the floor and then wonder what went wrong.

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  On 8/7/2012 at 12:00 PM, Kraut said:

Yeah I fly other sims, even Take on Helicopters (same engine), skills just didn't carry over like I thought they would.

Take on Helis is the same engine but a very different game, it's a flight sim. It's way more simplified in Arma but it's still worth doing the Tuts just to learn the basic controls at least. Theres a good heli campaign supplied with OA too.

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  On 8/7/2012 at 12:00 PM, Larkins said:

Note to self. Do not land on trees.

Good to know.

Yeah BI's programmers took the whole "trees vs aircraft" thing a bit more seriously than say, DICE. <_<

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Flying a chopper is all about mastering mouse piloting once you get it in the air.

I can run a UH1H like a Corvette at 250kmh at < 30m like a boss. I don't use my keys at all other than for altitude adjustments and thats only if I need to add a bit more torque to my ascent/descent or I'm simply taking off or landing.

UH1H is a bad ass piece of hardware while you can keep it. Unfortunately I've lost like 4 on our server so far to Script Restriction #55 errors. But its alpha, it'll get sorted out eventually.

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  On 8/7/2012 at 12:05 PM, semipr0 said:

Flying a chopper is all about mastering mouse piloting once you get it in the air.

I can run a UH1H like a Corvette at 250kmh at < 30m like a boss. I don't use my keys at all other than for altitude adjustments and thats only if I need to add a bit more torque to my ascent/descent or I'm simply taking off or landing.

Yeah the most embarrassing part for me is that I was flying with an X52 pro stick and trackIR, I geuss I'm just not quite the pilot I thought I was yet...

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Better luck next time. :)

ArmA's flight model takes a little time to get used to. The most common cause of accidents is overcorrecting due to lag.

IMO best way to land is to lose altitude while maintaining forward speed and making sure you don't break so fast, the helicopter shoots up to an altitude of 200. when you get closer to the ground, you can still bleed off spead, without gaining too much altitude.

Also keep a little forward momentum when you land, a soft landing at 15-25 kmh, you'll slide to a short, soft stop.

If you come to a hover before you land, you often risk a see-saw backand forth or side to side, trying to correct/overcorrect. Engagin auto-hover will both throw any forward motions, into an upwards motion and any corrections, you make, the auto-hover will quickly try to eliminate, making even minor adjustments, potentially dangerous.

Edited by Dallas

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First person is the only way to fly, this is ArmA 3p shouldn't be allowed at all.

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  On 8/7/2012 at 1:58 PM, Kraut said:

First person is the only way to fly, this is ArmA 3p shouldn't be allowed at all.

Oh man, I thought this was DayZ. I'm on the wrong forums... Sorry.

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Not exactly what I mean't, just mean that is is supposed to be realistic, which is why I usually play 3p off servers. More immersive

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Ouch man, ouch. If you haven't, do the singleplayer tutorial, and put a couple of hours into the armoury flying choppers (Especially if you can unlock the UH-1H) because they can be very touchy beasts to fly.

I miss my Chinook, and hope one day they'll add it in the game. She may not be pretty, but I can make her dance.

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