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To Rocket and the team, cheers to a great achievement and things to come.

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I saw your tweet last night and even though it's only a small message:

Thanks! We need to fix the bugs :( I think the best way to put it... I think, perhaps, this is the end of our beginning.

I felt like I could hear you're deep sigh in the tone as you typed it, as the realisation that the concept has legs and now you have to start the enormous journey of turning it into a polished game.

Just wanted to say, despite the issues, a massive thank you for what you guys have achieved with this alpha mod. Not only have you gained a 1 million strong player base, but opened the eyes of developers that there is an opportunity for a game like this.

Despite hacking issues, oddities, glitches and anything else that has been raised and you're trying to resolve (some of which you might be powerless to resolve in a mod environment), nobody would be hounding you on the forums if they didn't think it was worth it. The player base would have disappeared and the mod run dry months ago. The only reason people get angry is that they can't play, and that in a twisted way is a huge compliment because we love what you've done.

If it's of any help, maybe using kickstarter to fund a standalone game (I've seen this done by other devs and indie game studios). I think a lot of the player base would be willing to part with 15-20 pounds if it gives you that investment upfront. http://www.kickstarter.com/

PS: (Even if you have paid for arma 2 to run this mod, and anyone whining about that, do your research, if you knew this was an alpha before you bought it, you'd know there'd be frustration and bugs, be happy that we even get to play it).

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